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Homework #2. Configure Apache as web server, cache server, and use ab to measure web server performance


Assignment Date: 1/30/2012
Due Day: 2/8/2012
Related documents:



Part 1. Configure apache to run as a web server

Part1. Exercise1: Configure a simple apache server (ws1)

Part1. Exercise2: Setup web server 2 on walrus

Part1. Exercise3: Setup web server 3 on wins.csnet.

Part 2. Setup Cache Server on walrus

Exercise 4. Evaluate Web Server Performance using ab.

  1. ab -c 20 -n 5000 http://viva.uccs.edu:8345/ > vivaRn.txt
  2. ab -c 20 -n 5000 http://walrus.uccs.edu:8345/ > walrusRn.txt
  3. ab -c 20 -n 5000 http://wins.csnet.uccs.edu:8345/ > winsRn.txt
  4. ab -c 20 -n 5000 http://willow.uccs.edu/> willowRn.txt
  5. ab -c 20 -n 5000 http://walrus.uccs.edu/ > walrusFullRn.txt

Create a homework web page hw2.html in your cs526 personal web page directory
