$Id: HOWTO.windows,v 1.1 2003/06/26 17:39:45 idgay Exp $ MINI-HOWTO to build and use uisp under cygwin/w32. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- 2002-06-23 Marc Wetzel * First release. Cygwin part. 2002-06-24 Theodore A. Roth * Minor formatting changes. Cygwin: ------- Short version: -------------- Get uisp-source. ./bootstrap (Only needed if you get source from CVS) ./configure make make install Long version: -------------- Install cygwin as explained by redhat Be sure to also install the development tools: GNU-C and GNU-CPP, and don't forget to install 'make', too :) Create a directory e.g. "/home/username/uisp-cvs". Get the latest cvs source/ or snapshot out of savannah.gnu.org into this directory. CVS: cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anoncvs@subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/uisp login cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anoncvs@subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/uisp co uisp Create the configure script by calling `./bootstrap`. Now we call `./configure` to create the necessary makefiles depending on your system. Your are ready to type `make && make install` to build UISP. This build will link uisp with the cygwin dll's to provide the unix subsystem (posix layer) on a plain windows box. See the cygwin site to get a deeper knowledge of it. But you can use this uisp/w32 by just copying the necessary dll's out of your cygwin directory into the windows\system or system32 directory. Necessary are the following 3 dlls: 13.12.2001 11:33 22.016 cygintl-1.dll 22.11.2001 00:16 41.105 cygpcre.dll 25.02.2002 18:16 769.352 cygwin1.dll Installing the printer-port driver: ----------------------------------- Under Windows NT or Windows 2000 you need to install a special driver to get access to system resources like the printer port. A ready to use lpt-driver for uisp is for example giveio. One place where GIVEIO is found is e.g. here: . Unzip the downloaded file to a location of your choice: e.g. "c:\Program Files\Giveio". Copy the unzipped giveio.sys to your "winnt\system32\drivers" directory. Now run the program loaddrv.exe to install the driver, you'll have to change the "Full pathname of driver" to the location you copied the giveio.sys to: e.g. "C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\GIVEIO.SYS". Now press install, then start. You should see the status change to "Operation was successful" - Now the driver is installed. You should now extend your preferred compiler-startup-batch e.g. `run.cmd` with the line `net start giveio` as this driver is not installed automatically. Or run the loaddrv.exe (with changing to the right path) and press the start-button. You could extend your makefiles with the following two lines to have a new rule `make install` to flash the built .rom file into your avr. My programming-interface is a stk200 compatible one, and I like the hashes to see that uisp is still working... ISP = C:/PATH-TO-UISP/uisp.exe install: $(TARG) $(ISP) -v=3 -dprog=stk200 --hash=1024 --erase --upload if=$(TARG).hex MinGW: To be continued... Any comments and/or corrections go to Marc Wetzel: