CS522 F2004 Homework#3:
Understanding Routing using UML-based Virtual Network and
Protocol Design/Verification


Assignment Date: 9/20/2004
Due Day: 9/29/2004

Part 1. End System and Router Configuration on a Simple UML-based Virtual Network

Exercise 1. Start up UML-bases Virtual Machines on a MS Virtual PC (VPC) 2004-based Fedora Core Virtual Machine

Exercise 2. Using route command to configure routing tables for allowing packets from lamb to be routed by b2b to bilbo.

Part 2.
Exercise 1. Reachability Analysis

Note you can use a tool called setool to verify your reachability analysis result. The web page for using setool is at http://cs.uccs.edu/~cs522/hw/hwF2004/setool.htm

Exercise 2. Understand the protocol behavior of Alternating Bit Protocol.

Create your solution as hw3.html

Email me the url of the hw3.html to chow@cs.uccs.edu