// Copyright (c) Corporation for National Research Initiatives package org.python.compiler; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.io.*; import org.python.core.Py; public class ProxyMaker implements ClassConstants { public static final int tBoolean=0; public static final int tByte=1; public static final int tShort=2; public static final int tInteger=3; public static final int tLong=4; public static final int tFloat=5; public static final int tDouble=6; public static final int tCharacter=7; public static final int tVoid=8; public static final int tOther=9; public static final int tNone=10; public static Hashtable types=fillTypes(); public static Hashtable fillTypes() { Hashtable types = new Hashtable(); types.put(Boolean.TYPE, new Integer(tBoolean)); types.put(Byte.TYPE, new Integer(tByte)); types.put(Short.TYPE, new Integer(tShort)); types.put(Integer.TYPE, new Integer(tInteger)); types.put(Long.TYPE, new Integer(tLong)); types.put(Float.TYPE, new Integer(tFloat)); types.put(Double.TYPE, new Integer(tDouble)); types.put(Character.TYPE, new Integer(tCharacter)); types.put(Void.TYPE, new Integer(tVoid)); return types; } public static int getType(Class c) { if (c == null) return tNone; Object i = types.get(c); if (i == null) return tOther; else return ((Integer)i).intValue(); } Class superclass; Class[] interfaces; Hashtable names; Hashtable supernames = new Hashtable(); public ClassFile classfile; public String myClass; public boolean isAdapter=false; // Ctor used by makeProxy and AdapterMaker. public ProxyMaker(String classname, Class superclass) { this.myClass = "org.python.proxies."+classname; if (superclass.isInterface()) { this.superclass = Object.class; this.interfaces = new Class[] {superclass}; } else { this.superclass = superclass; this.interfaces = new Class[0]; } } // Ctor used by javamaker. public ProxyMaker(String myClass, Class superclass, Class[] interfaces) { this.myClass = myClass; if (superclass == null) superclass = Object.class; this.superclass = superclass; if (interfaces == null) interfaces = new Class[0]; this.interfaces = interfaces; } public static String mapClass(Class c) { String name = c.getName(); int index = name.indexOf("."); if (index == -1) return name; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(name.length()); int last_index = 0; while (index != -1) { buf.append(name.substring(last_index, index)); buf.append("/"); last_index = index+1; index = name.indexOf(".", last_index); } buf.append(name.substring(last_index, name.length())); return buf.toString(); } public static String mapType(Class type) { if (type.isArray()) return "["+mapType(type.getComponentType()); switch (getType(type)) { case tByte: return "B"; case tCharacter: return "C"; case tDouble: return "D"; case tFloat: return "F"; case tInteger: return "I"; case tLong: return "J"; case tShort: return "S"; case tBoolean: return "Z"; case tVoid: return "V"; default: return "L"+mapClass(type)+";"; } } public static String makeSignature(Class[] sig, Class ret) { StringBuffer buf=new StringBuffer(); buf.append("("); for (int i=0; i", "()V", Modifier.STATIC); code.return_(); } public static void doReturn(Code code, Class type) throws Exception { switch (getType(type)) { case tNone: break; case tCharacter: case tBoolean: case tByte: case tShort: case tInteger: code.ireturn(); break; case tLong: code.lreturn(); break; case tFloat: code.freturn(); break; case tDouble: code.dreturn(); break; case tVoid: code.return_(); break; default: code.areturn(); break; } } public static void doNullReturn(Code code, Class type) throws Exception { switch (getType(type)) { case tNone: break; case tCharacter: case tBoolean: case tByte: case tShort: case tInteger: code.iconst(0); code.ireturn(); break; case tLong: code.ldc(code.pool.Long(0)); code.lreturn(); break; case tFloat: code.ldc(code.pool.Float((float)0.)); code.freturn(); break; case tDouble: code.ldc(code.pool.Double(0.)); code.dreturn(); break; case tVoid: code.return_(); break; default: code.aconst_null(); code.areturn(); break; } } public void callSuper(Code code, String name, String superclass, Class[] parameters, Class ret, String sig) throws Exception { code.aload(0); int local_index; int i; for (i=0, local_index=1; i 0) { start = code.getLabel(); end = code.getLabel(); jcallName = "_jcallexc"; instLocal = code.getLocal("org/python/core/PyObject"); code.astore(instLocal); start.setPosition(); code.aload(instLocal); } getArgs(code, parameters); switch (getType(ret)) { case tCharacter: doJavaCall(code, "char", "C", jcallName); break; case tBoolean: doJavaCall(code, "boolean", "Z", jcallName); break; case tByte: case tShort: case tInteger: doJavaCall(code, "int", "I", jcallName); break; case