Wearable Computing Lab


Virtual Reality to Go, Wearable Computing is defined as next generation computing which is expected to seamlessly blend computing embodied within the human-body.  New miniaturized devices are appearing in fashion shows and movies, leading to new awareness of computing which can extend the boundaries of human-computer interaction.  Miniaturized head-mounted displays and eye-glasses, watches, jackets, and PDAs are some examples of such technology combining VR with VLSI technology.  MIT Media Lab and University of Washington, Seattle’s wearable computing labs are some leading laboratories extending the frontiers of this important field.


A Wearable Computing Laboratory at UCCS has been formed teaming Computer Science Professor Semwal, and ECE Department Professor Dandapani.   Dr. Semwal brings his expertise in the area virtual reality and graphics to the lab. Dr. Dandapani provides expertise in the area of VLSI technology and is also the Chair of the ECE Department.  Dave Lohman will be the system administrator for this laboratory.  At this time, this lab would be situated within the senior science project laboratory of the ECE Department.  Equipments available are: Magnetic Trackers through an Intel Grant to Semwal; an SGI donated by Miagration Associate Corporation through Dr. Ziemer, Director of Research Development Center will also be housed within this laboratory.  Other equipments are expected in the future.


If you have any questions, please contact Professor Semwal at semwal@cs.uccs.edu or Prfessor Dandapani at rdan@eas.uccs.edu.