Interface Result

public interface Result

This interface represents the result of a <sql:query> action. It provides access to the following information in the query result:

Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] getColumnNames()
          Returns an array of column names.
 int getRowCount()
          Returns the number of rows in the cached ResultSet
 java.util.SortedMap[] getRows()
          Returns an array of SortedMap objects.
 java.lang.Object[][] getRowsByIndex()
          Returns an array of Objects[].
 boolean isLimitedByMaxRows()
          Returns true of the query was limited by a maximum row setting

Method Detail


public java.util.SortedMap[] getRows()
Returns an array of SortedMap objects. Column name is used as the key for the column value. SortedMap must use the CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER Comparator so that the key is the case insensitive representation of the column name.
the result rows as an array of SortedMap objects


public java.lang.Object[][] getRowsByIndex()
Returns an array of Objects[]. The first index designates the Row, the second the Column. The array stores the value at the specified row and column.
the result rows as an array of Object[] objects


public java.lang.String[] getColumnNames()
Returns an array of column names.
the column names as an array of String objects


public int getRowCount()
Returns the number of rows in the cached ResultSet
the number of rows in the result


public boolean isLimitedByMaxRows()
Returns true of the query was limited by a maximum row setting
true if the query was limited by a maximum row setting