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Component: SkipJackM

From the NIST description of SkipJack.

Provided Interfaces


Function Index

Function Descriptions


command result_t BlockCipher.init (CipherContext *context, uint8_t blockSize, uint8_t keySize, uint8_t *key)

Initialize the BlockCipher context.


context - structure to hold the opaque data from this initialization call. It should be passed to future invocations of this module which use this particular key.

blockSize - size of the block in bytes. Some cipher implementation may support multiple block sizes, in which case any valid size is valid.

keySize - key size in bytes

key - pointer to the key

Returns: Whether initialization was successful. The command may be unsuccessful if the key size or blockSize are not valid for the given cipher implementation.


async command result_t BlockCipher.encrypt (CipherContext *context, uint8_t *plainBlock, uint8_t *cipherBlock)

Encrypts a single block (of blockSize) using the key in the keySize.


context - holds the module specific opaque data related to the key (perhaps key expansions).

plainBlock - a plaintext block of blockSize

cipherBlock - the resulting ciphertext block of blockSize

Returns: Whether the encryption was successful. Possible failure reasons include not calling init().


async command result_t BlockCipher.decrypt (CipherContext *context, uint8_t *cipherBlock, uint8_t *plainBlock)

Decrypts a single block (of blockSize) using the key in the keySize. Not all ciphers will implement this function (since providing encryption is a useful primitive).


context - holds the module specific opaque data related to the key (perhaps key expansions).

cipherBlock - a ciphertext block of blockSize

plainBlock - the resulting plaintext block of blockSize

Returns: Whether the decryption was successful. Possible failure reasons include not calling init() or an unimplimented decrypt function.


result_t setupKey(CipherContext *context, uint8_t *key, uint8_t keysize)

Performs the key expansion on the real secret.


secret - key


async command uint8_t BlockCipherInfo.getPreferredBlockSize (void)

Returns the preferred block size that this cipher operates with. It is always safe to call this function before the init() call has been made.
Returns: the preferred block size for this cipher. In the case where the cipher operates with multiple block sizes, this will pick one particular size (deterministically).