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Component Index

path     component     description
apps.Blink   Blink   Blink is a basic application that toggles the leds on the mote on every clock interrupt.
    BlinkM   Implementation for Blink application.
    SingleTimer   @author Phil Levis
apps.BlinkTask   BlinkTask   BlinkTask is a basic application that toggles the leds on the mote one every timer firing.
    BlinkTaskM   Implementation for Blink application.
    SingleTimer   @author Phil Levis
apps.Bombilla   AMFilter   This component filters packet receptions based on AM addressing requirements.
    AMPromiscuous   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    AbstractMate   AbstractMate is a test application for Bombilla, the TinyOS communication-centric bytecode interpreter.
    GenericComm   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    GenericCommPromiscuous   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
apps.CntToLeds   CntToLeds   This application is built by wiring the TimerC, IntToLeds and Counter components together.
apps.CntToLedsAndRfm   CntToLedsAndRfm   This application blinks the LEDS as a binary counter and also send a radio packet sending the current value of the counter.
apps.CntToRfm   CntToRfm   This app sends counter values out over the radio.
apps.GenericBase   GenericBase    
apps.HighFrequencySampling   HFS    
    HFSM   Perform sampling in response to outside request
    HFSRead   Report sampling results over UART.
    MicroTimerM   A micro-second interval timer, using clock1 (Don't use at the same time as the radio...), or with LogicalTime
    Sample   Sample samples at microsecond intervals to a LogData/fastAppend interface
apps.Ident   App    
    AppM   @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    IdentC   Broadcast an "identity" message at regular intervals.
apps.MicaHWVerify   MicaHWVerify   @author Su Ping @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    MicaHWVerifyM   @author Jason Hill @author Su Ping
apps.Oscilloscope   Oscilloscope   This configuration describes the Oscilloscope application, a simple TinyOS app that periodically takes sensor readings and sends a group of readings over the UART.
    OscilloscopeM   This module implements the OscilloscopeM component, which periodically takes sensor readings and sends a group of readings over the UART.
apps.OscilloscopeRF   Oscilloscope   This configuration describes the Oscilloscope application, a simple TinyOS app that periodically takes sensor readings and sends a group of readings over the radio.
    OscilloscopeM   This module implements the OscilloscopeM component, which periodically takes sensor readings and sends a group of readings over the UART.
apps.RfmToLeds   RfmToLeds   This application will receive and display the packet sent from the CntToRfmAndLeds Application.
apps.SecureTOSBase   SecureTOSBase   @author Phil Buonadonna @author Chris Karlof
    SecureTOSBaseM   @author Phil Buonadonna @author Chris Karlof
apps.Sense   Sense    
    SenseM   Implementation for Sense application.
apps.SenseLightToLog   SenseLightToLog   The SenseLightToLog app is used in Lesson 8 of the TinyOS tutorial and it implements the Sensing and StdControl interface.
    SenseLightToLogM   Implementation for SenseLightToLog module.
    SimpleCmdM   This is an enhanced version of SimpleCmd that understands the START_SENSING and READ_LOG commands.
apps.SenseTask   SenseTask   Configuration for SenseTask application.
    SenseTaskM   Implementation for SenseTask application.
apps.SenseToLeds   SenseToLeds   When the clock fires, this application reads the light sensor and displays the higher 3 bits of the ADC readings to LEDs.
apps.SenseToRfm   SenseToRfm   When the clock fires, this application reads the light sensor and send the ADC reading in a packet over the radio.
apps.SimpleCmd   SimpleCmd    
    SimpleCmdM   SimpleCmdM is a tiny OS application module.
apps.Surge   Surge    
apps.TASKApp   Field    
    TASKApp   @author Sam Madden @author David Gay
apps.TOSBase   TOSBase   @author Phil Buonadonna
    TOSBaseM   @author Phil Buonadonna
apps.TestEEPROM.Byte   TestByteEEPROM   This program is a simple test of ByteEEPROM, a component which provides a byte-level abstraction to the EEPROM.
    TestByteEEPROMC   This program is a simple test of ByteEEPROM, a component which provides a byte-level abstraction to the EEPROM.
apps.TestEEPROM.ByteSpeed   ETiming    
apps.TestEEPROM.EEPROM   TestEEPROM   This application serves as a test of off-chip EEPROM functionality.
