Homework #3
Buffer Overflow Attacks and Their Defenses


Assignment Date: 10/11/2010

Due Date: 11/1/2010 (modified)


Part 1: Understanding "Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit" by Elias Levy

Part 2: Analyze and Defense Against Buffer Overflow Attacks.

Email me the above answers and session data you capture as your homework deliverable. You can also save the answer as a web page (hw2.html) or word document (hw2.doc) in your cs591 directory on walrus.uccs.edu and email me just the url.

Hint: Please read the smashingHWHint.doc for detailed steps in using gdb to understand the smashing stack problems. http://cs.uccs.edu/~cs591/bufferOverflow/smashingHWHint.doc

Gnu Debugger (GDB) Quick Reference: http://cs.uccs.edu/~cs591/bufferOverflow/gdb.pdf

Note that internal rh72 and fc4 virtual machines were created for you on eas blade server running ESX vSphere.