// Copyright (c) Corporation for National Research Initiatives package org.python.compiler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.python.core.PyObject; import org.python.core.PyProxy; import org.python.core.Py; public class JavaMaker extends ProxyMaker implements ClassConstants { public String pythonClass, pythonModule; public String[] properties; public String[] packages; //Hashtable methods; PyObject methods; public boolean frozen, main; public JavaMaker(Class superclass, Class[] interfaces, String pythonClass, String pythonModule, String myClass, PyObject methods) { this(superclass, interfaces, pythonClass, pythonModule, myClass, null, null, methods, false, false); } public JavaMaker(Class superclass, Class[] interfaces, String pythonClass, String pythonModule, String myClass, String[] packages, String[] properties, PyObject methods, boolean frozen, boolean main) { super(myClass, superclass, interfaces); // System.out.println("props: "+properties+", "+properties.length); this.pythonClass = pythonClass; this.pythonModule = pythonModule; this.packages = packages; this.properties = properties; this.frozen = frozen; this.main = main; this.methods = methods; } private void makeStrings(Code code, String[] list) throws Exception { if (list != null) { int n = list.length; code.iconst(n); code.anewarray(code.pool.Class("java/lang/String")); int strings = code.getLocal("[java/lang/String"); code.astore(strings); for(int i=0; i", sig, access); callSuper(code, "", name, parameters, null, sig); code.aload(0); getArgs(code, parameters); int initProxy = code.pool.Methodref( classfile.name, "__initProxy__", "([Ljava/lang/Object;)V"); code.invokevirtual(initProxy); code.return_(); } public void addProxy() throws Exception { if (methods != null) super.addProxy(); // _initProxy method Code code = classfile.addMethod("__initProxy__", "([Ljava/lang/Object;)V", Modifier.PUBLIC); code.aload(0); code.ldc(pythonModule); code.ldc(pythonClass); code.aload(1); makeStrings(code, packages); makeStrings(code, properties); code.iconst(frozen ? 1 : 0); int initProxy = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "initProxy", "(" + $pyProxy + $str + $str + $objArr + $strArr + $strArr + "Z)V"); code.invokestatic(initProxy); code.return_(); if (main) addMain(); } // public void addMethods(Class c) throws Exception { // if (methods != null) { // super.addMethods(c); // } // } public void addMethod(Method method, int access) throws Exception { //System.out.println("add: "+method.getName()+", "+ // methods.containsKey(method.getName())); // Check to see if it's an abstract method if (Modifier.isAbstract(access)) { // Maybe throw an exception here??? super.addMethod(method, access); } else if (methods.__finditem__(method.getName().intern()) != null) { super.addMethod(method, access); } else if (Modifier.isProtected(method.getModifiers())) { addSuperMethod(method, access); } } /* public void addSuperMethod(String methodName, String superName, String superclass, Class[] parameters, Class ret, String sig, int access) throws Exception { if (!PyProxy.class.isAssignableFrom(this.superclass)) { super.addSuperMethod(methodName,superName,superclass,parameters, ret,sig,access); } } */ public void addMain() throws Exception { Code code = classfile.addMethod("main", "(" + $str + ")V", ClassFile.PUBLIC | ClassFile.STATIC); // Load the class of the Python module to run int forname = code.pool.Methodref( "java/lang/Class","forName", "(" + $str + ")" + $clss); code.ldc(pythonModule); code.invokestatic(forname); // Load in any command line arguments code.aload(0); makeStrings(code, packages); makeStrings(code, properties); code.iconst(frozen ? 1 : 0); int runMain = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "runMain", "(" + $clss + $strArr + $strArr + $strArr + "Z)V"); code.invokestatic(runMain); code.return_(); } }