    TestEEPROMM   This application serves as a test of off-chip EEPROM functionality.
apps.TestEEPROM.Page   TestEEPROM    
    TestEEPROMM   This application serves as a test of off-chip EEPROM functionality.
apps.TestEEPROM.PageSpeed   ETiming    
apps.TestMatchbox.Remote   TestRemote    
apps.TestMatchbox.Timing   Timing    
apps.TestSnooze   TestSnooze   TestSnooze is a basic application that illustrates the use of the Snooze component to put the mote into a low power state for a user-defined period.
    TestSnoozeM   Implementation of the TestSnooze application @author Joe Polastre
apps.TestTinyAlloc   TestTinyAlloc  

TestTinyAlloc tests the TinyAlloc dynamic memory allocator.

    TestTinyAllocM   @author Sam Madden @author Phil Levis
apps.TestTinySec   TestTinySec    
    TestTinySecM   Module to test TinySec.
apps.TestTinyViz   TestTinyViz   The TestTinyViz application simply sends random messages to demonstrate the debugging and visualization features of TinyViz.
    TestTinyVizM   The TestTinyViz application simply sends random messages to demonstrate the debugging and visualization features of TinyViz.
apps.TestUart   TestUart    
apps.TinyDBApp   TinyDBApp   @author Sam Madden
apps.TransparentBase   TOSBase   @author Phil Buonadonna
    TOSBaseM   @author Phil Buonadonna
tos.lib.Attributes   Attr   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrAccel   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrAccelM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrGlobal   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrGlobalM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrMic   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrMicM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrPhoto   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrPhotoM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrPot   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrPotM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrTemp   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrTempM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrTime   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrTimeM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrVoltage   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrVoltageM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
tos.lib.Broadcast   Bcast    
tos.lib.Commands   Command   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    CommandAttr   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    CommandAttrM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    CommandLeds   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    CommandLedsM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    CommandPot   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    CommandPotM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    CommandReset   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    CommandResetM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    CommandSounder   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    CommandSounderM   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
tos.lib.Counters   Counter   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    IntToLeds   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    IntToLedsM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis @author Nelson Lee
    IntToRfmM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis @author Nelson Lee
    RfmToIntM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    SenseToInt   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
tos.lib.FS   Blocks    
tos.lib.Queue   QueuedSend   @author Phil Buonadonna
    QueuedSendM   @author Phil Buonadonna @author David Culler @author Matt Welsh
tos.lib.Route   MultiHopEngineM    
    MultiHopRouter   @author Philip Levis
tos.lib.TinyDB   AggOperator   @author Sam Madden @author Design by Sam Madden @author Wei Hong @author and Joe Hellerstein
    AggOperatorConf   This configuration wires AggOperator to individual aggregates
    ExprEvalC   Expression evaluator that allows for more complicated select and aggregate expressions.
    NetworkMultiHopM   @author Wei Hong
    QueryResult   Query result represents the outcome of a query This is not just a tuple since aggregation queries produce mutliple result tuples.
    SelOperator   @author Sam Madden @author Design by Sam Madden @author Wei Hong @author and Joe Hellerstein
    SimpleTimeM   @author Su Ping (
    Tuple   @author Sam Madden @author Design by Sam Madden @author Wei Hong @author and Joe Hellerstein
    TupleRouterM   The TupleRouter is the core of the TinyDB system -- it receives queries from the network, creates local state for them (converts them from Queries to ParsedQueries), and then collects results from local sensors and neighboring nodes and feeds them through local queries.
tos.lib.TinyDB.Aggregates   AggregateUseM   Currently, if you want to add a custom aggregate, you have to edit this file, as well as Author: Eugene Shvets @author Eugene Shvets
    AvgM   Implements AVG aggregate Author: Eugene Shvets @author Eugene Shvets
    CountM   Implements COUNT aggregate Author: Eugene Shvets @author Eugene Shvets
    ExpAvgM   Implements EXPAVG aggregate
    MaxM   Implements MAX aggregate Author: Eugene Shvets @author Eugene Shvets
    MinM   Implements MIN aggregate Author: Eugene Shvets @author Eugene Shvets
    SumM   Implements SUM aggregate Author: Eugene Shvets @author Eugene Shvets
    WinAvgM   Implements WINAVG aggregate Author: Eugene Shvets @author Eugene Shvets
    WinCountM   Implements WINCOUNT aggregate Author: Eugene Shvets @author Eugene Shvets
    WinMaxM   Implements WINMAX aggregate Author: Eugene Shvets @author Eugene Shvets
    WinMinM   Implements WINMIN aggregate Author: Eugene Shvets @author Eugene Shvets
    WinSumM   Implements WINSUM aggregate Author: Eugene Shvets @author Eugene Shvets
tos.lib.TinySec   AMStandardTinySec   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis @author Chris Karlof
    CBCMAC   @author Naveen Sastry
    CBCModeM   Implements CBC Mode using Cipher Text Stealing (CBC-CTS) as described in Schneir's Applied Cryptography (195-6) and RFC-2040.
