// Copyright 2001 Finn Bock package org.python.core; import java.lang.reflect.*; /** * The builtin exceptions module. The entire module should be imported * from python. None of the methods defined here should be called * from java. */ public class exceptions implements ClassDictInit { public static String __doc__ = "Python's standard exception class hierarchy.\n" + "\n" + "Here is a rundown of the class hierarchy. The classes found here are\n" + "inserted into both the exceptions module and the `built-in' module. "+ "It is\n" + "recommended that user defined class based exceptions be derived from the\n" + "`Exception' class, although this is currently not enforced.\n" + "\n" + "Exception\n" + " |\n" + " +-- SystemExit\n" + " +-- StopIteration\n" + " +-- StandardError\n" + " | |\n" + " | +-- KeyboardInterrupt\n" + " | +-- ImportError\n" + " | +-- EnvironmentError\n" + " | | |\n" + " | | +-- IOError\n" + " | | +-- OSError\n" + " | | |\n" + " | | +-- WindowsError\n" + " | |\n" + " | +-- EOFError\n" + " | +-- RuntimeError\n" + " | | |\n" + " | | +-- NotImplementedError\n" + " | |\n" + " | +-- NameError\n" + " | | |\n" + " | | +-- UnboundLocalError\n" + " | |\n" + " | +-- AttributeError\n" + " | +-- SyntaxError\n" + " | | |\n" + " | | +-- IndentationError\n" + " | | |\n" + " | | +-- TabError\n" + " | |\n" + " | +-- TypeError\n" + " | +-- AssertionError\n" + " | +-- LookupError\n" + " | | |\n" + " | | +-- IndexError\n" + " | | +-- KeyError\n" + " | |\n" + " | +-- ArithmeticError\n" + " | | |\n" + " | | +-- OverflowError\n" + " | | +-- ZeroDivisionError\n" + " | | +-- FloatingPointError\n" + " | |\n" + " | +-- ValueError\n" + " | | |\n" + " | | +-- UnicodeError\n" + " | |\n" + " | +-- ReferenceError\n" + " | +-- SystemError\n" + " | +-- MemoryError\n" + " |\n" + " +---Warning\n" + " |\n" + " +-- UserWarning\n" + " +-- DeprecationWarning\n" + " +-- SyntaxWarning\n" + " +-- OverflowWarning\n" + " +-- RuntimeWarning"; private exceptions() { ; } /** Internal use only. Do not call this method explicit. */ public static void classDictInit(PyObject dict) { dict.invoke("clear"); dict.__setitem__("__name__", new PyString("exceptions")); dict.__setitem__("__doc__", new PyString(__doc__)); ThreadState ts = Py.getThreadState(); if (ts.systemState == null) { ts.systemState = Py.defaultSystemState; } // Push frame PyFrame frame = new PyFrame(null, new PyStringMap()); frame.f_back = ts.frame; if (frame.f_builtins == null) { if (frame.f_back != null) { frame.f_builtins = frame.f_back.f_builtins; } else { frame.f_builtins = ts.systemState.builtins; } } ts.frame = frame; buildClass(dict, "Exception", null, "Exception", "Proposed base class for all exceptions."); buildClass(dict, "StandardError", "Exception", "empty__init__", "Base class for all standard Python exceptions."); buildClass(dict, "SyntaxError", "StandardError", "SyntaxError", "Invalid syntax"); buildClass(dict, "IndentationError", "SyntaxError", "empty__init__", "Improper indentation"); buildClass(dict, "TabError", "IndentationError", "empty__init__", "Improper mixture of spaces and tabs."); buildClass(dict, "EnvironmentError", "StandardError", "EnvironmentError", "Base class for I/O related errors."); buildClass(dict, "IOError", "EnvironmentError", "empty__init__", "I/O operation failed."); buildClass(dict, "OSError", "EnvironmentError", "empty__init__", "OS system call failed."); buildClass(dict, "RuntimeError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Unspecified run-time error."); buildClass(dict, "NotImplementedError", "RuntimeError", "empty__init__", "Method or function hasn't been implemented yet."); buildClass(dict, "SystemError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Internal error in the Python interpreter.\n\n" + "Please report this to the Python maintainer, "+ "along with the traceback,\n" + "the Python version, and the hardware/OS "+ "platform and version."); buildClass(dict, "ReferenceError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Weak ref proxy used after referent went away."); buildClass(dict, "EOFError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Read beyond end of file."); buildClass(dict, "ImportError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Import can't find module, or can't find name in module."); buildClass(dict, "TypeError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Inappropriate argument type."); buildClass(dict, "ValueError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Inappropriate argument value (of correct