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Component: QueryResult

Query result represents the outcome of a query This is not just a tuple since aggregation queries produce mutliple result tuples. This module defines routines to marshall / unmarshall query results from tuples and into and out of byte arrays.
Author: Sam Madden
  Sam Madden
  Design by Sam Madden
  Wei Hong
  and Joe Hellerstein

Required Interfaces

Provided Interfaces

Function Index

Function Descriptions


command TinyDBError QueryResultIntf.toTuplePtr (QueryResultPtr qr, ParsedQueryPtr q, TupleHandle t)

Return a tuple from a query result. Note that the resulting tuple may be a pointer into the query result data structure


command TinyDBError QueryResultIntf.toBytes (QueryResultPtr qr, ParsedQueryPtr pq, CharPtr bytes)

Write the query result into the specified byte array. The number of bytes written is guarantted not to exceed QUERY_RESULT_SIZE(qr,q)