#-*-Makefile-*- vim:syntax=make #$Id: pc.rules,v 1.1 2004/07/20 05:53:41 scipio Exp $ define PC_HELP TOSSIM extras: fast : compile with no dbg and maximum performance endef HELP += $(AVR_HELP) NCC = ncc LIBS = -lm BUILDDIR = build/$(PLATFORM) MAIN_EXE = $(BUILDDIR)/main.exe PFLAGS += -Wall -Wshadow -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=$(DEFAULT_LOCAL_GROUP) $(NESC_FLAGS) PFLAGS += -target=$(PLATFORM) -fnesc-cfile=$(BUILDDIR)/app.c -board=$(SENSORBOARD) ifdef MSG_SIZE PFLAGS += -DTOSH_DATA_LENGTH=$(MSG_SIZE) endif ifndef DEFAULT_PROGRAM DEFAULT_PROGRAM = dapa endif # Use the 'if' function instead of the 'ifdef' construct because ifdef freaks # out with call in there. I don't know why. $(if $(PROGRAM),,$(call TOSMake_include,avr/$(DEFAULT_PROGRAM).extra)) exe: exe0 FORCE @: exe0: builddir $(BUILD_EXTRA_DEPS) FORCE @echo " compiling $(COMPONENT) to a $(PLATFORM) binary" $(NCC) -o $(MAIN_EXE) $(OPTFLAGS) $(PFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(COMPONENT).nc $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) @echo " compiled $(COMPONENT) to $(MAIN_EXE)" builddir: FORCE mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)