by David B. Wilkinson
June 27, 2003

See below for Secured DNS update:

1. Target gets DDoS attack, notifing Coordinator for secured DNS update
2. Coordinator talk to TargetDNS, update its DNS records with Proxy IP addresses as ALT type.
3. Coordinator talk to ClientDNS, ask it to fetch updated DNS records regarding Target from TargetDNS.
4. If the TargetDNS are not affected by DDoS attack, Client DNS can tak to TargetDNS through normal internet route and and fetch the updated DNS records. Otherwise ClientDNS needs to setup indirect route to TargetDNS through Proxy and Gateway to avoid the impact of DDoS attack.
5. If the Client access the Target by hostname, the name resolve library with query the ClientDNS and get updated DNS records. Later on, client will use the proxy IP and setup indirect route to Target.

1) All the communication above are SSL encrypted and mutually authenticated.
2) Only Proxy and ClientDNS are exposed to Client. In this way, the malicious clients will not be able to find Coordinator and Gateway, and launch DDoS attack against them.


The following is a short tutorial for using the nsreroute command, an add-on to the popular BIND9 v.9.2.2 DNS software written and maintained by the Internet Software Consortium.

The purpose of nsreroute is to help the victim of a DDOS (distributed denial of service) attack keep network services available to legitimate clients during the attack. At the onset of a DDOS flood, the victim host (or a computer on another network that can act on behalf of the victim) executes nsreroute, which parses the contents of a file that contains the following elements:

reroute [legitimate client's SOA hostname] [victim hostname] [victim IP address] [proxy server IP address] [proxy server IP address] ...

nsreroute first sends a query to the Internet requesting the IP address of the server of authority (SOA) for a legitimate client. After receiving the reply, nsreroute constructs a DNS message that includes the following threetuple: {victim hostname, victim IP address, (list of proxy server IP addresses)}. (Currently the maximum number of proxy server IP adddresses that can be contained in the message is 10.) The reroute message is sent to the SOA of the legitimate client, which authenticates the identity of the sender. Upon successful authentication, the server writes a new zone file to disk that contains the new mappings for victim hostname, IP address, and proxy server IP address. The proxy server IP addresses will be designated by the new type, "ALT", instead of the "A" type for regular IP addresses. The server also appends a new zone statement to its named configuration file for the new zone file. Finally the server rereads the named configuration file and reloads all zone files into memory. It will then be ready to retrieve all resource records (i.e. hostname/IP address mappings, including those of type "ALT") to a querying client.

The nsreroute command enables friendly clients to get hostname/IP address records of a DDOS victim from their own DNS servers instead of from the SOA of the victim. The presence of the "ALT" type IP addresses in the query reply means that the victim is being attacked and that the client should send the message intended for the victim to the IP address of one of the listed proxy server addresses. The proxy server will forward the message to the victim at a new, secret IP address. This strategy allows previously known legitimate clients to maintain contact with the victim while the victim is under attack.


dr_doug.familypetclinic.com is being flooded with hundreds of thousands of packets, including echo replies, UDP datagrams, and TCP connection requests. Fortunately, Dr. Doug was ready for such an attack, because Dr. Doug himself is a computer enthusiast and enjoys hacking into unprotected networks in his spare time. But that is beside the point. Immediately Dr. Doug's network intrusion detection system issues an alert, and Dr. Doug's server sends a distress signal to a machine on another network. This friendly machine automatically launches the following command:

nsreroute -v client_file

where client_file contains the line:

reroute spike.niceolddog.com dr_doug.familypetclinic.com

In this case, Dr. Doug had only one line in the client_file, because he had only one preferred client name in his database. If his website had more customers, this file could contain thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of lines starting with "reroute", depending on how many client hostnames had legitimately accessed his web server. Evidently Dr. Doug doesn't do too much business online.

This command sends Dr. Doug's hostname, his IP address (first in the list), and list of proxy server addresses to spike.niceolddog.com. After both client and server verify each other's identity, the server processes the reroute message, writing a new zone file to the directory where it stores zone files (usually /var/named). This zone file will look like:

$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA spike.niceolddog.com. root.niceolddog.com. (
                                                     1 ; Serial
                                                    3h ; Refresh after 3 hours
                                                    1h ; Retry after 1 hour
                                                    1w ; Expire after 1 week
                                                    1h ; Negative caching TTL of 1 hour
                                                    IN NS spike.niceolddog.com.

dr_doug.familypetclinic.com. 86400 IN A

dr_doug.familypetclinic.com. 86400 IN ALT
                                            86400 IN ALT
                                            86400 IN ALT
                                            86400 IN ALT

This zone file is called "db.familypetclinic.com". As is evident, the IP address of dr_doug.familypetclinic.com is and is designated as type A. The other IP addresses are all proxy servers and are designated as type ALT.

Also, in the server's configuration file (located at /etc/named.conf), a new zone statement has been appended:

zone "familypetclinic.com" IN {
            type master;
            File "db.familypetclinic.com";

The BIND9 named software immediately reloads all zone files into memory, so queries from clients in the zone covered by spike.niceolddog.com for dr_doug.familypetclinic.com will get all IP addresses from the zone file shown above, including both type A and type ALT.