CS526 S2005 Homeworks

Homework#1: Configure Apache as web server, cache server, ReverseProxy, and use httperf to measure web server performance due 2/1/2005 Solution

Homework #2. Web Hosting using Name-based and IP-based Virtual Hosting, and MS VPC 2004 and User Mode Linux (UML) Virtual Machines due 2/17/2005

Homework #3. Secure Web Access with Client Certificate and Restrict Directory Access Using Basic Authentication due 3/3/2005.

Homework #4. Compile UML Linux and Configure a Linux Virtual Server Cluster due 4/7/2005 Solution

Homework #5. Wireless Sensor Network Programming part 1 due 4/22/2005; part2 due 5/5/2005.

Homework #1. Configure Apache as web server, cache server, ReverseProxy and use httperf to measure web server performance


Assignment Date: 1/25/2005
Due Day: 2/1/2005

Part 1. Create a personal web page with your email, recent photo (close-up similar to passport photo, so that we can recognize your face) and your research interests in advanced Internet and web systems. Put your recent photo in ~<login>/public_html/images/<login>.[jpg|gif|png]. Email me the url of the web page by 1/29/2005.

Part 2. Exercise 1. Configure apache to run as a web server

Unfortunately, the cache module was removed from the apache 1.3 in apache 2.0. I just recompiled apache 1.3.28. To simplify the task, instead of using the tempate file in ~cs526/public_html/apache we will use ~cs526/public_html/apache1.3

Exercise 2. Setup Cache Server
Exercise 3. Setup ReverseProxy Server/Cluster.

Exercise 4. Evaluate Web Server Performance using httperf.

  1. ~cs526/bin/httperf --hog --server=blanca.uccs.edu --port=8<last three digit of your SID> --uri /eng/eng.html --num-conns=10 --num-calls=10 > blanca.txt
  2. ~cs526/bin/httperf --hog --server=crestone.uccs.edu --port=8<last three digit of your SID> --uri /eng/eng.html --num-conns=10 --num-calls=10 > crestone.txt
  3. ~cs526/bin/httperf --hog --server=blanca.uccs.edu --num-conns=10 --num-calls=10 > blanca2.txt
  4. ~cs526/bin/httperf --hog --server=athena.uccs.edu --num-conns=10 --num-calls=10 > athena.txt
  5. ~cs526/bin/httperf --hog --server=s50.csnet.uccs.edu --num-conns=10 --num-calls=10 > s50.txt

Exercise 4b: Evaluate Web Server Performance using WebBench (optional)

Create a homework web page hw1.html with the above answers
