/* * SHA1.java - An implementation of the SHA-1 Algorithm * * Modified for Jython by Finn Bock. The original was split * into two files. * * Original author and copyright: * * Copyright (c) 1997 Systemics Ltd * on behalf of the Cryptix Development Team. All rights reserved. * @author David Hopwood * * Cryptix General License * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The Cryptix Foundation * Limited. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the * following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE CRYPTIX FOUNDATION LIMITED * AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CRYPTIX FOUNDATION LIMITED * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.python.modules; import java.util.*; import org.python.core.*; /** * This class implements the SHA-1 message digest algorithm. *

* References: *

  1. Bruce Schneier, * "Section 18.7 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)," * Applied Cryptography, 2nd edition, * John Wiley & Sons, 1996 *


  2. NIST FIPS PUB 180-1, * "Secure Hash Standard", * U.S. Department of Commerce, May 1993.
    * * http://www.itl.nist.gov/div897/pubs/fip180-1.htm *

* Copyright © 1995-1997 * Systemics Ltd on behalf of the * Cryptix Development * Team. *
All rights reserved. *

* Revision: 1.7 * @author Systemics Ltd * @author David Hopwood * @since Cryptix 2.2.2 */ public final class SHA1 { /** * The buffer used to store the last incomplete block. */ private byte[] buffer; /** * The number of bytes currently stored in buffer. */ private int buffered; /** * The number of bytes that have been input to the digest. */ private long count; /** * SPI: Updates the message digest with a byte of new data. * * @param b the byte to be added. */ protected void engineUpdate(byte b) { byte[] data = { b }; engineUpdate(data, 0, 1); } /** * SPI: Updates the message digest with new data. * * @param data the data to be added. * @param offset the start of the data in the array. * @param length the number of bytes of data to add. */ protected void engineUpdate(byte[] data, int offset, int length) { count += length; int datalen = DATA_LENGTH; int remainder; while (length >= (remainder = datalen - buffered)) { System.arraycopy(data, offset, buffer, buffered, remainder); engineTransform(buffer); length -= remainder; offset += remainder; buffered = 0; } if (length > 0) { System.arraycopy(data, offset, buffer, buffered, length); buffered += length; } } /** * SPI: Calculates the final digest. BlockMessageDigest * subclasses should not usually override this method. * * @return the digest as a byte array. */ protected byte[] engineDigest() { return engineDigest(buffer, buffered); } // SHA-1 constants and variables //........................................................................... /** * Length of the final hash (in bytes). */ private static final int HASH_LENGTH = 20; /** * Length of a block (i.e. the number of bytes hashed in every transform). */ private static final int DATA_LENGTH = 64; private int[] data; private int[] digest; private byte[] tmp; private int[] w; private byte[] digestBits; /** * Constructs a SHA-1 message digest. */ public SHA1() { buffer = new byte[DATA_LENGTH]; java_init(); engineReset(); } private void java_init() { digest = new int[HASH_LENGTH/4]; data = new int[DATA_LENGTH/4]; tmp = new byte[DATA_LENGTH]; w = new int[80]; } /** * This constructor is here to implement cloneability of this class. */ private SHA1 (SHA1 md) { this(); data = (int[])md.data.clone(); digest = (int[])md.digest.clone(); tmp = (byte[])md.tmp.clone(); w = (int[])md.w.clone(); } /** * Initializes (resets) the message digest. */ protected void engineReset() { buffered = 0; count = 0; java_reset(); } private void java_reset() { digest[0] = 0x67452301; digest[1] = 0xefcdab89; digest[2] = 0x98badcfe; digest[3] = 0x10325476; digest[4] = 0xc3d2e1f0; } /** * Adds data to the message digest. * * @param data The data to be added. * @param offset The start of the data in the array. * @param length The amount of data to add. */ protected void engineTransform(byte[] in) { java_transform(in); } private void java_transform(byte[] in) { byte2int(in, 0, data, 0, DATA_LENGTH/4); transform(data); } /** * Returns the digest of the data added and resets the digest. * @return the digest of all the data added to the message digest * as a byte array. */ protected byte[] engineDigest(byte[] in, int length) { byte b[] = java_digest(in, length); engineReset(); return b; } private byte[] java_digest(byte[] in, int pos) { if (pos != 0) System.arraycopy(in, 0, tmp, 0, pos); tmp[pos++] = (byte)0x80; if (pos > DATA_LENGTH - 8) { while (pos < DATA_LENGTH) tmp[pos++] = 0; byte2int(tmp, 0, data, 0, DATA_LENGTH/4); transform(data); pos = 0; } while (pos < DATA_LENGTH - 8) tmp[pos++] = 0; byte2int(tmp, 0, data, 0, (DATA_LENGTH/4)-2); // Big endian // WARNING: int>>>32 != 0 !!! // bitcount() used to return a long, now it's an int. long bc = count * 8; data[14] = (int) (bc>>>32); data[15] = (int) bc; transform(data); byte buf[] = new byte[HASH_LENGTH]; // Big endian int off = 0; for (int i = 0; i < HASH_LENGTH/4; ++i) { int d = digest[i]; buf[off++] = (byte) (d>>>24); buf[off++] = (byte) (d>>>16); buf[off++] = (byte) (d>>>8); buf[off++] = (byte) d; } return buf; } // SHA-1 transform routines //........................................................................... private static int f1(int a, int b, int c) { return (c^(a&(b^c))) + 0x5A827999; } private static int f2(int a, int b, int c) { return (a^b^c) + 0x6ED9EBA1; } private static int f3(int a, int b, int c) { return ((a&b)|(c&(a|b))) + 0x8F1BBCDC; } private static int f4(int a, int b, int c) { return (a^b^c) + 0xCA62C1D6; } private void transform (int[] X) { int A = digest[0]; int B = digest[1]; int C = digest[2]; int D = digest[3]; int E = digest[4]; int W[] = w; for (int i=0; i<16; i++) { W[i] = X[i]; } for (int i=16; i<80; i++) { int j = W[i-16] ^ W[i-14] ^ W[i-8] ^ W[i-3]; W[i] = j; W[i] = (j << 1) | (j >>> -1); } E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f1(B,C,D) + W[0]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f1(A,B,C) + W[1]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f1(E,A,B) + W[2]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f1(D,E,A) + W[3]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f1(C,D,E) + W[4]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f1(B,C,D) + W[5]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f1(A,B,C) + W[6]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f1(E,A,B) + W[7]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f1(D,E,A) + W[8]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f1(C,D,E) + W[9]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f1(B,C,D) + W[10]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f1(A,B,C) + W[11]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f1(E,A,B) + W[12]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f1(D,E,A) + W[13]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f1(C,D,E) + W[14]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f1(B,C,D) + W[15]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f1(A,B,C) + W[16]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f1(E,A,B) + W[17]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f1(D,E,A) + W[18]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f1(C,D,E) + W[19]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f2(B,C,D) + W[20]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f2(A,B,C) + W[21]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f2(E,A,B) + W[22]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f2(D,E,A) + W[23]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f2(C,D,E) + W[24]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f2(B,C,D) + W[25]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f2(A,B,C) + W[26]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f2(E,A,B) + W[27]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f2(D,E,A) + W[28]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f2(C,D,E) + W[29]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f2(B,C,D) + W[30]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f2(A,B,C) + W[31]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f2(E,A,B) + W[32]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f2(D,E,A) + W[33]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f2(C,D,E) + W[34]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f2(B,C,D) + W[35]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f2(A,B,C) + W[36]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f2(E,A,B) + W[37]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f2(D,E,A) + W[38]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f2(C,D,E) + W[39]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f3(B,C,D) + W[40]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f3(A,B,C) + W[41]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f3(E,A,B) + W[42]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f3(D,E,A) + W[43]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f3(C,D,E) + W[44]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f3(B,C,D) + W[45]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f3(A,B,C) + W[46]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f3(E,A,B) + W[47]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f3(D,E,A) + W[48]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f3(C,D,E) + W[49]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f3(B,C,D) + W[50]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f3(A,B,C) + W[51]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f3(E,A,B) + W[52]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f3(D,E,A) + W[53]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f3(C,D,E) + W[54]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f3(B,C,D) + W[55]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f3(A,B,C) + W[56]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f3(E,A,B) + W[57]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f3(D,E,A) + W[58]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f3(C,D,E) + W[59]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f4(B,C,D) + W[60]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f4(A,B,C) + W[61]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f4(E,A,B) + W[62]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f4(D,E,A) + W[63]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f4(C,D,E) + W[64]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f4(B,C,D) + W[65]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f4(A,B,C) + W[66]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f4(E,A,B) + W[67]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f4(D,E,A) + W[68]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f4(C,D,E) + W[69]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f4(B,C,D) + W[70]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f4(A,B,C) + W[71]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f4(E,A,B) + W[72]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f4(D,E,A) + W[73]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f4(C,D,E) + W[74]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); E += ((A<<5)|(A >>> -5)) + f4(B,C,D) + W[75]; B =((B<<30)|(B>>>-30)); D += ((E<<5)|(E >>> -5)) + f4(A,B,C) + W[76]; A =((A<<30)|(A>>>-30)); C += ((D<<5)|(D >>> -5)) + f4(E,A,B) + W[77]; E =((E<<30)|(E>>>-30)); B += ((C<<5)|(C >>> -5)) + f4(D,E,A) + W[78]; D =((D<<30)|(D>>>-30)); A += ((B<<5)|(B >>> -5)) + f4(C,D,E) + W[79]; C =((C<<30)|(C>>>-30)); digest[0] += A; digest[1] += B; digest[2] += C; digest[3] += D; digest[4] += E; } // why was this public? // Note: parameter order changed to be consistent with System.arraycopy. private static void byte2int(byte[] src, int srcOffset, int[] dst, int dstOffset, int length) { while (length-- > 0) { // Big endian dst[dstOffset++] = (src[srcOffset++] << 24) | ((src[srcOffset++] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((src[srcOffset++] & 0xFF) << 8) | (src[srcOffset++] & 0xFF); } } public static PyString __doc__update = new PyString( "Update this hashing object's state with the provided string." ); /** * Add an array of bytes to the digest. */ public synchronized void update(byte input[]) { engineUpdate(input, 0, input.length); } public static PyString __doc__copy = new PyString( "Return a copy of the hashing object." ); /** * Add an array of bytes to the digest. */ public SHA1 copy() { return new SHA1(this); } public static PyString __doc__hexdigest = new PyString( "Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits." ); /** * Print out the digest in a form that can be easily compared * to the test vectors. */ public String hexdigest() { if (digestBits == null) digestBits = engineDigest(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { char c1, c2; c1 = (char) ((digestBits[i] >>> 4) & 0xf); c2 = (char) (digestBits[i] & 0xf); c1 = (char) ((c1 > 9) ? 'a' + (c1 - 10) : '0' + c1); c2 = (char) ((c2 > 9) ? 'a' + (c2 - 10) : '0' + c2); sb.append(c1); sb.append(c2); } return sb.toString(); } public static PyString __doc__digest = new PyString( "Return the digest value as a string of binary data." ); public String digest() { if (digestBits == null) digestBits = engineDigest(); return new String(digestBits, 0, 0, digestBits.length); } // XXX should become PyObject and use Py.idstr? public String toString() { return ""; } }