- The handling of fuse and lock bits needs some serious work. As it stands it does not work with Hi-V parallel programming (on stk500). I've started working on this, but it was way too intusive a change to do just before a release. [TRoth/2003-05-27] - improve pavr support (many thanks to Jason Kyle for sending me one of these nice programmers, see http://www.avr1.org/pavr/pavr.html): - add option to force device type for chips with broken signature bytes - use consistent -dpart=... device names - more firmware improvements, speed optimizations (send OK response and receive the next command while executing the previous one, use data polling if supported by device, etc.) - support for parallel port JTAG programming of ATmega8/16/323/128 - AT89S52 support (similar commands as AVR, but RESET active high) - option to generate XTAL1 clock for target device while programming, as in FBPRG / AVREAL / modified ByteBlaster / STK200 (LED output) - how to talk to these new USB programmers Kanda is advertising now? - better documentation - clean rewrite in C ;) (for parallel port interfaces only, maybe port the program already available at http://www.bsdhome.com/avrprog/ from FreeBSD to Linux and extend it to support all these different cables? [This program is now called avrdude and has been ported to linux and cygwin.]) or at least, some better way to add all these parallel interfaces invented by various people, with different pin assignments. See also "cisp" by Marko Makela available from http://www.funet.fi/pub/cbm/crossplatform/transfer/C2N232/firmware/ cisp-1.0.tar.gz - ATDH1150VPC cable support - cleaner way to describe all these different cables - free/open firmware for the STK500 (which is based on AT90S8535, and schematics are available on avrfreaks), implementing the same and/or our own different protocol - uisp-compatible (avr910/pavr mode) boot loader for recent ATmega chips, share common parts of the code (comm protocol) with pavr.c ? add multi-word read/write/verify commands (faster) mostly done, needs to be merged - see http://tlw.com/bryce/robot/avr/ - pavr firmware for ATmega8: new hardware design, more features possible than with the original 2313, board with TQFP32 part should still fit in that nice small DB9-DB9 housing, and it would be nice to be able to flash the firmware through the same serial port, using a boot loader and uisp of course :)