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Component: SenseLightToLogM

Implementation for SenseLightToLog module. When a command to start sensing is received, it periodically samples the light sensor for N samples and stores them in the EEPROM. Once N samples have been collected, the timer is turned off and a send done event is posted.

Required Interfaces

Provided Interfaces


Function Index

Function Descriptions


command result_t StdControl.init (void)

Initialize the application.
Returns: Initialization status.


command result_t StdControl.start (void)

Start the application.
Returns: Start status.


command result_t StdControl.stop (void)

Stop the application.
Returns: Stop status.


command result_t Sensing.start (int samples, int interval_ms)

This command belongs to the Sensing interface. It starts the timer to generate periodic events.
Returns: Always returns SUCCESS


event result_t Timer.fired (void)

Event handler to the Timer.fired event.
Returns: Always returns SUCCESS


event result_t Sensing.done (void)

Default event handler to the Sensing.done event.
Returns: Always returns SUCCESS


async event result_t ADC.dataReady (uint16_t this_data)

Event handler to the ADC.dataReady event. Store the reading in the buffer, when the buffer fills up, write it out to the logger, and switch to another circular buffer.
Returns: Always returns SUCCESS


event result_t LoggerWrite.writeDone (result_t status)

Event handler for the LoggerWrite.writeDone event. Toggle the yellow LED if status is true.
Returns: Always returns SUCCESS


event result_t CmdExecute.done (TOS_MsgPtr pmsg, result_t status)

Event handler to the CmdExecute.done event. Do nothing.
Returns: Always returns SUCCESS