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Interface Index

path     interface     description
apps.HighFrequencySampling   MicroTimer   This interface provides a generic timer that can be used to generate events at regular intervals.
    Sampling   A sampling interface.
apps.Ident   Ident   Interface to the identity broadcast component (IdentC).
apps.SenseLightToLog   ProcessCmd   This interface is provided by components that can handle a command message arriving as a TOS_MsgPtr.
    Sensing   Defines an interface for a component that senses data at a certain interval and scale.
apps.SimpleCmd   ProcessCmd   This interface process a command and is capable of the hnadling of command led_on, led_off, radio_louder and radio_quieter
tos.interfaces   ADC   Analog to Digital Converter Interface.
    ADCControl   Controls various aspects of the ADC.
    AbsoluteTimer   The AbsoluteTimer interface.
    AllocationReq   This interface is used as a two-phase allocation protocol for ByteEEPROM.
    AttrRegister   Interface for registering attributes.
    AttrRegisterConst   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    AttrUse   Interface for using Attributes.
    BlockCipher   @author Naveen Sastry
    BlockCipherMode   Presents an encryption mode interface on type of the BlockCipher interface.
    ByteComm   A byte-level communication interface.
    Clock   The hardware clock interface.
    CommControl   This interface defines commands for controlling aspects of the communication layer.
    CommandRegister   The interface for registering commands.
    CommandUse   Interface for using Commands.
    EEPROMRead   Read interface for the non-volatile storage EEPROM
    EEPROMWrite   Write interface for the non-volatile EEPROM

Write lines to the EEPROM.

    FastSPI   An SPI byte-level interface.
    HPLADC   Interface to the hardware ADC.
    HPLPot   Interface to a variable potentiometer.
    HPLUART   The byte-level interface to the UART, which can send and receive simultaneously.
    HardwareId   Interface to read hardware identification number
    I2C   Byte and Command interface for using the I2C hardware bus
    IntOutput   Interface to an abstract ouput mechanism for integers.
    Intercept   @author Philip Levis
    Leds   Abstraction of the LEDs.
    LogData   This interface is used to provide efficient, byte level logging to a region of memory/flash/etc (the actual region is specified through some other mechanism, e.g., in ByteEEPROM by providing a parameterised LogData interface).
    LoggerRead   Interface to read a line at a time from the EEPROM, maintaining an internal "current line" pointer.
    LoggerWrite   Implements a circular log interface.
    MAC   Interface to compute a message authentication code.
    MemAlloc   Interface for dynamic memory allocators.
    Mic   @author Alec Woo
    MicInterrupt   @author Alec Woo
    MultiHopMonitor   @author Wei Hong
    Pot   The Pot interface allows users to adjust the potentiometer on the input to the RFM radio which controls the RF transmit power or connectivity range.
    PowerManagement   Adjust the power state of a component.
    RadioCoordinator   Low-level events in the radio stack for adding new functionality.
    Random   This is the interface to a simple pseudorandom number generator.
    Range   @author David Gay @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    ReadData   General interface to read n bytes of data from a particular offset.
    Receive   @author Philip Levis
    ReceiveMsg   TinyOS AM packet reception interface.
    Reset   @author Wei Hong @author Intel Research Berkeley Lab
    RouteControl   Control/Monitor interface to a routing component @author Phil Buonadonna
    RouteSelect   Interface to a route selection component in the TinyOS ad-hoc system architecture.
    Send   @author Philip Levis
    SendMsg   Basic interface for sending AM messages.
    SendVarLenPacket   Interface for sending arbitrary streams of bytes.
    ServiceScheduler   Interface to the scheduler module
    StdControl   The TinyOS standard control interface.
    Time   The Time interface.
    TimeSet   The TimeSet interface.
    TimeUtil   The TimeUtil interface provides utility commands for handling logical time or other 64 bits intergers in Mica platform.
    Timer   This interface provides a generic timer that can be used to generate events at regular intervals.
    TinySec   @author Chris Karlof
    TinySecControl   @author Chris Karlof
    TokenReceiveMsg   Receive messages with an identifying token that can be used for acknowledgement.
    WriteData   General interface to write n bytes of data to a particular offset.
tos.lib.FS   FileDelete   Delete a file
    FileDir   List files in filing system
    FileRead   File reading interface, supports sequential reads.
    FileRename   Rename a file
    FileWrite   File reading interface, supports appending writes.
tos.lib.Queue   QueueControl   @author Phil Buonadonna
tos.lib.TinyDB   CatalogTable   The CatalogTable interface is used to provide information about fields in the special system catalog tables (e.g.
    DBBuffer   The DBBuffer interface provides a place for queries to output their results to or fetch results from.
    ExprEval   @author Kyle Stanek
    Network   The network interface provides TinyDB to trap and monitor network communication -- TupleRouter could simply be wired directly to the appropriate AM send / handlers, but the network monitors topology and filters events in a semi-intelligent way.
    Operator   Operators apply filters and transformations to data tuples and neighbor results.
    ParsedQueryIntf   The ParsedQueryIntf is used for interacting with ParsedQueries (e.g.
    QueryIntf   Interface for interacting with unparsed Queries, which represent queries arriving over the network that have not yet had ascii field names translated into schema indices.
    QueryProcessor   A QueryProcessor runs queries -- this interface is very simple since our only query processor (TupleRouterM) generates and processes queries all by itself (it doesn't currently provide a non-am based interface for receiving queries from neighbors.)

See uses portion of the Network interface in TupleRouterM to understand how queries are submitted to a query processor.

    QueryResultIntf   QueryResults are collections tuples or partially aggregated results, either produced locally or received over the network.
    RadioQueue   A RadioQueue sends packets out over the radio.
    Table   The Table interface keeps track of schemas with named fields.
    TupleIntf   TupleIntf allows interactions with Tuples, which are base data fetched from the Attr interface and stored in a packed array of fixed width fields.
tos.lib.TinyDB.Aggregates   Aggregate   Author: Eugene Shvets This interface allows users to create custom aggregates.
    AggregateUse   Author: Eugene Shvets Intention is to make addition of user-defined aggregates easy.
tos.lib.Util   Debug    
tos.lib.VM.interfaces   BombillaAnalysis   Interface to Bombilla synchronization analysis operations.
    BombillaBuffer   Interface for accessing/modifying Bombilla data buffers.
    BombillaBytecode   Interface for determining Bombilla instruction class.
    BombillaContextComm   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis @author Chris Karlof
    BombillaContextSynch   Interface to Bombilla sychronization operations.
    BombillaError   Interface for specifying error conditions in Bombilla execution.
    BombillaInstruction   Interface for determining Bombilla instruction class.
    BombillaLocks   Interface for Bombilla lock accessors and mutators.
    BombillaQueue   Interface for operating on Bombilla context queues.
    BombillaStacks   Interface that specifies the operations on operand and return stacks in Bombilla.
    BombillaTypes   Interface for checking Bombilla types.
    BombillaVirus   Interface for Bombilla capsule propagation mechanism.
tos.platform.mica   ChannelMon    
    HPLSlavePin   @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    SlavePin   Semaphore-like interface for controlling a hardware pin (shared between the radio and flash) @author Jason Hill @author David Gay @author Philip Levis
    Snooze   Snooze interface for putting a mote to sleep for a given period of time.

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