// Copyright (c) Corporation for National Research Initiatives package org.python.util; import org.python.core.*; // Based on CPython-1.5.2's code module public class InteractiveInterpreter extends PythonInterpreter { public InteractiveInterpreter() { super(); cflags = new CompilerFlags(); } public InteractiveInterpreter(PyObject locals) { super(locals); cflags = new CompilerFlags(); } /** * Compile and run some source in the interpreter. * * Arguments are as for compile_command(). * * One several things can happen: * * 1) The input is incorrect; compile_command() raised an exception * (SyntaxError or OverflowError). A syntax traceback will be printed * by calling the showsyntaxerror() method. * * 2) The input is incomplete, and more input is required; * compile_command() returned None. Nothing happens. * * 3) The input is complete; compile_command() returned a code object. * The code is executed by calling self.runcode() (which also handles * run-time exceptions, except for SystemExit). * * The return value is 1 in case 2, 0 in the other cases (unless an * exception is raised). The return value can be used to decide * whether to use sys.ps1 or sys.ps2 to prompt the next line. **/ public boolean runsource(String source) { return runsource(source, "", "single"); } public boolean runsource(String source, String filename) { return runsource(source, filename, "single"); } public boolean runsource(String source, String filename, String symbol) { PyObject code; try { code = Py.compile_command_flags(source, filename, symbol,cflags,true); } catch (PyException exc) { if (Py.matchException(exc, Py.SyntaxError)) { // Case 1 showexception(exc); return false; } else if (Py.matchException(exc, Py.ValueError) || Py.matchException(exc, Py.OverflowError)) { // Should not print the stack trace, just the error. showexception(exc); return false; } else { throw exc; } } // Case 2 if (code == Py.None) return true; // Case 3 runcode(code); return false; } /** * execute a code object. * * When an exception occurs, self.showtraceback() is called to display * a traceback. All exceptions are caught except SystemExit, which is * reraised. * * A note about KeyboardInterrupt: this exception may occur elsewhere * in this code, and may not always be caught. The caller should be * prepared to deal with it. **/ // Make this run in another thread somehow???? public void runcode(PyObject code) { try { exec(code); } catch (PyException exc) { if (Py.matchException(exc, Py.SystemExit)) throw exc; showexception(exc); } } public void showexception(PyException exc) { // Should probably add code to handle skipping top stack frames // somehow... Py.printException(exc); } public void write(String data) { Py.stderr.write(data); } public StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); public String filename=""; public void resetbuffer() { buffer.setLength(0); } /** Pause the current code, sneak an exception raiser into * sys.trace_func, and then continue the code hoping that JPython will * get control to do the break; **/ public void interrupt(ThreadState ts) { TraceFunction breaker = new BreakTraceFunction(); TraceFunction oldTrace = ts.systemState.tracefunc; ts.systemState.tracefunc = breaker; if (ts.frame != null) ts.frame.tracefunc = breaker; ts.systemState.tracefunc = oldTrace; //ts.thread.join(); } } class BreakTraceFunction extends TraceFunction { private void doBreak() { throw new Error("Python interrupt"); //Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } public TraceFunction traceCall(PyFrame frame) { doBreak(); return null; } public TraceFunction traceReturn(PyFrame frame, PyObject ret) { doBreak(); return null; } public TraceFunction traceLine(PyFrame frame, int line) { doBreak(); return null; } public TraceFunction traceException(PyFrame frame, PyException exc) { doBreak(); return null; } }