// Copyright (c) Corporation for National Research Initiatives package org.python.core; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.io.Serializable; /** * A python class instance. */ public class PyInstance extends PyObject { //This field is only used by Python subclasses of Java classes Object javaProxy; /** The namespace of this instance. Contains all instance attributes. **/ public PyObject __dict__; /* Override serialization behavior */ private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject(); String module = in.readUTF(); String name = in.readUTF(); /* Check for types and missing members here */ //System.out.println("module: "+module+", "+name); PyObject mod = imp.importName(module.intern(), false); PyClass pyc = (PyClass)mod.__getattr__(name.intern()); __class__ = pyc; if (javaProxy != null) ((PyProxy) javaProxy)._setPySystemState(Py.getSystemState()); } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException { //System.out.println("writing: "+getClass().getName()); out.defaultWriteObject(); PyObject name = __class__.__findattr__("__module__"); if (!(name instanceof PyString) || name == Py.None || name == null) { throw Py.ValueError("Can't find module for class: "+ __class__.__name__); } out.writeUTF(name.toString()); name = __class__.__findattr__("__name__"); if (!(name instanceof PyString) || name == Py.None || name == null) { throw Py.ValueError("Can't find module for class with no name"); } out.writeUTF(name.toString()); } /** Returns a new **/ public PyInstance(PyClass iclass, PyObject dict) { super(iclass); __dict__ = dict; } public PyInstance(PyClass iclass) { this(iclass, new PyStringMap()); } public PyInstance() {} private static Hashtable primitiveMap; protected void makeProxy() { Class c = __class__.proxyClass; PyProxy proxy; ThreadState ts = Py.getThreadState(); try { ts.pushInitializingProxy(this); try { proxy = (PyProxy)c.newInstance(); } catch (java.lang.InstantiationException e) { Class sup = c.getSuperclass(); String msg = "Default constructor failed for Java superclass"; if (sup != null) msg += " " + sup.getName(); throw Py.TypeError(msg); } catch (NoSuchMethodError nsme) { throw Py.TypeError("constructor requires arguments"); } catch (Exception exc) { throw Py.JavaError(exc); } } finally { ts.popInitializingProxy(); } if (javaProxy != null && javaProxy != proxy) { // The javaProxy can be initialized in Py.jfindattr() throw Py.TypeError("Proxy instance already initialized"); } PyInstance proxyInstance = proxy._getPyInstance(); if (proxyInstance != null && proxyInstance != this) { // The proxy was initialized to another instance!! throw Py.TypeError("Proxy initialization conflict"); } javaProxy = proxy; } public Object __tojava__(Class c) { if ((c == Object.class || c == Serializable.class) && javaProxy != null) { return javaProxy; } if (c.isInstance(this)) return this; if (c.isPrimitive()) { if (primitiveMap == null) { primitiveMap = new Hashtable(); primitiveMap.put(Character.TYPE, Character.class); primitiveMap.put(Boolean.TYPE, Boolean.class); primitiveMap.put(Byte.TYPE, Byte.class); primitiveMap.put(Short.TYPE, Short.class); primitiveMap.put(Integer.TYPE, Integer.class); primitiveMap.put(Long.TYPE, Long.class); primitiveMap.put(Float.TYPE, Float.class); primitiveMap.put(Double.TYPE, Double.class); } Class tmp = (Class)primitiveMap.get(c); if (tmp != null) c = tmp; } if (javaProxy == null && __class__.proxyClass != null) { makeProxy(); } if (c.isInstance(javaProxy)) return javaProxy; if (__class__.__tojava__ != null) { //try { PyObject ret = __class__.__tojava__.__call__(this, PyJavaClass.lookup(c)); if (ret == Py.None) return Py.NoConversion; if (ret != this) return ret.__tojava__(c); /*} catch (PyException exc) { System.err.println("Error in __tojava__ method"); Py.printException(exc); }*/ } return Py.NoConversion; } public void __init__(PyObject[] args, String[] keywords) { // Invoke our own init function PyObject init = __class__.lookup("__init__", true); PyObject ret = null; if (init != null) { ret = init.__call__(this, args, keywords); } if (ret == null) { if (args.length != 0) { init = __class__.lookup("__init__", false); if (init != null) { ret = init.__call__(this, args, keywords); } else { throw Py.TypeError("this constructor takes no arguments"); } } } else if (ret != Py.None) { throw Py.TypeError("constructor has no return value"); } // Now init all superclasses that haven't already been initialized if (javaProxy == null && __class__.proxyClass != null) { makeProxy(); } } public PyObject __jfindattr__(String name) { //System.err.println("jfinding: "+name); return __findattr__(name, true); } public PyObject __findattr__(String name) { return __findattr__(name, false); } public PyObject __findattr__(String name, boolean stopAtJava) { PyObject result = ifindlocal(name); if (result != null) return result; // it wasn't found in the instance, try the class PyObject[] result2 = __class__.lookupGivingClass(name, stopAtJava); if (result2[0] != null) return result2[0]._doget(this, result2[1]); return ifindfunction(name); } protected PyObject ifindlocal(String name) { if (name == "__dict__") return __dict__; if (name == "__class__") return __class__; if (__dict__ == null) return null; return __dict__.__finditem__(name); } protected PyObject ifindclass(String name, boolean stopAtJava) { return __class__.lookup(name, stopAtJava); } protected PyObject ifindfunction(String name) { PyObject getter = __class__.__getattr__; if (getter == null) return null; try { return getter.__call__(this, new PyString(name)); } catch (PyException exc) { if (Py.matchException(exc, Py.AttributeError)) return null; throw exc; } } public PyObject invoke(String name) { PyObject f = ifindlocal(name); if (f == null) { f = ifindclass(name, false); if (f != null) { if (f instanceof PyFunction) { return f.