Time-Aware Test Suite Prioritization

Kristen R. Walcott, Mary Lou Soffa, Gregory M. Kapfhammer, and Robert S. Roos. Time-Aware Test Suite Prioritization. In the Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, Portland, Maine, June 2006.


Regression test prioritization is often performed in a time constrained execution environment in which testing only occurs for a fixed time period. For example, many organizations rely upon nightly building and regression testing of their applications every time source code changes are committed to a version control repository. This paper presents a regression test prioritization technique that uses a genetic algorithm to reorder test suites in light of testing time constraints. Experiment results indicate that our prioritization approach frequently yields higher average percentage of faults detected (APFD) values, for two case study applications, when basic block level coverage is used instead of method level coverage. The experiments also reveal fundamental trade-offs in the performance of time-aware prioritization. This paper shows that our prioritization technique is appropriate for many regression testing environments and explains how the baseline approach can be extended to operate in additional time constrained testing circumstances.

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Related Presentations:

Kristen R. Walcott, Gregory M. Mapfhammer, and Mary Lou Soffa. Time-Aware Test Suite Prioritization. Presented at the International Symposium for Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), Portland, Maine, July 2006.

Mary Lou Soffa, Kristen Walcott, and Gregory M. Kapfhammer. Exploring Time-Aware Test Suite Prioritization. Presented at Microsoft Research in China, June 2006.

Related Posters:

Kristen R. Walcott. Time-Aware Test Suite Prioritization. Presented at the University of Virginia Computer Science Day Celebration, Feb 2006.
