/* * Copyright 2000 Finn Bock * * This program contains material copyrighted by: * Copyright (c) Corporation for National Research Initiatives. * Originally written by Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal@lemburg.com). */ package org.python.modules; import org.python.core.*; import org.python.core.imp; public class _codecs { public static void register(PyObject search_function) { codecs.register(search_function); } public static PyTuple lookup(String encoding) { return codecs.lookup(encoding); } private static PyTuple codec_tuple(String s, int len) { return new PyTuple(new PyObject[] { Py.java2py(s), Py.newInteger(len) }); } /* --- UTF-8 Codec --------------------------------------------------- */ public static PyTuple utf_8_decode(String str) { return utf_8_decode(str, null); } public static PyTuple utf_8_decode(String str, String errors) { int size = str.length(); return codec_tuple(codecs.PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(str, errors), size); } public static PyTuple utf_8_encode(String str) { return utf_8_encode(str, null); } public static PyTuple utf_8_encode(String str, String errors) { int size = str.length(); return codec_tuple(codecs.PyUnicode_EncodeUTF8(str, errors), size); } /* --- Character Mapping Codec --------------------------------------- */ public static PyTuple charmap_decode(String str, String errors, PyObject mapping) { int size = str.length(); StringBuffer v = new StringBuffer(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { char ch = str.charAt(i); if (ch > 0xFF) { codecs.decoding_error("charmap", v, errors, "ordinal not in range(255)"); i++; continue; } PyObject w = Py.newInteger(ch); PyObject x = mapping.__finditem__(w); if (x == null) { /* No mapping found: default to Latin-1 mapping if possible */ v.append(ch); continue; } /* Apply mapping */ if (x instanceof PyInteger) { int value = ((PyInteger) x).getValue(); if (value < 0 || value > 65535) throw Py.TypeError( "character mapping must be in range(65535)"); v.append((char) value); } else if (x == Py.None) { codecs.decoding_error("charmap", v, errors, "character maps to "); } else if (x instanceof PyString) { v.append(x.toString()); } else { /* wrong return value */ throw Py.TypeError("character mapping must return integer, " + "None or unicode"); } } return codec_tuple(v.toString(), size); } public static PyTuple charmap_encode(String str, String errors, PyObject mapping) { int size = str.length(); StringBuffer v = new StringBuffer(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { char ch = str.charAt(i); PyObject w = Py.newInteger(ch); PyObject x = mapping.__finditem__(w); if (x == null) { /* No mapping found: default to Latin-1 mapping if possible */ if (ch < 256) v.append(ch); else codecs.encoding_error("charmap", v, errors, "missing character mapping"); continue; } if (x instanceof PyInteger) { int value = ((PyInteger) x).getValue(); if (value < 0 || value > 255) throw Py.TypeError( "character mapping must be in range(256)"); v.append((char) value); } else if (x == Py.None) { codecs.encoding_error("charmap", v, errors, "character maps to "); } else if (x instanceof PyString) { v.append(x.toString()); } else { /* wrong return value */ throw Py.TypeError("character mapping must return " + "integer, None or unicode"); } } return codec_tuple(v.toString(), size); } /* --- 7-bit ASCII Codec -------------------------------------------- */ public static PyTuple ascii_decode(String str) { return ascii_decode(str, null); } public static PyTuple ascii_decode(String str, String errors) { int size = str.length(); return codec_tuple(codecs.PyUnicode_DecodeASCII(str, size, errors), size); } public static PyTuple ascii_encode(String str) { return ascii_encode(str, null); } public static PyTuple ascii_encode(String str, String errors) { int size = str.length(); return codec_tuple(codecs.PyUnicode_EncodeASCII(str, size, errors), size); } /* --- Latin-1 Codec -------------------------------------------- */ public static PyTuple latin_1_decode(String str) { return latin_1_decode(str, null); } public static PyTuple latin_1_decode(String str, String errors) { int size = str.length(); StringBuffer v = new StringBuffer(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { char ch = str.charAt(i); if (ch < 256) { v.append(ch); } else { codecs.decoding_error("latin-1", v, errors, "ordinal not in range(256)"); i++; continue; } } return codec_tuple(v.toString(), size); } public static PyTuple latin_1_encode(String str) { return latin_1_encode(str, null); } public static PyTuple latin_1_encode(String str, String errors) { int size = str.length(); StringBuffer v = new StringBuffer(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { char ch = str.charAt(i); if (ch >= 256) { codecs.encoding_error("latin-1", v, errors, "ordinal not in range(256)"); } else v.append(ch); } return codec_tuple(v.toString(), size); } /* --- UTF16 Codec -------------------------------------------- */ public static PyTuple utf_16_encode(String str) { return utf_16_encode(str, null); } public static PyTuple utf_16_encode(String str, String errors) { return codec_tuple(encode_UTF16(str, errors, 0), str.length()); } public static PyTuple utf_16_encode(String str, String errors, int byteorder) { return codec_tuple(encode_UTF16(str, errors, byteorder), str.length()); } public static PyTuple utf_16_le_encode(String str) { return utf_16_le_encode(str, null); } public static PyTuple utf_16_le_encode(String str, String errors) { return codec_tuple(encode_UTF16(str, errors, -1), str.length()); } public static PyTuple utf_16_be_encode(String str) { return utf_16_be_encode(str, null); } public static PyTuple utf_16_be_encode(String str, String errors) { return codec_tuple(encode_UTF16(str, errors, 1), str.length()); } private static String encode_UTF16(String str, String errors, int byteorder) { int size = str.length(); StringBuffer v = new StringBuffer((size + (byteorder == 0 ? 