Investigation into the use of gets() in buffer overflow attacks


During a home work assignment, we discovered that gets() cannot be exploited in a manner similar to using strcpy(). At first glance, it would appear that both C utilities should be equally vulnerable to a buffer overflow attack via stdin, since both use a buffer to store input and both accept input from stdin,. However, we determined that gets() does not respond to malformed input from stdin, but can be exploited if a file holding malformed input is redirected to gets().

This project has three goals:

  • determine the specifics of why this is,
  • attempt to either find a method to exploit gets() in the same manner as strcpy(), or show why such an method isn't possible
  • explore similar exploits

Our plan is to review in detail exactly how both gets() and strcpy work when part of a buffer overflow attack (using the gbd utility), attempt to craft a buffer overflow attack using gets() that works in a manner similar to buffer overfflow attacks that use strcpy(), and report on the results.
  1. Smashing The Stack for Fun and Profit
  2. gets() man page
  3. strcpy() man page
Link to the actual paper:

As the project progresses, a link will be placed to it here.

Author: Frank Gearhart

Presented as partial fulfillment of the course requirements for Fall 2005 CS591; University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado