[root@wind ~]# xe vm-install template="CentOS 5 (32-bit)" new-name-label="centos5vm" sr-uuid=f227b092-3810-97ba-f074-4e9a46d82c7a
[root@wind ~]# xe network-list bridge=xenbr0 --minimal09c70b3b-686c-f8a4-a37c-f907d4d0efa7
[root@wind ~]# xe vif-create vm-uuid=532c8710-fea3-38d8-b8b3-d7c555c99dc2 network-uuid=09c70b3b-686c-f8a4-a37c-f907d4d0efa7 mac=random device=0
[root@wind ~]# xe vm-param-set uuid=532c8710-fea3-38d8-b8b3-d7c555c99dc2 other-config:install-repository=http://mirror.uccs.edu/centos/5/os/i386
[root@wind ~]# xe vm-start uuid=532c8710-fea3-38d8-b8b3-d7c555c99dc2

[root@wind ~]# ssh -l root centos5.csnet.uccs.edu
The authenticity of host 'centos5.csnet.uccs.edu (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 0c:a9:67:9d:c7:af:99:4b:f9:bd:7a:33:43:78:71:b2.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'centos5.csnet.uccs.edu,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@centos5.csnet.uccs.edu's password:
Last login: Thu Dec 29 00:41:25 2011
[root@centos5 ~]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
5935604 2850436 2778788 51% /
/dev/xvda1 101086 13745 82122 15% /boot
tmpfs 524380 0 524380 0% /dev/shm

XCP Expiry bug:


Redhat 6.2 installation problem

Certain firewall configurations or instances where the target system is configured to obtain a dynamic

IP address may cause trouble with the direct VNC mode in anaconda. In addition, if you lack a console

on the target system to see the message that tells you the IP address to connect to, then you will not

be able to continue the installation.

The VNC connect mode changes how VNC is started. Rather than anaconda starting up and waiting

for you to connect, the VNC connect mode allows anaconda to automatically connect to your view. You

won't need to know the IP address of the target system in this case.

To activate the VNC connect mode, pass the vncconnect boot parameter:

boot: linux vncconnect=HOST

Replace HOST with your VNC viewer's IP address or DNS host name. Before starting the installation

process on the target system, start up your VNC viewer and have it wait for an incoming connection.

Start the installation and when your VNC viewer displays the graphical installer, you are ready to go.

31.3. Installation Using VNC

Now that you have installed a VNC viewer application and selected a VNC mode for use in anaconda

Windows VM Installation