__call__(this); } else { f = f._doget(this); } } } if (f == null) f = ifindfunction(name); if (f == null) throw Py.AttributeError(name); return f.__call__(); } public PyObject invoke(String name, PyObject arg1) { PyObject f = ifindlocal(name); if (f == null) { f = ifindclass(name, false); if (f != null) { if (f instanceof PyFunction) { return f.__call__(this, arg1); } else { f = f._doget(this); } } } if (f == null) f = ifindfunction(name); if (f == null) throw Py.AttributeError(name); return f.__call__(arg1); } public PyObject invoke(String name, PyObject arg1, PyObject arg2) { PyObject f = ifindlocal(name); if (f == null) { f = ifindclass(name, false); if (f != null) { if (f instanceof PyFunction) { return f.__call__(this, arg1, arg2); } else { f = f._doget(this); } } } if (f == null) f = ifindfunction(name); if (f == null) throw Py.AttributeError(name); return f.__call__(arg1, arg2); } public void __setattr__(String name, PyObject value) { if (name == "__class__") { if (value instanceof PyClass) { __class__ = (PyClass)value; } else { throw Py.TypeError("__class__ must be set to a class"); } return; } else if (name == "__dict__") { __dict__ = value; return; } PyObject setter = __class__.__setattr__; if (setter != null) { setter.__call__(this, new PyString(name), value); } else { if (__class__.getProxyClass() != null) { PyObject field = __class__.lookup(name, false); if (field == null) { noField(name, value); } else if (!field._doset(this, value)) { unassignableField(name, value); } } else { __dict__.__setitem__(name, value); } } } protected void noField(String name, PyObject value) { __dict__.__setitem__(name, value); } protected void unassignableField(String name, PyObject value) { __dict__.__setitem__(name, value); } public void __delattr__(String name) { // Need code to handle _dodel PyObject deller = __class__.__delattr__; if (deller != null) { deller.__call__(this, new PyString(name)); } else { try { __dict__.__delitem__(name); } catch (PyException exc) { if (Py.matchException(exc, Py.KeyError)) throw Py.AttributeError("class " + __class__.__name__ + " has no attribute '" + name + "'"); }; } } public PyObject invoke_ex(String name, PyObject[] args, String[] keywords) { PyObject meth = __findattr__(name); if (meth == null) return null; return meth.__call__(args, keywords); } public PyObject invoke_ex(String name) { PyObject meth = __findattr__(name); if (meth == null) return null; return meth.__call__(); } public PyObject invoke_ex(String name, PyObject arg1) { PyObject meth = __findattr__(name); if (meth == null) return null; return meth.__call__(arg1); } public PyObject invoke_ex(String name, PyObject arg1, PyObject arg2) { PyObject meth = __findattr__(name); if (meth == null) return null; return meth.__call__(arg1, arg2); } public PyObject __call__(PyObject args[], String keywords[]) { ThreadState ts = Py.getThreadState(); if (ts.recursion_depth++ > ts.systemState.getrecursionlimit()) throw Py.RuntimeError("maximum __call__ recursion depth exceeded"); try { return invoke("__call__", args, keywords); } finally { --ts.recursion_depth; } } public PyString __repr__() { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__repr__"); if (ret == null) { PyObject mod = __class__.__dict__.__finditem__("__module__"); String smod; if (mod == Py.None) smod = ""; else { if (mod == null || !(mod instanceof PyString)) smod = "."; else smod = ((PyString)mod).toString()+'.'; } return new PyString("<"+smod+__class__.__name__+ " instance "+Py.idstr(this)+">"); } if (!(ret instanceof PyString)) throw Py.TypeError("__repr__ method must return a string"); return (PyString)ret; } public PyString __str__() { PyObject ret = null; try { ret = invoke_ex("__str__"); } catch (PyException exc) { } if (ret == null) return __repr__(); if (!(ret instanceof PyString)) throw Py.TypeError("__str__ method must return a string"); return (PyString)ret; } public int hashCode() { PyObject ret; ret = invoke_ex("__hash__"); if (ret == null) { if (__findattr__("__eq__") != null || __findattr__("__cmp__") != null) throw Py.TypeError("unhashable instance"); return super.hashCode(); } if (ret instanceof PyInteger) { return ((PyInteger)ret).getValue(); } throw Py.TypeError("__hash__() must return int"); } public int __cmp__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__cmp__", o); if (ret == null) return -2; if (ret instanceof PyInteger) { int v = ((PyInteger)ret).getValue(); return v < 0 ? -1 : v > 0 ? 1 : 0; } throw Py.TypeError("__cmp__() must return int"); } private PyObject invoke_ex_richcmp(String name, PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex(name, o); if (ret == Py.NotImplemented) return null; return ret; } public PyObject __lt__(PyObject o) { return invoke_ex_richcmp("__lt__", o); } public PyObject __le__(PyObject o) { return invoke_ex_richcmp("__le__", o); } public PyObject __gt__(PyObject o) { return invoke_ex_richcmp("__gt__", o); } public PyObject __ge__(PyObject o) { return invoke_ex_richcmp("__ge__", o); } public PyObject __eq__(PyObject o) { return invoke_ex_richcmp("__eq__", o); } public PyObject __ne__(PyObject o) { return invoke_ex_richcmp("__ne__", o); } public boolean __nonzero__() { PyObject meth = null; try { meth = __findattr__("__nonzero__"); } catch (PyException exc) { } if (meth == null) { // Copied form __len__() CollectionProxy proxy = getCollection(); if (proxy != CollectionProxy.NoProxy) { return proxy.__len__() != 0 ? true : false; } try { meth = __findattr__("__len__"); } catch (PyException exc) { } if (meth == null) return true; } PyObject ret = meth.__call__(); return ret.__nonzero__(); } private CollectionProxy collectionProxy=null; private CollectionProxy getCollection() { if (collectionProxy == null) collectionProxy = CollectionProxy.findCollection(javaProxy); return collectionProxy; } public int __len__() { CollectionProxy proxy = getCollection(); if (proxy != CollectionProxy.NoProxy) { return proxy.__len__(); } PyObject ret = invoke("__len__"); if (ret instanceof PyInteger) return ((PyInteger)ret).getValue(); throw Py.TypeError("__len__() should return an int"); } public PyObject __finditem__(int key) { CollectionProxy proxy = getCollection(); if (proxy != CollectionProxy.NoProxy) { return proxy.__finditem__(key); } return __finditem__(new PyInteger(key)); } private PyObject trySlice(PyObject key, String name, PyObject extraArg) { if (!(key instanceof PySlice)) return null; PySlice slice = (PySlice)key; if (slice.step != Py.None && slice.step != Py.One) { if (slice.step instanceof PyInteger) { if (((PyInteger)slice.step).getValue() != 1) { return null; } } else { return null; } } PyObject func = __findattr__(name); if (func == null) return null; PyObject start = slice.start; PyObject stop = slice.stop; if (start == Py.None) start = Py.Zero; if (stop == Py.None) stop = new PyInteger(PySystemState.maxint); if (extraArg == null) { return func.__call__(start, stop); } else { return func.__call__(start, stop, extraArg); } } public PyObject __finditem__(PyObject key) { CollectionProxy proxy = getCollection(); if (proxy != CollectionProxy.NoProxy) { return proxy.__finditem__(key); } try { PyObject ret = trySlice(key, "__getslice__", null); if (ret != null) return ret; return invoke("__getitem__", key); } catch (PyException e) { if (Py.matchException(e, Py.IndexError)) return null; throw e; } } public PyObject __getitem__(PyObject key) { CollectionProxy proxy = getCollection(); if (proxy != CollectionProxy.NoProxy) { PyObject ret = proxy.__finditem__(key); if (ret == null) { throw Py.KeyError(key.toString()); } return ret; } PyObject ret = trySlice(key, "__getslice__", null); if (ret != null) return ret; return invoke("__getitem__", key); } public void __setitem__(PyObject key, PyObject value) { CollectionProxy proxy = getCollection(); if (proxy != CollectionProxy.NoProxy) { proxy.__setitem__(key, value); return; } if (trySlice(key, "__setslice__", value) != null) return; invoke("__setitem__", key, value); } public void __delitem__(PyObject key) { CollectionProxy proxy = getCollection(); if (proxy != CollectionProxy.NoProxy) { proxy.__delitem__(key); return; } if (trySlice(key, "__delslice__", null) != null) return; invoke("__delitem__", key); } public PyObject __iter__() { PyObject iter = getCollectionIter(); if (iter != null) { return iter; } PyObject func = __findattr__("__iter__"); if (func != null) return func.__call__(); func = __findattr__("__getitem__"); if (func == null) return super.__iter__(); return new PySequenceIter(this); } public PyObject __iternext__() { PyObject func = __findattr__("next"); if (func != null) { try { return func.__call__(); } catch (PyException exc) { if (Py.matchException(exc, Py.StopIteration)) return null; throw exc; } } throw Py.TypeError("instance has no next() method"); } private static CollectionIter[] iterFactories = null; private PyObject getCollectionIter() { if (iterFactories == null) initializeIterators(); for (int i = 0; iterFactories[i] != null; i++) { PyObject iter = iterFactories[i].findCollection(javaProxy); if (iter != null) return iter; } return null; } private static synchronized void initializeIterators() { if (iterFactories != null) return; String factories = "org.python.core.CollectionIter," + "org.python.core.CollectionIter2," + Py.getSystemState().registry.getProperty( "python.collections", ""); int i = 0; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(factories, ","); iterFactories = new CollectionIter[st.countTokens() + 1]; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = st.nextToken(); try { Class factoryClass = Class.forName(s); CollectionIter factory = (CollectionIter)factoryClass.newInstance(); iterFactories[i++] = factory; } catch (Throwable t) { } } } public boolean __contains__(PyObject o) { PyObject func = __findattr__("__contains__"); if (func == null) return super.__contains__(o); PyObject ret = func.__call__(o); return ret.__nonzero__(); } //Begin the numeric methods here public Object __coerce_ex__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__coerce__", o); if (ret == null || ret == Py.None) return ret; if (!(ret instanceof PyTuple)) throw Py.TypeError("coercion should return None or 2-tuple"); return ((PyTuple)ret).list; } // Generated by make_binops.py // Unary ops /** * Implements the __hex__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyString __hex__() { PyObject ret = invoke("__hex__"); if (ret instanceof PyString) return (PyString)ret; throw Py.TypeError("__hex__() should return a string"); } /** * Implements the __oct__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyString __oct__() { PyObject ret = invoke("__oct__"); if (ret instanceof PyString) return (PyString)ret; throw Py.TypeError("__oct__() should return a string"); } /** * Implements the __int__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyInteger __int__() { PyObject ret = invoke("__int__"); if (ret instanceof PyInteger) return (PyInteger)ret; throw Py.TypeError("__int__() should return a int"); } /** * Implements the __float__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyFloat __float__() { PyObject ret = invoke("__float__"); if (ret instanceof PyFloat) return (PyFloat)ret; throw Py.TypeError("__float__() should return a