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Interface: BlockCipherMode

Presents an encryption mode interface on type of the BlockCipher interface. Typical modes include CBC, OFB, BC. In general, this interface should be used for encryption over the BlockCipher interface since encrypting the same data (using different IV's) using any of the above modes will produce different ciphertexts.
Author: Naveen Sastry

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Commands - Details


result_t init(CipherModeContext *context, uint8_t keySize, uint8_t *key)

Initialize the BlockCipherMode. It uses the underlying BlockCipher's preferred block cipher mode, and passes the key and keySize parameters to the underlying BlockCipher.


context - structure to hold the opaque data from this initialization call. It should be passed to future invocations of this module which use this particular key. It also contains the opaque context for the underlying BlockCipher as well.

keySize - key size in bytes

key - pointer to the key

Returns: Whether initialization was successful. The command may be unsuccessful if the key size is not valid for the given cipher implementation. It can also fail if the preferred block size of the cipher does not agree with the preferred size of the mode.


result_t encrypt(CipherModeContext *context, uint8_t *plainText, uint8_t *cipherText, uint16_t numBytes, uint8_t *IV)

Encrypts numBytes of plainText data using the key from the init phase. There must be at least blockSize bytes. Some encryption modes require that the plainText size be a multiple of blockSize; using these modes with a plainText array which is not a blockSize will result in a failure return code. The IV is a pointer to the initialization vector (of size equal to the blockSize) which is used to initialize the encryption.


context - holds the module specific opaque data related to the key (perhaps key expansions) and other internal state

plainText - an array of at least blockSize bytes.

cipherText - an array of equal size to the plainText which will hold the results of the encryption; may be the plainText array.

numBytes - number of data bytes to encrypt.

IV - an array of the initialization vector. It should be of blockSize bytes

Returns: Whether the encryption was successful. Possible failure reasons include not calling init() or an incorrectly sized plain-text array.


result_t decrypt(CipherModeContext *context, uint8_t *cipherBlock, uint8_t *plainBlock, uint16_t numBytes, uint8_t *IV)

Decrypts numBytes of plainText data using the key from the init phase. There must be at least blockSize bytes. Some encryption modes require that the plainText size be a multiple of blockSize; using these modes with a plainText array which is not a blockSize will result in a failure return code. The IV is a pointer to the initialization vector (of size equal to the blockSize) which is used to initialize the encryption.


context - holds the module specific opaque data related to the key (perhaps key expansions) and other internal state.

cipherText - an array of at lest blockSize bytes which contains encrypted data using the key from the init phase.

plainText - an array of equal size to the cipherText which will hold the results of the decryption. may be the cipherText array.

numBytes - number of data bytes to decrypt.

IV - an array of the initialization vector. It should be of blockSize bytes

Returns: Whether the decryption was successful. Possible failure reasons include not calling init() or an incorrectly sized cipher-text array.


result_t initIncrementalDecrypt(CipherModeContext *context, uint8_t *IV, uint16_t length)

Initializes the mode for an incremental decryption operation. This step is necessary for incremental decryption where the incoming data stream is processed a byte at a time and cipher operations are done as soon as possible. This is meant to allow for better overlapping of decryption with a slower process that receives the encrypted stream (say via the network ). This call may induce a block cipher call.


context - holds the module specific opaque data related to the key (perhaps key expansions) and other internal state.

IV - The initialization vector that was used to encrypt this particular data stream. This array must have a length equal to one block size.

The - exact length of the data stream in bytes; this must be at least the underlying block cipher size.

Returns: Whether the initialization was successful. Possible failure reasons include not calling init() or an underlying failure in the block cipher.


result_t incrementalDecrypt(CipherModeContext *context, uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *plaintext, uint16_t length, uint16_t *done)

Performs an incremental decryption operation. It executes roughly one block cipher call for every block's worth of ciphertext provided, placing the result into the plaintext buffer. The done out parameter gives an indication of the amount of data that has been successfully been decrypted.


context - holds the module specific opaque data related to the key (perhaps key expansions) and other internal state.

ciphertext - Pointer to the start of the next ciphertext buffer.

plaintext - Pointer to the start of the buffer which is large enough to hold the entire ciphertext. This buffer must be passed in every time to the incrementalDecrypt function. After this call, done bytes of the plaintext buffer will be available for consumption.

length - The number of bytes that is being provided in the ciphertext

done - A pointer to an int which will be filled in after the call completes with the number of bytes of plaintext which is available.

Returns: Whether the call was successful or not. Possible failure reasons include not calling init(), an underlying failure in the block cipher, or providing more ciphertext than is expected.