#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $Id: toscheck,v 1.4 2004/08/20 18:33:32 kristinwright Exp $ # sub which { my ($cmd, $found, $warning); $cmd = $_[0]; $pw = $_[1]; # do we print a warning or not? open WHICH, "which $cmd 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork which $cmd"; while () { if (/which: no $cmd/ || /^no $cmd/ || /^$cmd: Command not found/) { if ($pw) { $warning = "--> WARNING: No $cmd in current path.\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= "$warning"; $errors = 1; } $found = 0; } else { print "\t$_"; $found = 1; } } close WHICH; return $found; } sub is_windows() { return 1 if (grep { /cygwin/i } `uname`); return 0; } sub chk_uisp() { my $found; my $versionok = 0; print "uisp:\n"; $found = which("uisp", 1); if ($found) { open UISP, "uisp --version 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork uisp --version"; while () { if (/version/) { print "\t$_"; $versionok = 1 if /20030820tinyos/; } } close UISP; if (!$versionok) { $warning = "--> WARNING: The uisp version found by toscheck is not '20030820tinyos'. " . "Please update your uisp version. The source for uisp version 20030820tinyos " . "can be found in the TinyOS 1.1.0 distribution.\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } } else { $warning = "--> WARNING: toscheck couldn't find the uisp program. Uisp is used to " . "program the motes. Please install uisp version 20030820tinyos which can be found " . " in the TinyOS 1.1.0 distribution.\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } print "\n"; } sub chk_cygwin() { my $system; return if !is_windows(); print "Cygwin:\n"; open CYGCHECK, "cygcheck -s 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork cygcheck -s"; while () { print "\t$_";; } print "\n"; } # # Look for the phrase 'version 1.4' in the first line # sub chk_java() { my $found; my $versionok = 0; print "java:\n"; $found = which("java", 1); if ($found) { open JAVA, "java -version 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork java -version"; while () { if ($_ =~ /version \"1\.4/) { print "\t$_"; $versionok = 1; } } close JAVA; if (!$versionok) { $warning = "--> WARNING: The JAVA version found first by toscheck may not be version 1.4 " . "which is required by TOS. Please " . "ensure that the located Java version is 1.4\n"; if (is_windows()) { $warning .= "Depending on your PATH environment variable, there is often a 1.2 " . " version of java.exe in c:\\windows\\system32 that is " . "\"seen\" first. Check that this is version 1.4 or reconfigure your PATH " . "environment variable if this is the case.\n"; } print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } } else { $errors = 1; } print "\n"; }; sub chk_perl() { my $found; print "perl:\n"; $found = which("perl", 1); if ($found) { print "\tVersion: "; open PERL, "perl --version 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork perl --version"; while () { print $1 if /(v[\d|\.]+.*$)/; } close PERL; } else { $errors = 1; } print "\n\n"; }; sub chk_lex { my $found; print "flex:\n"; which("flex", 1); print "\n"; } sub chk_yacc { my $found; print "bison:\n"; which("bison", 1); print "\n"; } sub chk_nesc { my $found; print "nesc:\n"; $found = which("ncc", 1); if ($found) { print "\tVersion: "; open NESC, "ncc --version 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork ncc --version"; while () { if (/ncc:/) { print $_; $versionok = 1 if /1\.1/; } elsif (/Unknown target mica/) { $warning = "--> WARNING: ncc (nesc) was found, but the version could " . "not be verified. Verify that the ncc version that you have is 1.1 " . "by running ncc --version. If you get an error regarding platforms, " . "please see the TinyOS FAQ for help: www.tinyos.net/faq.html\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } } close NESC; if (!$versionok) { $warning = "--> WARNING: The ncc found by toscheck is not version 1.1. " . "Please update your nesc version to 1.1 tinyos.\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } } else { my $warning = "--> WARNING: ncc not found. Please install nesc 1.1.\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } print "\n\n"; } sub chk_avrgcc { my $found; print "avr-gcc:\n"; $found = which("avr-gcc", 1); if ($found) { print "\tVersion: "; open AVRGCC, "avr-gcc --version 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork avr-gcc --version"; while () { if (/avr-gcc/) { print "$_"; $versionok = 1 if /3\.3-tinyos/; } } close AVRGCC; if (!$versionok) { $warning = "--> WARNING: The avr-gcc found by toscheck is not 3.3-tinyos. " . "Please update your avr-gcc compiler to 3.3-tinyos.\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } } else { my $warning = "--> WARNING: avr-gcc not found.\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } print "\n\n"; } sub chk_mspgcc { my $found; print "msp430-gcc:\n"; $found = which("msp430-gcc", 1); if ($found) { print "\tVersion: "; open MSPGCC, "msp430-gcc --version 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork msp430-gcc --version"; while () { if (/msp430-gcc/) { print "$_"; $versionok = 1 if /3\.2\.3/; } } close MSPGCC; if (!$versionok) { $warning = "--> WARNING: The msp430-gcc found by toscheck is not 3.2.3. " . "If you intend to use any msp430 platforms (such as telos), " . "please update your msp430-gcc compiler to 3.2.3.\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } } else { my $warning = "--> WARNING: msp430-gcc not found. Won't be able to " . "compile to any msp430 platforms (telos).