float"); } /** * Implements the __long__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyLong __long__() { PyObject ret = invoke("__long__"); if (ret instanceof PyLong) return (PyLong)ret; throw Py.TypeError("__long__() should return a long"); } /** * Implements the __complex__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyComplex __complex__() { PyObject ret = invoke("__complex__"); if (ret instanceof PyComplex) return (PyComplex)ret; throw Py.TypeError("__complex__() should return a complex"); } /** * Implements the __pos__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __pos__() { return invoke("__pos__"); } /** * Implements the __neg__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __neg__() { return invoke("__neg__"); } /** * Implements the __abs__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __abs__() { return invoke("__abs__"); } /** * Implements the __invert__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __invert__() { return invoke("__invert__"); } // Binary ops /** * Implements the __add__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __add__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__add__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__add__", o2); else return o1._add(o2); } } /** * Implements the __radd__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __radd__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__radd__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__radd__", o2); else return o2._add(o1); } } /** * Implements the __iadd__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __iadd__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__iadd__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__iadd__(o); } /** * Implements the __sub__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __sub__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__sub__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__sub__", o2); else return o1._sub(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rsub__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rsub__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rsub__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rsub__", o2); else return o2._sub(o1); } } /** * Implements the __isub__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __isub__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__isub__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__isub__(o); } /** * Implements the __mul__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __mul__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__mul__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__mul__", o2); else return o1._mul(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rmul__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rmul__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rmul__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rmul__", o2); else return o2._mul(o1); } } /** * Implements the __imul__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __imul__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__imul__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__imul__(o); } /** * Implements the __div__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __div__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__div__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__div__", o2); else return o1._div(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rdiv__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rdiv__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rdiv__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rdiv__", o2); else return o2._div(o1); } } /** * Implements the __idiv__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __idiv__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__idiv__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__idiv__(o); } /** * Implements the __floordiv__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __floordiv__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__floordiv__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__floordiv__", o2); else return o1._floordiv(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rfloordiv__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rfloordiv__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rfloordiv__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rfloordiv__", o2); else return o2._floordiv(o1); } } /** * Implements the __ifloordiv__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __ifloordiv__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__ifloordiv__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__ifloordiv__(o); } /** * Implements the __truediv__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __truediv__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__truediv__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__truediv__", o2); else return o1._truediv(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rtruediv__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rtruediv__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rtruediv__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rtruediv__", o2); else return o2._truediv(o1); } } /** * Implements the __itruediv__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __itruediv__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__itruediv__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__itruediv__(o); } /** * Implements the __mod__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __mod__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__mod__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__mod__", o2); else