#! /bin/sh # $OpenLDAP: pkg/ldap/tests/scripts/test000-rootdse,v 2002/09/24 00:05:01 kurt Exp $ SRCDIR="." if test $# -ge 1 ; then SRCDIR=$1; shift fi BACKEND=bdb if test $# -ge 1 ; then BACKEND=$1; shift fi MONITORDB=no if test $# -ge 1 ; then MONITORDB=$1; shift fi WAIT=0 if test $# -ge 1 ; then WAIT=1; shift fi echo "running defines.sh" . $SRCDIR/scripts/defines.sh echo "Datadir is $DATADIR" echo "Cleaning up in $DBDIR..." rm -f $DBDIR/[!C]* echo "Starting slapd on TCP/IP port $PORT..." . $CONFFILTER $BACKEND $MONITORDB < $SCHEMACONF > $DBCONF $SLAPD -f $DBCONF -h $MASTERURI -d $LVL $TIMING > $MASTERLOG 2>&1 & PID=$! if test $WAIT != 0 ; then echo PID $PID read foo fi echo "Using ldapsearch to retrieve the root DSE..." for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do $LDAPSEARCH -b "" -s base -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT '+extensibleObject' > $SEARCHOUT 2>&1 RC=$? if test $RC = 0 ; then break fi echo "Waiting 5 seconds for slapd to start..." sleep 5 done if test $RC = 0 -a $MONITORDB = yes ; then echo "Using ldapsearch to retrieve the cn=Monitor..." $LDAPSEARCH -b "cn=Monitor" -s base -h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT '+extensibleObject' >> $SEARCHOUT 2>&1 RC=$? fi kill -HUP $PID cat $SEARCHOUT if test $RC != 0 ; then echo ">>>>> Test failed" else if grep "TLS:" $SEARCHOUT; then RC=-1 else echo ">>>>> Test succeeded" fi fi exit $RC