CS591 Computer and Network Security


Research Project


Do you know where your internet packets are really coming from?


Team Members:

     Paul Box

      Beatrice Wilds

      William Lefever



      The idea behind our project is to determine a Man-in-the-Middle Attack over a wireless WPA secured network. A Man-in-the-Middle attack is one where a system is used to intercept the network traffic of another machine and then pass it to the place it would like to go. This way the traffic can be stored and monitored. The replies can also be modified as needed with Trojan code or well anything else you would like. To do this, we will set up a 802.11g router with WPA encrypted protocol and have one computer running Windows XP to generate traffic. Another Unix machine will then be used to sniff the wireless key and perform the Man-in-the-Middle attack.



      Bea's Blog

      Will’s Rant on Man in the Middle attacks

      FBI Demo


      MAC Spoofing


      WPA Passphrase Weakness

      WEP Privacy