Interface ReqRespListener

public interface ReqRespListener

A marker interface for components that are intended to be consumers of request-response messages. In the request-response style of messaging, sending a request and receiving the response are both done in a single operation. This means that the client sending the request cannot do anything else until after it has received the response.

From the standpoint of the sender, a message is sent via the SOAPConnection method call in a point-to-point fashion. The method call blocks, waiting until it gets a response message that it can return. The sender may be a standalone client, or it may be deployed in a container.

The receiver, typically a service operating in a servlet, implements the ReqRespListener method onMessage to specify how to respond to the requests it receives.

It is possible that a standalone client might use the method call to send a message that does not require a response. For such cases, the receiver must implement the method onMessage such that it returns a message whose only purpose is to unblock the call method.

See Also:
JAXMServlet, OnewayListener,, java.lang.Object)

Method Summary
 SOAPMessage onMessage(SOAPMessage message)
          Passes the given SOAPMessage object to this ReqRespListener object and returns the response.

Method Detail


public SOAPMessage onMessage(SOAPMessage message)
Passes the given SOAPMessage object to this ReqRespListener object and returns the response. This method is invoked behind the scenes, typically by the container (servlet or EJB container) after the messaging provider delivers the message to the container. It is expected that EJB Containers will deliver JAXM messages to EJB components using message driven Beans that implement the javax.xml.messaging.ReqRespListener interface.
message - the SOAPMessage object to be passed to this ReqRespListener object
the response. If this is null, then the original message is treated as a "oneway" message.