tLong: doJavaCall(code, "long", "J", jcallName); break; case tFloat: doJavaCall(code, "float", "F", jcallName); break; case tDouble: doJavaCall(code, "double", "D", jcallName); break; case tVoid: doJavaCall(code, "void", "V", jcallName); break; default: int jcall = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", jcallName, "(" + $objArr + ")" + $pyObj); code.invokevirtual(jcall); /* catching exceptions is not vm mandatory Label forname_start =code.getLabel(); Label forname_end = code.getLabel(); Label forname_exch_start = code.getLabel(); Label forname_exch_end = code.getLabel(); forname_start.setPosition(); */ int forname = code.pool.Methodref( "java/lang/Class","forName", "(" + $str + ")" + $clss); code.ldc(ret.getName()); code.invokestatic(forname); /* forname_end.setPosition(); code.goto_(forname_exch_end); forname_exch_start.setPosition(); code.stack = 1; // never reached, but this code keeps the verifier happy code.pop(); code.aconst_null(); code.dup(); forname_exch_end.setPosition(); code.addExceptionHandler(forname_start,forname_end, forname_exch_start, code.pool.Class("java/lang/ClassNotFoundException")); */ int tojava = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "tojava", "(" + $pyObj + $clss + ")" + $obj); code.invokestatic(tojava); // I guess I need this checkcast to keep the verifier happy code.checkcast(code.pool.Class(mapClass(ret))); break; } if (exceptions.length > 0) end.setPosition(); doReturn(code, ret); if (exceptions.length > 0) { boolean throwableFound = false; Label handlerStart = null; for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) { handlerStart = code.getLabel(); handlerStart.setPosition(); code.stack = 1; int excLocal = code.getLocal("java/lang/Throwable"); code.astore(excLocal); code.aload(excLocal); code.athrow(); code.addExceptionHandler(start, end, handlerStart, code.pool.Class(mapClass(exceptions[i]))); doNullReturn(code, ret); code.freeLocal(excLocal); if (exceptions[i] == Throwable.class) throwableFound = true; } if (!throwableFound) { // The final catch (Throwable) handlerStart = code.getLabel(); handlerStart.setPosition(); code.stack = 1; int excLocal = code.getLocal("java/lang/Throwable"); code.astore(excLocal); code.aload(instLocal); code.aload(excLocal); int jthrow = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "_jthrow", "(" + $throwable + ")V"); code.invokevirtual(jthrow); code.addExceptionHandler(start, end, handlerStart, code.pool.Class("java/lang/Throwable")); code.freeLocal(excLocal); doNullReturn(code, ret); } code.freeLocal(instLocal); } } public void addMethod(Method method, int access) throws Exception { boolean isAbstract = false; if (Modifier.isAbstract(access)) { access = access & ~Modifier.ABSTRACT; isAbstract = true; } Class[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes(); Class ret = method.getReturnType(); String sig = makeSignature(parameters, ret); String name = method.getName(); // System.out.println(name+": "+sig); names.put(name, name); Code code = classfile.addMethod(name, sig, access); code.aload(0); code.ldc(name); if (!isAbstract) { int tmp = code.getLocal("org/python/core/PyObject"); int jfindattr = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "jfindattr", "(" + $pyProxy + $str + ")" + $pyObj); code.invokestatic(jfindattr); code.astore(tmp); code.aload(tmp); Label callPython = code.getLabel(); code.ifnonnull(callPython); String superclass = mapClass(method.getDeclaringClass()); callSuper(code, name, superclass, parameters, ret, sig); callPython.setPosition(); code.aload(tmp); callMethod(code, name, parameters, ret, method.getExceptionTypes()); addSuperMethod("super__"+name, name, superclass, parameters, ret, sig, access); } else { if (!isAdapter) { int jgetattr = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "jgetattr", "(" + $pyProxy + $str + ")" + $pyObj); code.invokestatic(jgetattr); callMethod(code, name, parameters, ret, method.getExceptionTypes()); } else { int jfindattr = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "jfindattr", "(" + $pyProxy + $str + ")" + $pyObj); code.invokestatic(jfindattr); code.dup(); Label returnNull = code.getLabel(); code.ifnull(returnNull); callMethod(code, name, parameters, ret, method.getExceptionTypes()); returnNull.setPosition(); code.pop(); doNullReturn(code, ret); } } } private String methodString(Method m) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(m.getName()); buf.append(":"); Class[] params = m.getParameterTypes(); for (int i=0; i", sig, access); callSuper(code, "", name, parameters, Void.TYPE, sig); } public void addConstructors(Class c) throws Exception { Constructor[] constructors = c.getDeclaredConstructors(); String name = mapClass(c); for (int i=0; i