package org.python.parser; import org.python.parser.ast.*; import org.python.core.PyObject; public class TreeBuilder implements PythonGrammarTreeConstants { private JJTPythonGrammarState stack; CtxVisitor ctx; public TreeBuilder(JJTPythonGrammarState stack) { this.stack = stack; ctx = new CtxVisitor(); } private stmtType[] makeStmts(int l) { stmtType[] stmts = new stmtType[l]; for (int i = l-1; i >= 0; i--) { stmts[i] = (stmtType) stack.popNode(); } return stmts; } private stmtType[] popSuite() { return ((Suite) popNode()).body; } private exprType[] makeExprs() { if (stack.nodeArity() > 0 && peekNode().getId() == JJTCOMMA) popNode(); return makeExprs(stack.nodeArity()); } private exprType[] makeExprs(int l) { exprType[] exprs = new exprType[l]; for (int i = l-1; i >= 0; i--) { exprs[i] = makeExpr(); } return exprs; } private exprType makeExpr(SimpleNode node) { return (exprType) node; } private exprType makeExpr() { return makeExpr((SimpleNode) stack.popNode()); } private String makeIdentifier() { return ((Name) stack.popNode()).id; } private String[] makeIdentifiers() { int l = stack.nodeArity(); String[] ids = new String[l]; for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ids[i] = makeIdentifier(); } return ids; } private aliasType[] makeAliases() { return makeAliases(stack.nodeArity()); } private aliasType[] makeAliases(int l) { aliasType[] aliases = new aliasType[l]; for (int i = l-1; i >= 0; i--) { aliases[i] = (aliasType) stack.popNode(); } return aliases; } private static SimpleNode[] nodes = new SimpleNode[PythonGrammarTreeConstants.jjtNodeName.length]; public SimpleNode openNode(int id) { if (nodes[id] == null) nodes[id] = new IdentityNode(id); return nodes[id]; } public SimpleNode closeNode(SimpleNode n, int arity) throws Exception { exprType value; exprType[] exprs; switch (n.getId()) { case -1: System.out.println("Illegal node"); case JJTSINGLE_INPUT: return new Interactive(makeStmts(arity)); case JJTFILE_INPUT: return new Module(makeStmts(arity)); case JJTEVAL_INPUT: return new Expression(makeExpr()); case JJTNAME: return new Name(n.getImage().toString(), Name.Load); case JJTNUM: return new Num((PyObject) n.getImage()); case JJTSTRING: return new Str(n.getImage().toString()); case JJTSUITE: stmtType[] stmts = new stmtType[arity]; for (int i = arity-1; i >= 0; i--) { stmts[i] = (stmtType) popNode(); } return new Suite(stmts); case JJTEXPR_STMT: value = makeExpr(); if (arity > 1) { exprs = makeExprs(arity-1); ctx.setStore(exprs); return new Assign(exprs, value); } else { return new Expr(value); } case JJTINDEX_OP: sliceType slice = (sliceType) stack.popNode(); value = makeExpr(); return new Subscript(value, slice, Subscript.Load); case JJTDOT_OP: String attr = makeIdentifier(); value = makeExpr(); return new Attribute(value, attr, Attribute.Load); case JJTDEL_STMT: exprs = makeExprs(arity); ctx.setDelete(exprs); return new Delete(exprs); case JJTPRINT_STMT: boolean nl = true; if (stack.nodeArity() == 0) return new Print(null, null, true); if (peekNode().getId() == JJTCOMMA) { popNode(); nl = false; } return new Print(null, makeExprs(), nl); case JJTPRINTEXT_STMT: nl = true; if (peekNode().getId() == JJTCOMMA) { popNode(); nl = false; } exprs = makeExprs(stack.nodeArity()-1); return new Print(makeExpr(), exprs, nl); case JJTFOR_STMT: stmtType[] orelse = null; if (stack.nodeArity() == 4) orelse = popSuite(); stmtType[] body = popSuite(); exprType iter = makeExpr(); exprType target = makeExpr(); ctx.setStore(target); return new For(target, iter, body, orelse); case JJTWHILE_STMT: orelse = null; if (stack.nodeArity() == 3) orelse = popSuite(); body = popSuite(); exprType test = makeExpr(); return new While(test, body, orelse); case JJTIF_STMT: orelse = null; if (arity % 2 == 1) orelse = popSuite(); body = popSuite(); test = makeExpr(); If last = new If(test, body, orelse); for (int i = 0; i < (arity / 2)-1; i++) { body = popSuite(); test = makeExpr(); last = new If(test, body, new stmtType[] { last }); } return last; case JJTPASS_STMT: return new Pass(); case JJTBREAK_STMT: return new Break(); case JJTCONTINUE_STMT: return new Continue(); case JJTFUNCDEF: body = popSuite(); argumentsType arguments = makeArguments(arity - 2); String name = makeIdentifier(); return new FunctionDef(name, arguments, body); case JJTDEFAULTARG: