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Interface: CommandUse

Interface for using Commands. Commands provide a generic mechanism for registering and executing named commands via AM messages or a local interface.

See lib/Commands/... for examples of components that register commands.

See interfaces/Command.h for the data structures used in this interface

Implemented by lib/

Author: Wei Hong (

Components providing this interface:

Components requiring this interface:



Commands - Details


CommandDescPtr getCommand(char *name)

Get a descriptor for the specified command


name - The (8 byte or shorted, null-terminated) name for the command of interest.

Returns: A pointer to the command descriptior, or NULL if no such command exists.


CommandDescPtr getCommandById(uint8_t idx)

Get a descriptor for a specified command id


idx - The (0-based) index of the command of interest

Returns: A pointer to the command descriptor, or NULL if no such command exists.


result_t invoke(char *commandName, char *resultBuf, SchemaErrorNo *errorNo, ParamVals *params)

Invoke the specified command by name, with the specified parameters. Write the results into the specified buffer.


commandName - The command to invoke.

resultBuf - The buffer to write results into (must be at least sizeOf(CommandDesc.retType) bytes long)

errorNo - (on return) The result code (may signal a split-phase invocation, for which a commandDone event will be fired later) See SchemaType.h for a list of possible result codes

params - The parameters to this funtion.


result_t invokeMsg(TOS_MsgPtr msg, char *resultBuf, SchemaErrorNo *errorNo)

Given a msg represent a command invocation, invoke the appropriate command, writing results to resultBuf. See invoke(...) above


msg - The command message. The format of this message is a packed array representing the name of the command, followed by a packed list of parameters. See java/net/tinyos/tinydb/ for an example of a Java program that invokes a command.

resultBuf - The result buffer to write results into

errorNo - (on return)The result code


result_t invokeBuffer(char *buffer, char *resultBuf, SchemaErrorNo *errorNo)

Given a buffer represent a command invocation (in the format used inside command messages), invoke the appropriate command, writing results to resultBuf. See invoke(...) above


buffer - The command description. The format of this buffer is a packed array representing the name of the command, followed by a packed list of parameters. See java/net/tinyos/tinydb/ for an example of a Java program that fills this buffer. This buffer must remain valid for the duration of command execution.

resultBuf - The result buffer to write results into

errorNo - (on return)The result code

Events - Details


result_t commandDone(char *commandName, char *resultBuf, SchemaErrorNo errorNo)

Signalled when a command invocation is complete


commandName - The command that was completed

resultBuf - The buffer where the results were written

errorNo - The return code from the invocation.