Homework #3. Secure Web Access with Client Certificate and Restrict Directory Access Using Basic Authentication.


Assignment Date: 2/24/2005
Due Day: 3/3/2005
References: http://cs.uccs.edu/~cs526/accessControl/;

To spread the load, if the last digit of your ss# is 0,1,2,3, use blanca or shavano; 4,5,6 use crestone and shavano; 7,8.9 use redcloud and wetterhorn.

Exercise 1.

Exercise 2

Exercise 3.

Exercise 4. Repeat the steps in CA certificate signing and client/sever certificate request generation and signing. Generate snapshots of server certificated and client certificate-based access as shown in the secure web access web page. Save the snapshots in CS Unix server and email me just their urls.

Email me the answers to those question in Exercise 3, the urls to the .htaccess files and access logs of ws4 and wsGroup web site, and the urls to the certificate snapshots.

Indicate which machines you run your exercises.