value = (arity == 1) ? null : makeExpr(); return new DefaultArg(makeExpr(), value); case JJTEXTRAARGLIST: return new ExtraArg(makeIdentifier(), JJTEXTRAARGLIST); case JJTEXTRAKEYWORDLIST: return new ExtraArg(makeIdentifier(), JJTEXTRAKEYWORDLIST); /* case JJTFPLIST: fpdefType[] list = new fpdefType[arity]; for (int i = arity-1; i >= 0; i--) { list[i] = popFpdef(); } return new FpList(list); */ case JJTCLASSDEF: body = popSuite(); exprType[] bases = makeExprs(stack.nodeArity() - 1); name = makeIdentifier(); return new ClassDef(name, bases, body); case JJTRETURN_STMT: value = arity == 1 ? makeExpr() : null; return new Return(value); case JJTYIELD_STMT: return new Yield(makeExpr()); case JJTRAISE_STMT: exprType tback = arity >= 3 ? makeExpr() : null; exprType inst = arity >= 2 ? makeExpr() : null; exprType type = arity >= 1 ? makeExpr() : null; return new Raise(type, inst, tback); case JJTGLOBAL_STMT: return new Global(makeIdentifiers()); case JJTEXEC_STMT: exprType globals = arity >= 3 ? makeExpr() : null; exprType locals = arity >= 2 ? makeExpr() : null; value = makeExpr(); return new Exec(value, locals, globals); case JJTASSERT_STMT: exprType msg = arity == 2 ? makeExpr() : null; test = makeExpr(); return new Assert(test, msg); case JJTTRYFINALLY_STMT: orelse = popSuite(); return new TryFinally(popSuite(), orelse); case JJTTRY_STMT: orelse = null; if (peekNode() instanceof Suite) { arity--; orelse = popSuite(); } int l = arity - 1; excepthandlerType[] handlers = new excepthandlerType[l]; for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) { handlers[i] = (excepthandlerType) popNode(); } return new TryExcept(popSuite(), handlers, orelse); case JJTEXCEPT_CLAUSE: body = popSuite(); exprType excname = arity == 3 ? makeExpr() : null; if (excname != null) ctx.setStore(excname); type = arity >= 2 ? makeExpr() : null; return new excepthandlerType(type, excname, body); case JJTOR_BOOLEAN: return new BoolOp(BoolOp.Or, makeExprs()); case JJTAND_BOOLEAN: return new BoolOp(BoolOp.And, makeExprs()); case JJTCOMPARISION: l = arity / 2; exprType[] comparators = new exprType[l]; int[] ops = new int[l]; for (int i = l-1; i >= 0; i--) { comparators[i] = makeExpr(); SimpleNode op = (SimpleNode) stack.popNode(); switch (op.getId()) { case JJTLESS_CMP: ops[i] = Compare.Lt; break; case JJTGREATER_CMP: ops[i] = Compare.Gt; break; case JJTEQUAL_CMP: ops[i] = Compare.Eq; break; case JJTGREATER_EQUAL_CMP: ops[i] = Compare.GtE; break; case JJTLESS_EQUAL_CMP: ops[i] = Compare.LtE; break; case JJTNOTEQUAL_CMP: ops[i] = Compare.NotEq; break; case JJTIN_CMP: ops[i] = Compare.In; break; case JJTNOT_IN_CMP: ops[i] = Compare.NotIn; break; case JJTIS_NOT_CMP: ops[i] = Compare.IsNot; break; case JJTIS_CMP: ops[i] = Compare.Is; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown cmp op:" + op.getId()); } } return new Compare(makeExpr(), ops, comparators); case JJTLESS_CMP: case JJTGREATER_CMP: case JJTEQUAL_CMP: case JJTGREATER_EQUAL_CMP: case JJTLESS_EQUAL_CMP: case JJTNOTEQUAL_CMP: case JJTIN_CMP: case JJTNOT_IN_CMP: case JJTIS_NOT_CMP: case JJTIS_CMP: return n; case JJTOR_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.BitOr); case JJTXOR_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.BitXor); case JJTAND_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.BitAnd); case JJTLSHIFT_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.LShift); case JJTRSHIFT_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.RShift); case JJTADD_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.Add); case JJTSUB_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.Sub); case JJTMUL_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.Mult); case JJTDIV_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.Div); case JJTMOD_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.Mod); case JJTPOW_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.Pow); case JJTFLOORDIV_2OP: return makeBinOp(BinOp.FloorDiv); case JJTPOS_1OP: return new UnaryOp(UnaryOp.UAdd, makeExpr()); case JJTNEG_1OP: return new UnaryOp(UnaryOp.USub, makeExpr()); case JJTINVERT_1OP: return new UnaryOp(UnaryOp.Invert, makeExpr()); case JJTNOT_1OP: return new UnaryOp(UnaryOp.Not, makeExpr()); case JJTCALL_OP: //if (arity == 1) // return new Call(makeExpr(), null, null, null, null); exprType starargs = null; exprType kwargs = null; l = arity - 1; if (l > 0 && peekNode().getId() == JJTEXTRAKEYWORDVALUELIST) { kwargs = ((ExtraArgValue) popNode()).value; l--; } if (l > 0 && peekNode().getId() == JJTEXTRAARGVALUELIST) { starargs = ((ExtraArgValue) popNode()).value; l--; } int nargs = l; SimpleNode[] tmparr = new SimpleNode[l]; for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tmparr[i] = popNode(); if (tmparr[i] instanceof keywordType) { nargs = i; } } exprType[] args = new exprType[nargs]; for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { args[i] = makeExpr(tmparr[i]); } keywordType[] keywords = new keywordType[l - nargs]; for (int i = nargs; i < l; i++) { if (!(tmparr[i] instanceof keywordType)) throw new ParseException( "non-keyword argument following keyword", tmparr[i]); keywords[i - nargs] = (keywordType) tmparr[i]; } exprType func = makeExpr(); return new Call(func, args, keywords, starargs, kwargs); case JJTEXTRAKEYWORDVALUELIST: return new ExtraArgValue(makeExpr(), JJTEXTRAKEYWORDVALUELIST); case JJTEXTRAARGVALUELIST: return new ExtraArgValue(makeExpr(), JJTEXTRAARGVALUELIST); case JJTKEYWORD: value = makeExpr(); name = makeIdentifier(); return new keywordType(name, value); case JJTTUPLE: return new Tuple(makeExprs(), Tuple.Load); case JJTLIST: if (stack.nodeArity() > 0 && peekNode() instanceof listcompType) { listcompType[] generators = new listcompType[arity-1]; for (int i = arity-2; i >= 0; i--) { generators[i] = (listcompType) popNode(); } return new ListComp(makeExpr(), generators); } return new List(makeExprs(), List.Load); case JJTDICTIONARY: l = arity / 2; exprType[] keys = new exprType[l]; exprType[] vals = new exprType[l]; for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) { vals[i] = makeExpr(); keys[i] = makeExpr(); } return new Dict(keys, vals); case JJTSTR_1OP: return new Repr(makeExpr()); case JJTSTRJOIN: String str2 = ((Str) popNode()).s; String str1 = ((Str) popNode()).s; return new Str(str1 + str2); case JJTLAMBDEF: test = makeExpr(); arguments = makeArguments(arity - 1); return new Lambda(arguments, test); case JJTELLIPSES: return new Ellipsis(); case JJTSLICE: SimpleNode[] arr = new SimpleNode[arity]; for (int i = arity-1; i >= 0; i--) { arr[i] = popNode(); } exprType[] values = new exprType[3]; int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arity; j++) { if (arr[j].getId() == JJTCOLON) k++; else values[k] = makeExpr(arr[j]); } if (k == 0) { return new Index(values[0]); } else { return new Slice(values[0], values[1], values[2]); } case JJTSUBSCRIPTLIST: sliceType[] dims = new sliceType[arity]; for (int i = arity - 1; i >= 0; i--) { dims[i] = (sliceType) popNode(); } return new ExtSlice(dims); case JJTAUG_PLUS: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.Add); case JJTAUG_MINUS: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.Sub); case JJTAUG_MULTIPLY: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.Mult); case JJTAUG_DIVIDE: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.Div); case JJTAUG_MODULO: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.Mod); case JJTAUG_AND: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.BitAnd); case JJTAUG_OR: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.BitOr); case JJTAUG_XOR: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.BitXor); case JJTAUG_LSHIFT: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.LShift); case JJTAUG_RSHIFT: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.RShift); case JJTAUG_POWER: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.Pow); case JJTAUG_FLOORDIVIDE: return makeAugAssign(AugAssign.FloorDiv); case JJTLIST_FOR: exprType[] ifs = new exprType[arity-2]; for (int i = arity-3; i >= 0; i--) { ifs[i] = makeExpr(); } iter = makeExpr(); target = makeExpr(); ctx.setStore(target); return new listcompType(target, iter, ifs); case JJTIMPORTFROM: aliasType[] aliases = makeAliases(arity - 1); String module = makeIdentifier(); return new ImportFrom(module, aliases); case JJTIMPORT: return new Import(makeAliases()); case JJTDOTTED_NAME: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.insert(0, '.'); sb.insert(0, makeIdentifier()); } return new Name(sb.toString(), Name.Load); case JJTDOTTED_AS_NAME: String asname = null; if (arity > 1) asname = makeIdentifier(); return new