// Copyright (c) Corporation for National Research Initiatives package org.python.core; import java.lang.reflect.*; public class PyBeanProperty extends PyReflectedField { public Method getMethod, setMethod; public Class myType; String __name__; public static PyClass __class__; public PyBeanProperty(String name, Class myType, Method getMethod, Method setMethod) { super(__class__); __name__ = name; this.getMethod = getMethod; this.setMethod = setMethod; this.myType = myType; } public PyObject _doget(PyObject self) { if (self == null) { if (field != null) { return super._doget(null); } throw Py.AttributeError("instance attr: "+__name__); } if (getMethod == null) { throw Py.AttributeError("write-only attr: "+__name__); } Object iself = Py.tojava(self, getMethod.getDeclaringClass()); try { Object value = getMethod.invoke(iself, Py.EmptyObjects); return Py.java2py(value); } catch (Exception e) { throw Py.JavaError(e); } } public boolean _doset(PyObject self, PyObject value) { if (self == null) { if (field != null) { return super._doset(null, value); } throw Py.AttributeError("instance attr: "+__name__); } if (setMethod == null) { throw Py.AttributeError("read-only attr: "+__name__); } Object iself = Py.tojava(self, setMethod.getDeclaringClass()); Object jvalue=null; // Special handling of tuples // try to call a class constructor if (value instanceof PyTuple) { try { PyTuple vtup = (PyTuple)value; value = PyJavaClass.lookup(myType).__call__(vtup.list); } catch (Throwable t) { // If something goes wrong ignore it? } } if (jvalue == null) { jvalue = Py.tojava(value, myType); } try { setMethod.invoke(iself, new Object[] {jvalue}); } catch (Exception e) { throw Py.JavaError(e); } return true; } public PyBeanProperty copy() { return new PyBeanProperty(__name__, myType, getMethod, setMethod); } public String toString() { String typeName = "unknown"; if (myType != null) { typeName = myType.getName(); } return ""; } }