// Copyright (c) Corporation for National Research Initiatives package org.python.core; /** Used to implement the builtin xrange function. Significant patches contributed by Jason Orendorff - jorendor@cbu.edu @author Jim Hugunin - hugunin@python.org @since JPython 0.3 **/ public class PyXRange extends PySequence { public int start, stop, step; // directly from xrange(start, stop, step) int cycleLength; // The length of an uncopied xrange int copies; // The number of copies made (used to implement // xrange(x,y,z)*n) public PyXRange(int start, int stop, int step) { if (step == 0) throw Py.ValueError("zero step for xrange()"); this.start = start; this.stop = stop; this.step = step; int oneLessThanStep = step + (step > 0 ? -1 : 1); cycleLength = (stop - start + oneLessThanStep) / step; if (cycleLength < 0) { cycleLength = 0; } this.stop = start + cycleLength*step; copies = 1; } public int __len__() { return cycleLength*copies; } private int getInt(int i) { if (cycleLength == 0) { // avoid divide by zero errors return start; } else { return start + (i % cycleLength)*step; } } protected PyObject get(int i) { return new PyInteger(getInt(i)); } protected PyObject getslice(int start, int stop, int step) { Py.DeprecationWarning("xrange object slicing is deprecated; " + "convert to list instead"); if (copies != 1) { throw Py.TypeError("cannot slice a replicated range"); } int len = sliceLength(start, stop, step); int xslice_start = getInt(start); int xslice_step = this.step * step; int xslice_stop = xslice_start + xslice_step * len; return new PyXRange(xslice_start, xslice_stop, xslice_step); } protected PyObject repeat(int howmany) { Py.DeprecationWarning("xrange object multiplication is deprecated; " + "convert to list instead"); PyXRange x = new PyXRange(start, stop, step); x.copies = copies*howmany; return x; } public PyObject __add__(PyObject generic_other) { throw Py.TypeError("cannot concatenate xrange objects"); } public PyObject __findattr__(String name) { String msg = "xrange object's 'start', 'stop' and 'step' " + "attributes are deprecated"; if (name == "start") { Py.DeprecationWarning(msg); return Py.newInteger(start); } else if (name == "stop") { Py.DeprecationWarning(msg); return Py.newInteger(stop); } else if (name == "step") { Py.DeprecationWarning(msg); return Py.newInteger(step); } else { return super.__findattr__(name); } } public int hashCode() { // Not the greatest hash function // but then again hashing xrange's is rather uncommon return stop^start^step; } public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("("); int count = __len__(); for (int i=0; i<(count-1); i++) { buf.append(get(i).__repr__().toString()); buf.append(", "); } if (count > 0) buf.append(get(count-1).__repr__().toString()); if (count == 1) buf.append(","); buf.append(")"); return buf.toString(); } public PyList tolist() { Py.DeprecationWarning("xrange.tolist() is deprecated; " + "use list(xrange) instead"); PyList list = new PyList(); int count = __len__(); for (int i=0; i