    SecureGenericComm   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis @author Chris Karlof
    Security   @author Chris Karlof
    SecurityM   @author Chris Karlof
    SkipJackM   From the NIST description of SkipJack.
    TinySecC   @author Naveen Sastry
    TinySecM   @author Chris Karlof
tos.lib.Util   DebugC    
    TinyAlloc   @author Sam Madden @author Phil Levis
    UartDebuggerM Module to drive a Scott Edwards Electronics LCD display -- see for documentation on commands, etc.
tos.lib.VM.components   BBuffer   @author Philip Levis
    BBufferProxy   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    BContextSynch   @author Philip Levis
    BContextSynchProxy   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    BErrorProxy   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    BInstruction   @author Philip Levis
    BLocksProxy   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    BLocksSafe   @author Philip Levis
    BQueue   @author Philip Levis
    BQueueProxy   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    BStacks   @author Philip Levis
    BStacksProxy   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    BVirus   @author Philip Levis
    BVirusProxy   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    BombillaEngine   @author Neil Patel
    BombillaEngineM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
tos.lib.VM.contexts   ClockContext   @author Neil Patel
    ClockContextM   @author Neil Patel
    OnceContext   @author Neil Patel
    OnceContextM   @author Neil Patel
    RecvContext   @author Neil Patel
    RecvContextM   @author Neil Patel
tos.lib.VM.opcodes   OPadd   @author Neil Patel
    OPaddM   @author Philip Levis
    OPand   @author Neil Patel
    OPandM   @author Philip Levis
    OPbclear   @author Neil Patel
    OPbclearM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPbfull   @author Neil Patel
    OPbfullM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPbget   @author Neil Patel
    OPbgetM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPbhead   @author Neil Patel
    OPbheadM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPbpush1   @author Neil Patel
    OPbpush1M   @author Philip Levis
    OPbsize   @author Neil Patel
    OPbsizeM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPbsorta   @author Neil Patel
    OPbsortaM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPbsortd   @author Neil Patel
    OPbsortdM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPbtail   @author Neil Patel
    OPbtailM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPbyank   @author Neil Patel
    OPbyankM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPcall2   @author Neil Patel
    OPcall2M   @author Philip Levis
    OPcast   @author Neil Patel
    OPcastM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPcfalse   @author Philip Levis
    OPcopy   @author Neil Patel
    OPcopyM   @author Philip Levis
    OPcpull   @author Neil Patel
    OPcpullM   @author Philip Levis
    OPcpush   @author Neil Patel
    OPcpushM   @author Philip Levis
    OPctrue   @author Philip Levis
    OPdepth   @author Philip Levis
    OPdepthM   @author Philip Levis
    OPeq   @author Neil Patel
    OPeqM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPeqtype   @author Neil Patel
    OPeqtypeM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPerr   @author Neil Patel
    OPerrM   @author Philip Levis
    OPgetmb   @author Neil Patel
    OPgetmbM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPgetms   @author Neil Patel
    OPgetmsM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPgetsetvar4   @author Neil Patel
    OPgetsetvar4M   @author Philip Levis
    OPgt   @author Neil Patel
    OPgtM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPgte   @author Neil Patel
    OPgteM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPhalt   @author Neil Patel
    OPhaltM   @author Philip Levis
    OPid   @author Neil Patel
    OPidM   @author Philip Levis
    OPinv   @author Neil Patel
    OPinvM   @author Philip Levis
    OPjumpc5   @author Neil Patel
    OPjumpc5M   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPjumps5   @author Neil Patel
    OPjumps5M   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPland   @author Neil Patel
    OPlandM   @author Philip Levis
    OPlnot   @author Neil Patel
    OPlnotM   @author Philip Levis
    OPlor   @author Neil Patel
    OPlorM   @author Philip Levis
    OPlt   @author Neil Patel
    OPltM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPlte   @author Neil Patel
    OPlteM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPmod   @author Neil Patel
    OPmodM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPnot   @author Neil Patel
    OPnotM   @author Philip Levis
    OPor   @author Neil Patel
    OPorM   @author Philip Levis
    OPpop   @author Neil Patel
    OPpopM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPpunlock   @author Neil Patel
    OPpunlockM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPpunlockb   @author Neil Patel
    OPpunlockbM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPpushc6   @author Neil Patel
    OPpushc6M   @author Philip Levis
    OPputled   @author Neil Patel
    OPputledM   @author Philip Levis
    OPrand   @author Neil Patel
    OPrandM   @author Philip Levis
    OPret   @author Neil Patel
    OPretM   @author Philip Levis
    OPsend   @author Neil Patel
    OPsendM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPsendr   @author Neil Patel
    OPsendrM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPsense   @author Neil Patel
    OPsenseM   @author Philip Levis
    OPsetmb   @author Neil Patel