\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } print "\n\n"; } sub chk_path { my @dirs; print "Path:\n"; if (exists $ENV{PATH}) { @dirs = split /:/, $ENV{PATH}; foreach $dir (@dirs) { print "\t$dir\n" } } else { my $warning = "--> WARNING: PATH environment variable doesn't exist.\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } print "\n"; } # # - should include tinyos-1.x/tools/java # - '.' is recommended # sub chk_classpath { my @dirs; my $warning; my $toolsfound = 0; my $commfound = 0; my $dotfound = 0; print "Classpath:\n"; if (exists $ENV{CLASSPATH}) { if (is_windows()) { $separator = ';'; } else { $separator = ':'; } @dirs = split /$separator/, $ENV{CLASSPATH}; foreach $dir (@dirs) { print "\t$dir\n"; if ($dir =~ /tinyos-1\.x[\\\/]tools[\\\/]java/) { $toolsfound = 1; } if ($dir =~ /^\.$/) { $dotfound = 1; } } print "\n"; if ($toolsfound == 0) { $warning = "--> WARNING: CLASSPATH may not include {TOSROOT}/tinyos-1.x/tools/java. Please add " . "the {TOSROOT}/tinyos-1.x/tools/java directory to your CLASSPATH or you may " . "experience configuration problems\n"; print "$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } if ($dotfound == 0) { $warning = "--> WARNING: CLASSPATH may not include '.' (that is, " . " the symbol for the current working directory). Please add " . "'.' to your CLASSPATH or you may " . "experience configuration problems.\n"; print "$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } } else { my $warning = "--> WARNING: CLASSPATH environment variable doesn't exist.\n"; print "$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } print "\n\n"; } # List the rpms sub chk_rpms { my $found; print "rpms:\n"; $found = which("rpm", 0); if ($found) { open RPM, "rpm -qa 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork rpm"; while () { if (/avr/ || /tinyos/ || /nesc/ || /avarice/) { print "\t$_"; } } } print "\n\n"; } sub chk_graphviz { my $found; my $versionok = 0; print "graphviz:\n"; $found = which("dot", 1); if ($found) { open GRAPHVIZ, "dot -V 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork dot -V to check graphviz"; while () { if (/version/) { print "\t$_"; $versionok = 1 if /1\.10/; } } close GRAPHVIZ; if (!$versionok) { $warning = "--> WARNING: The graphviz (dot) version found by toscheck is not 1.10. " . "Please update your graphviz version if you'd like to use the nescdoc " . "documentation generator.\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } } else { $warning = "--> WARNING: toscheck could not find the 'dot' executable which is part " . "of the AT&T Graphviz package. Please install version 1.1.0 of Graphviz if you'd " . " like to use the nescdoc documentation generator.\n"; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } print "\n"; } sub chk_avarice { my $found; my $versionok = 0; print "avarice:\n"; $found = which("avarice", 0); if ($found) { open AVARICE, "avarice --version 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork avarice --version"; while () { if (/version/) { print "\t$_"; $versionok = 1 if /2\.0\.20030825cvs/; } } close AVARICE; if (!$versionok) { $warning = "--> WARNING: The avarice version found by toscheck is not 2.0.20030806cvs " . "Please update your avarice version."; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } } print "\n"; } sub chk_avras { my $found = 0; my $versionok = 0; print "avr-as:\n"; $found = which("avr-as", 1); if ($found) { open AVRAS, "avr-as --version 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork avr-as --version"; while () { if (/GNU assembler/) { print "\t$_"; $versionok = 1 if /2\.13\.2\.1/; } } close AVRAS; if (!$versionok) { $warning = "--> WARNING: The avr-as version found by toscheck is not " . "Please update your avr-as version by updating your avr-binutils package."; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } } else { my $warning = "--> WARNING: Couldn't find avr-as. Please install avr-binutils " . "version \n"; print "$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } print "\n"; } sub chk_avrgdb { my $found; my $versionok = 0; print "avr-gdb:\n"; $found = which("avr-gdb", 0); if ($found) { open AVRGDB, "avr-gdb --version 2>&1 |" or die "can't fork avr-gdb --version"; while () { if (/GNU gdb/) { print "\t$_"; $versionok = 1 if /cvs-pre6\.0-tinyos/; } } close AVRGDB; if (!$versionok) { $warning = "--> WARNING: The avr-gdb version found by toscheck is not cvs-pre6.0-tinyos. " . "Please update your avr-gdb version."; print "\n$warning"; $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } } print "\n"; } sub chk_javacomm { print "javax.comm:\n"; $ok = open TMP, ">testcomm.java"; $ok = $ok && print TMP "class Test { javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier x; }"; $ok = $ok && close TMP; $ok = $ok && open JAVAC, "javac testcomm.java 2>&1 |"; @result = if $ok; $ok = $ok && close JAVAC; unlink "testcomm.java"; if (!$ok || join('', @result) =~ /error/) { $warning = "--> WARNING: Could not find the javax.comm classes.\n" . "Please ensure the java Comm API is installed correctly.\n"; print "$warning"; if ($ok) { print "Compiler output was:\n"; print @result; print "\n"; } else { print "Couldn't invoke javac on test program\n"; } $errorstr .= $warning; $errors = 1; } else { print "\tjavax.comm ok\n" } print "\n"; } $errorstr = ""; $errors = 0; # binary, not a counting var # chdir "/tmp"; chk_path(); chk_classpath(); chk_rpms(); chk_nesc(); chk_avrgcc(); chk_perl(); chk_lex(); chk_yacc(); chk_java(); chk_javacomm(); chk_cygwin(); chk_uisp(); chk_graphviz(); chk_avras(); chk_avarice(); chk_avrgdb(); chk_mspgcc(); if ($errors) { print "\ntoscheck completed with errors:\n\n$errorstr\n"; } else { print "\ntoscheck completed without error.\n\n"; } __END__