// (C) Copyright 2001 Samuele Pedroni package org.python.compiler; import org.python.parser.*; import org.python.parser.ast.*; import java.util.*; public class ScopesCompiler extends Visitor implements ScopeConstants { private CompilationContext code_compiler; private Stack scopes; private ScopeInfo cur = null; private Hashtable nodeScopes; private int level = 0; private int func_level = 0; public ScopesCompiler(CompilationContext code_compiler, Hashtable nodeScopes) { this.code_compiler = code_compiler; this.nodeScopes = nodeScopes; scopes = new Stack(); } public void beginScope(String name, int kind, SimpleNode node, ArgListCompiler ac) { if (cur != null) { scopes.push(cur); } if (kind == FUNCSCOPE) func_level++; cur = new ScopeInfo(name, node, level++, kind, func_level, ac); nodeScopes.put(node, cur); } public void endScope() throws Exception { if (cur.kind == FUNCSCOPE) func_level--; level--; ScopeInfo up = (!scopes.empty())?(ScopeInfo)scopes.pop():null; cur.cook(up,code_compiler); cur.dump(); // dbg cur = up; } public void parse(SimpleNode node) throws Exception { try { visit(node); } catch(Throwable t) { throw org.python.core.parser.fixParseError(null, t, code_compiler.getFilename()); } } public Object visitInteractive(Interactive node) throws Exception { beginScope("", TOPSCOPE, node, null); suite(node.body); endScope(); return null; } public Object visitModule(org.python.parser.ast.Module node) throws Exception { beginScope("", TOPSCOPE, node, null); suite(node.body); endScope(); return null; } public Object visitExpression(Expression node) throws Exception { beginScope("", TOPSCOPE, node, null); visit(new Return(node.body)); endScope(); return null; } private void def(String name) { cur.addBound(name); } public Object visitFunctionDef(FunctionDef node) throws Exception { def(node.name); ArgListCompiler ac = new ArgListCompiler(); ac.visitArgs(node.args); exprType[] defaults = ac.getDefaults(); int defc = defaults.length; for (int i = 0; i < defc; i++) { visit(defaults[i]); } beginScope(node.name, FUNCSCOPE, node, ac); int n = ac.names.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cur.addParam((String)ac.names.elementAt(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < ac.init_code.size(); i++) { visit((stmtType) ac.init_code.elementAt(i)); } cur.markFromParam(); suite(node.body); endScope(); return null; } public Object visitLambda(Lambda node) throws Exception { ArgListCompiler ac = new ArgListCompiler(); ac.visitArgs(node.args); SimpleNode[] defaults = ac.getDefaults(); int defc = defaults.length; for (int i = 0; i < defc; i++) { visit(defaults[i]); } beginScope("", FUNCSCOPE, node, ac); int n = ac.names.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cur.addParam((String)ac.names.elementAt(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < ac.init_code.size(); i++) visit((stmtType) ac.init_code.elementAt(i)); cur.markFromParam(); visit(node.body); endScope(); return null; } public void suite(stmtType[] stmts) throws Exception { int n = stmts.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) visit(stmts[i]); } public Object visitImport(Import node) throws Exception { int n = node.names.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (node.names[i].asname != null) cur.addBound(node.names[i].asname); else { String name = node.names[i].name; if (name.indexOf('.') > 0) name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf('.')); cur.addBound(name); } } return null; } public Object visitImportFrom(ImportFrom node) throws Exception { Future.checkFromFuture(node); // future stmt support int n = node.names.length; if (n == 0) { cur.from_import_star = true; return null; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (node.names[i].asname != null) cur.addBound(node.names[i].asname); else cur.addBound(node.names[i].name); } return null; } public Object visitGlobal(Global node) throws Exception { int n = node.names.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String name = node.names[i]; int prev = cur.addGlobal(name); if (prev >= 0) { if ((prev&FROM_PARAM) != 0) code_compiler.error("name '"+name+"' is local and global", true,node); if ((prev&GLOBAL) != 0) continue; String what; if ((prev&BOUND) != 0) what = "assignment"; else what = "use"; code_compiler.error("name '"+name+"' declared global after "+ what,false,node); } } return null; } public Object visitExec(Exec node) throws Exception { cur.exec = true; if (node.globals == null && node.locals == null) cur.unqual_exec = true; traverse(node); return null; } /* private static void illassign(SimpleNode node) throws Exception { String target = "operator"; if (node.id == PythonGrammarTreeConstants.JJTCALL_OP) { target = "function call"; } else if ((node.id == PythonGrammarTreeConstants.JJTFOR_STMT)) { target = "list comprehension"; } throw new ParseException("can't assign to "+target,node); } */ public Object visitClassDef(ClassDef node) throws Exception { def(node.name); int n = node.bases.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) visit(node.bases[i]); beginScope(node.name, CLASSSCOPE, node, null); suite(node.body); endScope(); return null; } public Object visitName(Name node) throws Exception { String name = node.id; if (node.ctx != expr_contextType.Load) { if (name.equals("__debug__")) code_compiler.error("can not assign to __debug__", true,node); cur.addBound(name); } else cur.addUsed(name); return null; } public Object visitListComp(ListComp node) throws Exception { String tmp = "_[" + (++cur.list_comprehension_count) + "]"; cur.addBound(tmp); traverse(node); return null; } public Object visitYield(Yield node) throws Exception { cur.generator = true; cur.yield_count++; traverse(node); return null; } }