package org.python.core; /** * A utility class for handling mixed positional and keyword arguments. * * A typical usage: *
 *  public MatchObject search(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
 *      ArgParser ap = new ArgParser("search", args, kws,
 *                                   "pattern", "pos", "endpos");
 *      String string = ap.getString(0);
 *      int start     = ap.getInt(1, 0);
 *      int end       = ap.getInt(2, string.length());
 *      ...
*/ public class ArgParser { // The name of the function. Used in exception messages private String funcname; // The actual argument values. private PyObject[] args; // The list of actual keyword names. private String[] kws; // The list of allowed and expected keyword names. private String[] params = null; // A marker. private static Object required = new Object(); private static String[] emptyKws = new String[0]; private ArgParser(String funcname, PyObject[] args, String[] kws) { this.funcname = funcname; this.args = args; if (kws == null) kws = emptyKws; this.kws = kws; } /** * Create an ArgParser with one method argument * @param funcname Name of the method. Used in error messages. * @param args The actual call arguments supplied in the call. * @param args The actual keyword names supplied in the call. * @param p0 The expected argument in the method definition. */ public ArgParser(String funcname, PyObject[] args, String[] kws, String p0) { this(funcname, args, kws); this.params = new String[] { p0 }; check(); } /** * Create an ArgParser with two method argument * @param funcname Name of the method. Used in error messages. * @param args The actual call arguments supplied in the call. * @param args The actual keyword names supplied in the call. * @param p0 The first expected argument in the method definition. * @param p1 The second expected argument in the method definition. */ public ArgParser(String funcname, PyObject[] args, String[] kws, String p0, String p1) { this(funcname, args, kws); this.params = new String[] { p0, p1 }; check(); } /** * Create an ArgParser with three method argument * @param funcname Name of the method. Used in error messages. * @param args The actual call arguments supplied in the call. * @param args The actual keyword names supplied in the call. * @param p0 The first expected argument in the method definition. * @param p1 The second expected argument in the method definition. * @param p2 The third expected argument in the method definition. */ public ArgParser(String funcname, PyObject[] args, String[] kws, String p0, String p1, String p2) { this(funcname, args, kws); this.params = new String[] { p0, p1, p2 }; check(); } /** * Create an ArgParser with three method argument * @param funcname Name of the method. Used in error messages. * @param args The actual call arguments supplied in the call. * @param args The actual keyword names supplied in the call. * @param paramnames The list of expected argument in the method definition. */ public ArgParser(String funcname, PyObject[] args, String[] kws, String[] paramnames) { this(funcname, args, kws); this.params = paramnames; check(); } /** * Return a required argument as a String. * @param pos The position of the argument. First argument is * numbered 0. */ public String getString(int pos) { return (String) getArg(pos, String.class, "string"); } /** * Return an optional argument as a String. * @param pos The position of the argument. First argument is * numbered 0. */ public String getString(int pos, String def) { return (String) getArg(pos, String.class, "string", def); } /** * Return a required argument as an int. * @param pos The position of the argument. First argument is * numbered 0. */ public int getInt(int pos) { return getRequiredArg(pos).__int__().getValue(); } /** * Return an optional argument as an int. * @param pos The position of the argument. First argument is * numbered 0. */ public int getInt(int pos, int def) { PyObject value = getOptionalArg(pos); if (value == null) return def; return value.__int__().getValue(); } /** * Return a required argument as a PyObject. * @param pos The position of the argument. First argument is * numbered 0. */ public PyObject getPyObject(int pos) { return getRequiredArg(pos); } /** * Return an optiona argument as a PyObject. * @param pos The position of the argument. First argument is * numbered 0. */ public PyObject getPyObject(int pos, PyObject def) { PyObject value = getOptionalArg(pos); if (value == null) value = def; return value; } /** * Return the remaining arguments as a tuple. * @param pos The position of the argument. First argument is * numbered 0. */ public PyObject getList(int pos) { int kws_start = args.length - kws.length; if (pos < kws_start) { PyObject[] ret = new PyObject[kws_start - pos]; System.arraycopy(args, pos, ret, 0, kws_start - pos); return new PyTuple(ret); } return Py.EmptyTuple; } private void check() { l1: for (int i = 0; i < kws.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < params.length; j++) { if (kws[i].equals(params[j])) continue l1; } throw Py.TypeError(kws[i] + " is an invalid keyword argument " + "for this function"); } } private PyObject getRequiredArg(int pos) { PyObject ret = getOptionalArg(pos); if (ret == null) throw Py.TypeError(funcname + ": The " + ordinal(pos) + " argument is required"); return ret; } private PyObject getOptionalArg(int pos) { int kws_start = args.length - kws.length; if (pos < kws_start) return args[pos]; for (int i = 0; i < kws.length; i++) { if (kws[i].equals(params[pos])) return args[kws_start + i]; } return null; } private Object getArg(int pos, Class clss, String classname) { return getArg(pos, clss, classname, required); } private Object getArg(int pos, Class clss, String classname, Object def) { PyObject value = null; if (def == required) value = getRequiredArg(pos); else { value = getOptionalArg(pos); if (value == null) return def; } Object ret = value.__tojava__(clss); if (ret == Py.NoConversion) throw Py.TypeError("argument " + (pos+1) + ": expected " + classname + ", " + Py.safeRepr(value) + " found"); return ret; } private static String ordinal(int n) { switch(n+1) { case 1: return "1st"; case 2: return "2nd"; case 3: return "3rd"; default: return Integer.toString(n+1)+"th"; } } }