Homework #4. Compile UML Linux and Configure a Linux Virtual Server Cluster


Assignment Date: 4/1/2005
Due Day: 4/7/2005


We are creating a VS-NAT cluster with the following network topology, hostnames, and IP addresse assignment to the network interface:

Note that client, rs1, rs2, and rs3 will be created with User Mode Linux virtual machines. Since we use tuntap for emualting the network interface of the virtual machine, we will need two additional IP addresses for the two tuntap device of each virutal machine. For example, rs1 is configured with eth0=tuntap,,, and eth1=tuntap,,, The host fc3c will also serve as virtual server or LVS load balancer. Note that you will be asked to answer the following five questions. Therefore read them before you proceed with the exercises.

Answers of the following five questions:


Exercise 1. Configure, Patch, and Compile the User Mode Linux. (about 20-30 minutes)

Exercise 2. Create Copy-On-Write File Systems and Virtual machines. (about 20 minutes)

Exercise 3. Configure LVS-NAT Cluster (5 minutes)