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CS526 S2012 Midterm Review

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CS526 S2012 midterm https://athena.uccs.edu/secure/cs526/CS526S2012midterm.html will be on-line examine. Currently it is a test web page for tesing the secure access. Make sure you get a "submit successful" response from the cgi script on athena. The "Test" label will be removed when real examine is uploaded. You need a client certificate to acccess it. Same as the one I signed for hw3. Import your .p12 file to a browser to setup the access. The web page will be turned on 3/14, 5:50pm. Make sure it does not have (Test) in the title. Hold down shift key and hit reload to avoid the old test cached copy. Open book, Open note. You have until 11:59pm Wednesday to submit.
Use your UFP login as username and the your student ID without dash as password to login and submit your answer. Make a hard copy for your own record.

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