type)."); buildClass(dict, "UnicodeError", "ValueError", "empty__init__", "Unicode related error."); buildClass(dict, "KeyboardInterrupt", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Program interrupted by user."); buildClass(dict, "AssertionError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Assertion failed."); buildClass(dict, "ArithmeticError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Base class for arithmetic errors."); buildClass(dict, "OverflowError", "ArithmeticError", "empty__init__", "Result too large to be represented."); buildClass(dict, "FloatingPointError", "ArithmeticError", "empty__init__", "Floating point operation failed."); buildClass(dict, "ZeroDivisionError", "ArithmeticError", "empty__init__", "Second argument to a division or modulo operation "+ "was zero."); buildClass(dict, "LookupError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Base class for lookup errors."); buildClass(dict, "IndexError", "LookupError", "empty__init__", "Sequence index out of range."); buildClass(dict, "KeyError", "LookupError", "empty__init__", "Mapping key not found."); buildClass(dict, "AttributeError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Attribute not found."); buildClass(dict, "NameError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Name not found globally."); buildClass(dict, "UnboundLocalError", "NameError", "empty__init__", "Local name referenced but not bound to a value."); buildClass(dict, "MemoryError", "StandardError", "empty__init__", "Out of memory."); buildClass(dict, "SystemExit", "Exception", "SystemExit", "Request to exit from the interpreter."); buildClass(dict, "StopIteration", "Exception", "empty__init__", "Signal the end from iterator.next()."); buildClass(dict, "Warning", "Exception", "empty__init__", "Base class for warning categories."); buildClass(dict, "UserWarning", "Warning", "empty__init__", "Base class for warnings generated by user code."); buildClass(dict, "DeprecationWarning", "Warning", "empty__init__", "Base class for warnings about deprecated features."); buildClass(dict, "SyntaxWarning", "Warning", "empty__init__", "Base class for warnings about dubious syntax."); buildClass(dict, "RuntimeWarning", "Warning", "empty__init__", "Base class for warnings about dubious runtime behavior."); buildClass(dict, "OverflowWarning", "Warning", "empty__init__", "Base class for warnings about numeric overflow."); ts.frame = ts.frame.f_back; } // An empty __init__ method public static PyObject empty__init__(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { PyObject dict = new PyStringMap(); dict.__setitem__("__module__", new PyString("exceptions")); return dict; } public static PyObject Exception(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { PyObject dict = empty__init__(arg, kws); dict.__setitem__("__init__", getJavaFunc("Exception__init__")); dict.__setitem__("__str__", getJavaFunc("Exception__str__")); dict.__setitem__("__getitem__", getJavaFunc("Exception__getitem__")); return dict; } public static void Exception__init__(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("__init__", arg, kws, "self", "args"); PyObject self = ap.getPyObject(0); PyObject args = ap.getList(1); self.__setattr__("args", args); } public static PyString Exception__str__(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("__str__", arg, kws, "self"); PyObject self = ap.getPyObject(0); PyObject args = self.__getattr__("args"); if (!args.__nonzero__()) return new PyString(""); else if (args.__len__() == 1) return args.__getitem__(0).__str__(); else return args.__str__(); } public static PyObject Exception__getitem__(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("__getitem__", arg, kws, "self", "i"); PyObject self = ap.getPyObject(0); PyObject i = ap.getPyObject(1); return self.__getattr__("args").__getitem__(i); } public static PyObject SyntaxError(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { PyObject __dict__ = empty__init__(arg, kws); __dict__.__setitem__("filename", Py.None); __dict__.__setitem__("lineno", Py.None); __dict__.__setitem__("offset", Py.None); __dict__.__setitem__("text", Py.None); __dict__.__setitem__("msg", new PyString("")); __dict__.__setitem__("__init__", getJavaFunc("SyntaxError__init__")); __dict__.__setitem__("__str__", getJavaFunc("SyntaxError__str__")); return __dict__; } public static void SyntaxError__init__(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("__init__", arg, kws, "self", "args"); PyObject self = ap.getPyObject(0); PyObject args = ap.getList(1); self.__setattr__("args", args); if (args.