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Component: TableM

Required Interfaces

Provided Interfaces


Function Index

Function Descriptions


command result_t Table.addNamedField (ParsedQuery *pq, uint8_t idx, char *name, uint8_t type)

Add the specified named field (with the specified type) to the auxiliary table info stored in the query. Idx is the index of the field in the table. If a field with this index already exists it will be overwritten. If index is greater than pq->numField, will return FAIL. If an allocation is already pending, will return FAIL. Split phase operation, with completion signalled via addNamedFieldDone() event Name and pq must not be allocated on caller's stack


command result_t Table.getNamedField (ParsedQuery *pq, char *field, uint8_t *fieldId)

Return the field index which corresponds to ths specified named field. If no such field exists, return FAIL.


command result_t Table.getFieldName (ParsedQuery *pq, uint8_t idx, char **name)

Given an index into the fields array, return the name which corresponds to the specified field. If no such field exists, return FAIL.