    OPsetmbM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPsetms   @author Neil Patel
    OPsetmsM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPshiftl   @author Neil Patel
    OPshiftlM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPshiftr   @author Neil Patel
    OPshiftrM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPswap   @author Neil Patel
    OPswapM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPuart   @author Neil Patel
    OPuartM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPunlock   @author Neil Patel
    OPunlockM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
    OPunlockb   @author Neil Patel
    OPunlockbM   @author Philip Levis @author Neil Patel
tos.platform.avrmote   HPLADCC   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    HPLInit   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    HPLPotC   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    HPLUARTC   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    HPLUARTM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    InjectMsg   @author David Gay
tos.platform.mica   ByteEEPROM   Provide access to, and sharing of, the mote flash chip.
    EEPROM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    HPLClock   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    HPLFlash   Low level hardware access to the onboard EEPROM (well, Flash actually) @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    HPLFlashM   Low level hardware access to the onboard EEPROM (well, Flash actually) @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    HPLPowerManagementM   @author Robert Szewczyk
    HPLSlavePinC   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    I2CC   @author Joe Polastre @author Rob Szewczyk
    I2CM   @author Joe Polastre @author Rob Szewczyk
    PageEEPROMC   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    PageEEPROMShare   Provide simple multi-client access to a PageEEPROM interface (just request-response matching)
    RangeC   @author David Gay @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    RangeM   @author David Gay @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    SerialId   Revision: $Id:,v 2003/08/18 22:09:49 cssharp Exp $ Read the mica's hardware id from the DS2401.
    SlavePinC   Provide shared control of SlavePin (radio, flash) in a semaphore-like fashion.
    SlavePinM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    SnoozeC   Implementation of the Snooze component for the Mica platform.
    eepromM   @author Rob Szewczyk @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
tos.sensorboards.basicsb   Photo   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    PhotoM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
tos.sensorboards.micasb   Accel    
    AccelM   @author Alec Woo @author Su Ping
    I2CPotC   @author Alec Woo
    I2CPotM   @author Alec Woo
    MicC   @author Alec Woo @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    MicM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    Photo   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    PhotoTemp   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    PhotoTempM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    SounderM   @author Alec Woo @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    Temp   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
tos.system   ADCC   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    ADCM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis @author Phil Buonadonna
    AMPromiscuous   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    AMStandard   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    BufferedLog   This components supports high frequency logging.
    ClockC   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    CrcFilter   This component filters packet receptions that do not pass a CRC check.
    FramerAckM   @author Phil Buonadonna
    FramerM   @author Phil Buonadonna
    GenericComm   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    GenericCommPromiscuous   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    LedsC   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    Logger   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    LoggerM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    LogicalTime   @author Su Ping (
    Main   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    NoCRCPacket   @author Jason Hill @author Alec Woo @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    NoLeds   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    PacketSink   @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    PotC   @author Vladimir Bychkovskiy @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    PotM   @author Vladimir Bychkovskiy @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    RandomLFSR   @author Alec Woo @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    RealMain   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    SimpleTime   @author Su Ping (
    SimpleTimeM   @author Su Ping (
    TimeUtilC   @author Su Ping (
    TimerC   @author Su Ping @author (converted to nesC by Sam Madden) @author David Gay @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab @author Phil Levis
    TimerM   @author Su Ping
    UART   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    UARTComm   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    UARTFramedPacket   @author Phil Buonadonna
    UARTM   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    UARTNoCRCPacket   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    VoltageM   @author Wei Hong

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