#-*-Makefile-*- vim:syntax=make #$Id: telosb.target,v 1.7 2005/02/10 02:14:42 jpolastre Exp $ PLATFORM ?= telosb #MSP_MCU = msp430x1611 # Disable MSP430 hardware multiply because it makes MSPGCC die PFLAGS += -mdisable-hwmul MSP_BSL_FLAGS = --telosb PFLAGS += \ -I$(TOSDIR)/lib/CC2420Radio \ -I$(TOSDIR)/../beta/STM25P ifdef CC2420_CHANNEL PFLAGS += -DCC2420_DEF_CHANNEL=$(CC2420_CHANNEL) endif ifdef TINYOS_NP ifeq ($(TINYOS_NP),BNP) PFLAGS += -I%T/../beta/Deluge/Deluge # Code memory starts at 0x4000. Give 4kB to the bootloader means the # app starts at 0x5000. Segment n of main memory starts at 0x4000 PFLAGS += -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x5000,--defsym=_reset_vector__=0x4000 BOOTLOADER ?= $(TOSDIR)/../beta/Deluge/Deluge/TOSBoot/build/telosb/main.ihex ifeq ($(shell [ -f /bin/cygwin1.dll ] && echo cygwin),cygwin) BOOTLOADER := $(shell cygpath -m $(BOOTLOADER)) endif endif endif $(call TOSMake_include_platform,msp) telos: $(BUILD_DEPS) @: telosb: $(BUILD_DEPS) @: