package com.mysql.jdbc; import; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * The Debug class allows debug messages on a per-class * basis. * *

* The user issues a trace() call, listing the classes * they wish to debug. */ public class Debug { private static Hashtable _Classes = new Hashtable(); private static Object _Mutex = new Object(); private static boolean _watch_all = false; /** * Set the classes to trace. * * @param ClassList the list of classes to trace, separated by colons * or the keyword "ALL" to trace * all classes that use the Debug class. */ public static void trace(String ClassList) { StringTokenizer ST = new StringTokenizer(ClassList, ":"); synchronized (_Mutex) { _watch_all = false; if (ClassList.equals("ALL")) { _watch_all = true; } else { _Classes = new Hashtable(); while (ST.hasMoreTokens()) { String ClassName = ST.nextToken(); if (!_Classes.contains(ClassName)) { _Classes.put(ClassName, ClassName); } } } } } /** * Trace a method call. * *

* If the user has registered in interest in the Class of Source, then * the Source class can trace method calls through this method. * * @param Source the Object issuing the methodCall() method * @param Method the name of the Method * @param Args a list of arguments */ public static void methodCall(Object Source, String Method, Object[] Args) { synchronized (_Mutex) { if (_watch_all || _Classes.contains(Source.getClass().getName())) { // Print the message StringBuffer Mesg = new StringBuffer("\nTRACE: "); Mesg.append(Source.toString()); Mesg.append("."); Mesg.append(Method); Mesg.append("( "); // Print the argument list for (int i = 0; i < Args.length - 1; i++) { if (Args[i] == null) { Mesg.append("null"); } else { if (Args[i] instanceof String) { Mesg.append("\""); } Mesg.append(Args[i].toString()); if (Args[i] instanceof String) { Mesg.append("\""); } } Mesg.append(", "); } if (Args.length > 0) { if (Args[Args.length - 1] instanceof String) { Mesg.append("\""); } Mesg.append(Args[Args.length - 1]); if (Args[Args.length - 1] instanceof String) { Mesg.append("\""); } } Mesg.append(" )\n"); if (DriverManager.getLogStream() == null) { System.out.println(Mesg.toString()); } else { DriverManager.println(Mesg.toString()); } } } } /** * Trace a method call. * *

* If the user has registered in interest in the Class of Source, then * the Source class can trace return calls through this method. * * @param Source the Object issuing the returnValue() method * @param Method the name of the method * @param Value the return value */ public static void returnValue(Object Source, String Method, Object Value) { synchronized (_Mutex) { if (_watch_all || _Classes.contains(Source.getClass().getName())) { // Print the message StringBuffer Mesg = new StringBuffer("\nTRACE: "); Mesg.append(Source.toString()); Mesg.append("."); Mesg.append(Method); Mesg.append(": Returning -> "); if (Value == null) { Mesg.append("null"); } else { Mesg.append(Value.toString()); } Mesg.append("\n"); if (DriverManager.getLogStream() == null) { System.out.println(Mesg.toString()); } else { DriverManager.println(Mesg.toString()); } } } } /** * Log a message. * *

* If the user has registered in interest in the Class of Source, then * the Source class can trace return calls through this method. * * @param Source the Object issuing the msg() method * @param Method the name of the method * @param Value the return value */ public static void msg(Object Source, String Message) { synchronized (_Mutex) { if (_watch_all || _Classes.contains(Source.getClass().getName())) { // Print the message StringBuffer Mesg = new StringBuffer("\nTRACE: "); Mesg.append(Source.toString()); Mesg.append(": "); Mesg.append(Message); Mesg.append("\n"); if (DriverManager.getLogStream() == null) { System.out.println(Mesg.toString()); } else { DriverManager.println(Mesg.toString()); } } } } }