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Interface: TupleIntf

TupleIntf allows interactions with Tuples, which are base data fetched from the Attr interface and stored in a packed array of fixed width fields.

Note that Tuple's should not be confused with QueryResults (or QueryResultTuples) which represent more complicated, arbitrary sized data structures consisting of an arbitrary number of records. Tuples are used internally to collect data about sensors -- QueryResults are sent to neighboring motes and stored in result buffers for external processing.

Components providing this interface:

Components requiring this interface:


Commands - Details


result_t setField(ParsedQueryPtr q, TuplePtr t, uint8_t fieldIdx, CharPtr data)

Set the speccified field in the specified tuple corresponding to the specified query to the specified data.


q - The query that t belongs to

t - The tuple whose field should be set

fieldIdx - The field to set in t

data - The data to write to t (fieldSize(...) bytes will be copied

Returns: FAIL if the field is out of range or NULL, or SUCCESS otherwise


result_t setFieldNoQuery(TuplePtr t, uint8_t fieldIdx, uint8_t numFields, uint8_t sizes[], uint8_t types[], CharPtr data)

Set the specified field in the specified tuple, using the provided size and type arrays to determine where to write the data.


fieldIdx - The index of the field to set

t - The tuple whose field is to be set

numFields - The number of fields in the tuple

sizes - The size of each field (in bytes); must be at least numFields long

types - The types of each field (From SchemaType.h); must be at least numFields long

data - The data to write into the field

Returns: FAIL if the field is out or range or NULL, SUCCESS otherwise.


CharPtr getFieldPtrNoQuery(TuplePtr t, uint8_t fieldIdx, uint8_t numFields, uint8_t sizes[], uint8_t types[])

Return a pointer into the field data for the specified field, using the provided arrays of sizes and types to compute the appropriate offset.


t - The tuple to get the field from

fieldIdx - The index of the field to retrieve

numFields - The total number of fields in the tuple

sizes - The sizes (in bytes) of the fields in the tuple; this array must be at least numFields entries

The - typs (from SchemaType.h) of the fields in the tuple; this array must be at least numFields entries

Returns: A pointer to the requested field, or NULL if no such field exists (note that writing to this pointer will overwrite tuple data!)


AttrDescPtr getNextQueryField(ParsedQueryPtr q, TuplePtr t)

Returns: An attribute descriptor for the next unset field in the specified tuple, or NULL if all fields are set.