PeaceKeeper: Author/Contact: (Peter Volgyesi, ISIS, Vanderbilt) DESCRIPTION: The PeaceKeeper component helps detecting RAM corruption caused by the stack growing large and overwriting component variables. The PieceKeeper component fills the space between the last component memory frame and the stack frame with a special pattern. This patter can later be checked if it has been overwritten. Through the PeaceKeeper interface one can check the remaining stack space and the maximum stack pace used ever. Also, the PeaceKeeper continuously monitors the remaining space and if it detects corruption halts the whole mote. In this emergency situation the mote will blink its LEDs according to the following pattern: - The red LED is always blinked once per second. - The green LED is blinked if the remaining stack goes below 64 bytes (this is the DMZ zone) - The yellow LED is blinked if stack space (the DMZ zone) is corrupted by components and not by the stack.