__len__() >= 1) self.__setattr__("msg", args.__getitem__(0)); if (args.__len__() == 2) { PyObject info = args.__getitem__(1); try { PyObject[] tmp = Py.unpackSequence(info, 4); self.__setattr__("filename", tmp[0]); self.__setattr__("lineno", tmp[1]); self.__setattr__("offset", tmp[2]); self.__setattr__("text", tmp[3]); } catch (PyException exc) { ; } } } public static PyString SyntaxError__str__(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("__init__", arg, kws, "self", "args"); PyObject self = ap.getPyObject(0); PyString str = self.__getattr__("msg").__str__(); PyObject filename = basename(self.__findattr__("filename")); PyObject lineno = self.__findattr__("lineno"); if (filename instanceof PyString && lineno instanceof PyInteger) return new PyString(str + " (" + filename + ", line " + lineno + ")"); else if (filename instanceof PyString) return new PyString(str + " (" + filename + ")"); else if (lineno instanceof PyInteger) return new PyString(str + " (line " + lineno + ")"); return str; } private static PyObject basename(PyObject filename) { if (filename instanceof PyString) { int i = ((PyString) filename).rfind(java.io.File.separator); if (i >= 0) return filename.__getslice__( new PyInteger(i+1), new PyInteger(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); } return filename; } public static PyObject EnvironmentError(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { PyObject dict = empty__init__(arg, kws); dict.__setitem__("__init__", getJavaFunc("EnvironmentError__init__")); dict.__setitem__("__str__", getJavaFunc("EnvironmentError__str__")); return dict; } public static void EnvironmentError__init__(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("__init__", arg, kws, "self", "args"); PyObject self = ap.getPyObject(0); PyObject args = ap.getList(1); self.__setattr__("args", args); self.__setattr__("errno", Py.None); self.__setattr__("strerror", Py.None); self.__setattr__("filename", Py.None); if (args.__len__() == 3) { // open() errors give third argument which is the filename. BUT, // so common in-place unpacking doesn't break, e.g.: // // except IOError, (errno, strerror): // // we hack args so that it only contains two items. This also // means we need our own __str__() which prints out the filename // when it was supplied. PyObject[] tmp = Py.unpackSequence(args, 3); self.__setattr__("errno", tmp[0]); self.__setattr__("strerror", tmp[1]); self.__setattr__("filename", tmp[2]); self.__setattr__("args", args.__getslice__(Py.Zero, Py.newInteger(2), Py.One)); } if (args.__len__() == 2) { // common case: PyErr_SetFromErrno() PyObject[] tmp = Py.unpackSequence(args, 2); self.__setattr__("errno", tmp[0]); self.__setattr__("strerror", tmp[1]); } } public static PyString EnvironmentError__str__(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("__init__", arg, kws, "self"); PyObject self = ap.getPyObject(0); if (self.__getattr__("filename") != Py.None) { return Py.newString("[Errno %s] %s: %s").__mod__( new PyTuple(new PyObject[] { self.__getattr__("errno"), self.__getattr__("strerror"), self.__getattr__("filename")})).__str__(); } else if (self.__getattr__("errno").__nonzero__() && self.__getattr__("strerror").__nonzero__()) { return Py.newString("[Errno %s] %s").__mod__( new PyTuple(new PyObject[] { self.__getattr__("errno"), self.__getattr__("strerror")})).__str__(); } else { return Exception__str__(arg, kws); } } public static PyObject SystemExit(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { PyObject dict = empty__init__(arg, kws); dict.__setitem__("__init__", getJavaFunc("SystemExit__init__")); return dict; } public static void SystemExit__init__(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("__init__", arg, kws, "self", "args"); PyObject self = ap.getPyObject(0); PyObject args = ap.getList(1); self.__setattr__("args", args); if (args.__len__() == 0) self.__setattr__("code", Py.None); else if (args.__len__() == 1) self.__setattr__("code", args.__getitem__(0)); else self.__setattr__("code", args); } private static PyObject getJavaFunc(String name) { return Py.newJavaFunc(exceptions.class, name); } private static PyObject buildClass(PyObject dict, String classname, String superclass, String classCodeName, String doc) { PyObject[] sclass = Py.EmptyObjects; if (superclass != null) sclass = new PyObject[] { dict.__getitem__(new PyString(superclass)) }; PyObject cls = Py.makeClass( classname, sclass, Py.newJavaCode(exceptions.class, classCodeName), new PyString(doc)); dict.__setitem__(classname, cls); return cls; } }