1 : 0)) * 2); if (byteorder == 0) { v.append((char) 0xFE); v.append((char) 0xFF); } if (byteorder == 0 || byteorder == 1) for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { char ch = str.charAt(i); v.append((char) ((ch >>> 8) & 0xFF)); v.append((char) (ch & 0xFF)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { char ch = str.charAt(i); v.append((char) (ch & 0xFF)); v.append((char) ((ch >>> 8) & 0xFF)); } } return v.toString(); } public static PyTuple utf_16_decode(String str) { return utf_16_decode(str, null); } public static PyTuple utf_16_decode(String str, String errors) { int[] bo = new int[] { 0 }; return codec_tuple(decode_UTF16(str, errors, bo), str.length()); } public static PyTuple utf_16_decode(String str, String errors, int byteorder) { int[] bo = new int[] { byteorder }; return codec_tuple(decode_UTF16(str, errors, bo), str.length()); } public static PyTuple utf_16_le_decode(String str) { return utf_16_le_decode(str, null); } public static PyTuple utf_16_le_decode(String str, String errors) { int[] bo = new int[] { -1 }; return codec_tuple(decode_UTF16(str, errors, bo), str.length()); } public static PyTuple utf_16_be_decode(String str) { return utf_16_be_decode(str, null); } public static PyTuple utf_16_be_decode(String str, String errors) { int[] bo = new int[] { 1 }; return codec_tuple(decode_UTF16(str, errors, bo), str.length()); } public static PyTuple utf_16_ex_decode(String str) { return utf_16_ex_decode(str, null); } public static PyTuple utf_16_ex_decode(String str, String errors) { return utf_16_ex_decode(str, errors, 0); } public static PyTuple utf_16_ex_decode(String str, String errors, int byteorder) { int[] bo = new int[] { 0 }; String s = decode_UTF16(str, errors, bo); return new PyTuple(new PyObject[] { Py.newString(s), Py.newInteger(str.length()), Py.newInteger(bo[0]) }); } private static String decode_UTF16(String str, String errors, int[] byteorder) { int bo = 0; if (byteorder != null) bo = byteorder[0]; int size = str.length(); if (size % 2 != 0) codecs.decoding_error("UTF16", null, errors, "truncated data"); StringBuffer v = new StringBuffer(size/2); for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 2) { char ch1 = str.charAt(i); char ch2 = str.charAt(i+1); if (ch1 == 0xFE && ch2 == 0xFF) { bo = 1; continue; } else if (ch1 == 0xFF && ch2 == 0xFE) { bo = -1; continue; } char ch; if (bo == -1) ch = (char) (ch2 << 8 | ch1); else ch = (char) (ch1 << 8 | ch2); if (ch < 0xD800 || ch > 0xDFFF) { v.append(ch); continue; } /* UTF-16 code pair: */ if (i == size-1) { codecs.decoding_error("UTF-16", v, errors, "unexpected end of data"); continue; } ch = str.charAt(++i); if (0xDC00 <= ch && ch <= 0xDFFF) { ch = str.charAt(++i); if (0xD800 <= ch && ch <= 0xDBFF) /* This is valid data (a UTF-16 surrogate pair), but we are not able to store this information since our Py_UNICODE type only has 16 bits... this might change someday, even though it's unlikely. */ codecs.decoding_error("UTF-16", v, errors, "code pairs are not supported"); continue; } codecs.decoding_error("UTF-16", v, errors, "illegal encoding"); } if (byteorder != null) byteorder[0] = bo; return v.toString(); } /* --- RawUnicodeEscape Codec ----------------------------------------- */ public static PyTuple raw_unicode_escape_encode(String str) { return raw_unicode_escape_encode(str, null); } public static PyTuple raw_unicode_escape_encode(String str, String errors) { return codec_tuple(codecs.PyUnicode_EncodeRawUnicodeEscape(str, errors, false), str.length()); } public static PyTuple raw_unicode_escape_decode(String str) { return raw_unicode_escape_decode(str, null); } public static PyTuple raw_unicode_escape_decode(String str, String errors) { return codec_tuple(codecs.PyUnicode_DecodeRawUnicodeEscape(str, errors), str.length()); } /* --- UnicodeEscape Codec -------------------------------------------- */ public static PyTuple unicode_escape_encode(String str) { return unicode_escape_encode(str, null); } public static PyTuple unicode_escape_encode(String str, String errors) { return codec_tuple(PyString.encode_UnicodeEscape(str, false), str.length()); } public static PyTuple unicode_escape_decode(String str) { return unicode_escape_decode(str, null); } public static PyTuple unicode_escape_decode(String str, String errors) { int n = str.length(); return codec_tuple(PyString.decode_UnicodeEscape(str, 0, n, errors, true), n); } /* --- UnicodeInternal Codec ------------------------------------------ */ public static PyTuple unicode_internal_encode(String str) { return unicode_internal_encode(str, null); } public static PyTuple unicode_internal_encode(String str, String errors) { return codec_tuple(str, str.length()); } public static PyTuple unicode_internal_decode(String str) { return unicode_internal_decode(str, null); } public static PyTuple unicode_internal_decode(String str, String errors) { return codec_tuple(str, str.length()); } }