aliasType(makeIdentifier(), asname); case JJTIMPORT_AS_NAME: asname = null; if (arity > 1) asname = makeIdentifier(); return new aliasType(makeIdentifier(), asname); case JJTCOMMA: case JJTCOLON: return n; default: return null; } } private stmtType makeAugAssign(int op) throws Exception { exprType value = makeExpr(); exprType target = makeExpr(); ctx.setAugStore(target); return new AugAssign(target, op, value); } private void dumpStack() { int n = stack.nodeArity(); System.out.println("nodeArity:" + n); if (n > 0) { System.out.println("peek:" + stack.peekNode()); } } SimpleNode peekNode() { return (SimpleNode) stack.peekNode(); } SimpleNode popNode() { return (SimpleNode) stack.popNode(); } BinOp makeBinOp(int op) { exprType right = makeExpr(); exprType left = makeExpr(); return new BinOp(left, op, right); } argumentsType makeArguments(int l) throws Exception { String kwarg = null; String stararg = null; if (l > 0 && peekNode().getId() == JJTEXTRAKEYWORDLIST) { kwarg = ((ExtraArg) popNode()).name; l--; } if (l > 0 && peekNode().getId() == JJTEXTRAARGLIST) { stararg = ((ExtraArg) popNode()).name; l--; } int startofdefaults = l; exprType fpargs[] = new exprType[l]; exprType defaults[] = new exprType[l]; for (int i = l-1; i >= 0; i--) { DefaultArg node = (DefaultArg) popNode(); fpargs[i] = node.parameter; ctx.setStore(fpargs[i]); defaults[i] = node.value; if (node.value != null) startofdefaults = i; } //System.out.println("start "+ startofdefaults + " " + l); exprType[] newdefs = new exprType[l-startofdefaults]; System.arraycopy(defaults, startofdefaults, newdefs, 0, newdefs.length); return new argumentsType(fpargs, stararg, kwarg, newdefs); } } class DefaultArg extends SimpleNode { public exprType parameter; public exprType value; DefaultArg(exprType parameter, exprType value) { this.parameter = parameter; this.value = value; } } class ExtraArg extends SimpleNode { public String name; public int id; ExtraArg(String name, int id) { = name; = id; } public int getId() { return id; } } class ExtraArgValue extends SimpleNode { public exprType value; public int id; ExtraArgValue(exprType value, int id) { this.value = value; = id; } public int getId() { return id; } } class IdentityNode extends SimpleNode { public int id; public Object image; IdentityNode(int id) { = id; } public int getId() { return id; } public void setImage(Object image) { this.image = image; } public Object getImage() { return image; } public String toString() { return "IdNode[" + PythonGrammarTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[id] + ", " + image + "]"; } } class CtxVisitor extends Visitor { private int ctx; public CtxVisitor() { } public void setStore(SimpleNode node) throws Exception { this.ctx = expr_contextType.Store; visit(node); } public void setStore(SimpleNode[] nodes) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) setStore(nodes[i]); } public void setDelete(SimpleNode node) throws Exception { this.ctx = expr_contextType.Del; visit(node); } public void setDelete(SimpleNode[] nodes) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) setDelete(nodes[i]); } public void setAugStore(SimpleNode node) throws Exception { this.ctx = expr_contextType.AugStore; visit(node); } public Object visitName(Name node) throws Exception { node.ctx = ctx; return null; } public Object visitAttribute(Attribute node) throws Exception { node.ctx = ctx; return null; } public Object visitSubscript(Subscript node) throws Exception { node.ctx = ctx; return null; } public Object visitList(List node) throws Exception { if (ctx == expr_contextType.AugStore) { throw new ParseException( "augmented assign to list not possible", node); } node.ctx = ctx; traverse(node); return null; } public Object visitTuple(Tuple node) throws Exception { if (ctx == expr_contextType.AugStore) { throw new ParseException( "augmented assign to tuple not possible", node); } node.ctx = ctx; traverse(node); return null; } public Object visitCall(Call node) throws Exception { throw new ParseException("can't assign to function call", node); } public Object visitListComp(Call node) throws Exception { throw new ParseException("can't assign to list comprehension call", node); } public Object unhandled_node(SimpleNode node) throws Exception { throw new ParseException("can't assign to operator", node); } }