return o1._mod(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rmod__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rmod__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rmod__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rmod__", o2); else return o2._mod(o1); } } /** * Implements the __imod__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __imod__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__imod__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__imod__(o); } /** * Implements the __divmod__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __divmod__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__divmod__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__divmod__", o2); else return o1._divmod(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rdivmod__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rdivmod__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rdivmod__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rdivmod__", o2); else return o2._divmod(o1); } } /** * Implements the __pow__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __pow__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__pow__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__pow__", o2); else return o1._pow(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rpow__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rpow__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rpow__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rpow__", o2); else return o2._pow(o1); } } /** * Implements the __ipow__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __ipow__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__ipow__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__ipow__(o); } /** * Implements the __lshift__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __lshift__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__lshift__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__lshift__", o2); else return o1._lshift(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rlshift__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rlshift__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rlshift__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rlshift__", o2); else return o2._lshift(o1); } } /** * Implements the __ilshift__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __ilshift__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__ilshift__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__ilshift__(o); } /** * Implements the __rshift__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rshift__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rshift__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rshift__", o2); else return o1._rshift(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rrshift__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rrshift__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rrshift__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rrshift__", o2); else return o2._rshift(o1); } } /** * Implements the __irshift__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __irshift__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__irshift__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__irshift__(o); } /** * Implements the __and__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __and__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__and__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__and__", o2); else return o1._and(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rand__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rand__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rand__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rand__", o2); else return o2._and(o1); } } /** * Implements the __iand__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __iand__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__iand__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__iand__(o); } /** * Implements the __or__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __or__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__or__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__or__", o2); else return o1._or(o2); } } /** * Implements the __ror__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __ror__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__ror__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__ror__", o2); else return o2._or(o1); } } /** * Implements the __ior__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __ior__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__ior__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__ior__(o); } /** * Implements the __xor__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __xor__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__xor__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__xor__", o2); else return o1._xor(o2); } } /** * Implements the __rxor__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __rxor__(PyObject o) { Object ctmp = __coerce_ex__(o); if (ctmp == null || ctmp == Py.None) return invoke_ex("__rxor__", o); else { PyObject o1 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[0]; PyObject o2 = ((PyObject[])ctmp)[1]; if (this == o1) // Prevent recusion if __coerce__ return self return invoke_ex("__rxor__", o2); else return o2._xor(o1); } } /** * Implements the __ixor__ method by looking it up * in the instance's dictionary and calling it if it is found. **/ public PyObject __ixor__(PyObject o) { PyObject ret = invoke_ex("__ixor__", o); if (ret != null) return ret; return super.__ixor__(o); } }