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Component: TestTinyAlloc

TestTinyAlloc tests the TinyAlloc dynamic memory allocator. It allocates three chunks of memory, frees one of them, reallocates (resizes) another, then compacts the allocated chunks, checking that data hasn't been corrupted.

The red LED toggling denotes a clock heartbeat, from which all of the operations occur. The green LED togging denotes correct operation; if running properly, the red and green leds should toggle together. The yellow LED denotes an error occuring.

Correct operation should have the green and red leds toggle five times together, after which the red continues to toggle but the green stops. The final state of the mote should be with the green LED on and the red LED blinking at 1Hz.


Author: Sam Madden
  ported to nesC by Phil Levis

Component Graph   (text version,   help)

Main TimerC StdControl StdControl StdControl TestTinyAllocM StdControl StdControl StdControl Timer Timer Timer TinyAlloc MemAlloc MemAlloc MemAlloc LedsC Leds Leds Leds Leds Leds Leds