// Copyright (c) Corporation for National Research Initiatives package org.python.compiler; import org.python.parser.*; import org.python.parser.ast.*; import org.python.parser.ast.Attribute; import org.python.core.Py; import org.python.core.PyObject; import org.python.core.PyInteger; import org.python.core.PyFloat; import org.python.core.PyLong; import org.python.core.PyComplex; import org.python.core.PyException; import org.python.core.CompilerFlags; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; public class CodeCompiler extends Visitor implements ClassConstants //, PythonGrammarTreeConstants { public static final Object Exit=new Integer(1); public static final Object NoExit=null; public static final int GET=0; public static final int SET=1; public static final int DEL=2; public static final int AUGGET=3; public static final int AUGSET=4; public Module module; public Code code; public ConstantPool pool; public CodeCompiler mrefs; int temporary; int augmode; int augtmp1; int augtmp2; int augtmp3; int augtmp4; public boolean fast_locals, print_results; public Hashtable tbl; public ScopeInfo my_scope; boolean optimizeGlobals = true; public Vector names; public String className; public Stack continueLabels, breakLabels, finallyLabels; public Stack inFinallyLabels; public Vector yields = new Vector(); /* break/continue finally's level. * This is the lowest level in finallyLabels which should * be executed at break or continue. * It is saved/updated/restored when compiling loops. * A similar level for returns is not needed because a new CodeCompiler * is used for each PyCode, ie. each 'function'. * When returning through finally's all finallyLabels are executed. */ public int bcfLevel = 0; public CodeCompiler(Module module, boolean print_results) { this.module = module; mrefs = this; pool = module.classfile.pool; continueLabels = new Stack(); breakLabels = new Stack(); finallyLabels = new Stack(); inFinallyLabels = new Stack(); this.print_results = print_results; } public int PyNone; public void getNone() throws IOException { if (mrefs.PyNone == 0) { mrefs.PyNone = pool.Fieldref("org/python/core/Py", "None", $pyObj); } code.getstatic(mrefs.PyNone); } public void loadFrame() throws Exception { code.aload(1); } int f_lasti; public void setLastI(int idx) throws Exception { if (mrefs.f_lasti == 0) { mrefs.f_lasti = code.pool.Fieldref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "f_lasti", "I"); } loadFrame(); code.iconst(idx); code.putfield(mrefs.f_lasti); } public int storeTop() throws Exception { int tmp = code.getLocal("org/python/core/PyObject"); code.astore(tmp); return tmp; } public int setline; public void setline(int line) throws Exception { //System.out.println("line: "+line+", "+code.stack); if (module.linenumbers) { code.setline(line); loadFrame(); code.iconst(line); if (mrefs.setline == 0) { mrefs.setline = pool.Methodref("org/python/core/PyFrame", "setline", "(I)V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.setline); } } public void setline(SimpleNode node) throws Exception { setline(node.beginLine); } public void set(SimpleNode node) throws Exception { int tmp = storeTop(); set(node, tmp); code.aconst_null(); code.astore(tmp); code.freeLocal(tmp); } boolean inSet = false; public void set(SimpleNode node, int tmp) throws Exception { //System.out.println("tmp: "+tmp); if (inSet) { System.out.println("recurse set: "+tmp+", "+temporary); } temporary = tmp; visit(node); } private void saveAugTmps(SimpleNode node, int count) throws Exception { if (count >= 4) { augtmp4 = code.getLocal("org/python/core/PyObject"); code.astore(augtmp4); } if (count >= 3) { augtmp3 = code.getLocal("org/python/core/PyObject"); code.astore(augtmp3); } if (count >= 2) { augtmp2 = code.getLocal("org/python/core/PyObject"); code.astore(augtmp2); } augtmp1 = code.getLocal("org/python/core/PyObject"); code.astore(augtmp1); code.aload(augtmp1); if (count >= 2) code.aload(augtmp2); if (count >= 3) code.aload(augtmp3); if (count >= 4) code.aload(augtmp4); } private void restoreAugTmps(SimpleNode node, int count) throws Exception { code.aload(augtmp1); code.freeLocal(augtmp1); if (count == 1) return; code.aload(augtmp2); code.freeLocal(augtmp2); if (count == 2) return; code.aload(augtmp3); code.freeLocal(augtmp3); if (count == 3) return; code.aload(augtmp4); code.freeLocal(augtmp4); } public void parse(modType node, Code code, boolean fast_locals, String className, boolean classBody, ScopeInfo scope,CompilerFlags cflags) throws Exception { this.fast_locals = fast_locals; this.className = className; this.code = code; my_scope = scope; names = scope.names; tbl = scope.tbl; optimizeGlobals = fast_locals&&!scope.exec&&!scope.from_import_star; Object exit = visit(node); //System.out.println("exit: "+exit+", "+(exit==null)); if (classBody) { loadFrame(); code.invokevirtual("org/python/core/PyFrame", "getf_locals", "()" + $pyObj); code.areturn(); } else { if (exit == null) { //System.out.println("no exit"); setLastI(-1); getNone(); code.areturn(); } } } public Object visitInteractive(Interactive node) throws Exception { traverse(node); return null; } public Object visitModule(org.python.parser.ast.Module suite) throws Exception { if (mrefs.setglobal == 0) { mrefs.setglobal = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "setglobal", "(" +$str + $pyObj + ")V"); } if (suite.body.length > 0 && suite.body[0] instanceof Expr && ((Expr)suite.body[0]).value instanceof Str) { loadFrame(); code.ldc("__doc__"); visit(((Expr) suite.body[0]).value); code.invokevirtual(mrefs.setglobal); } if (module.setFile) { loadFrame(); code.ldc("__file__"); module.filename.get(code); code.invokevirtual(mrefs.setglobal); } traverse(suite); return null; } public Object visitExpression(Expression node) throws Exception { if (my_scope.generator && node.body != null) { module.error("'return' with argument inside generator", true, node); } return visitReturn(new Return(node.body, node), true); } public int EmptyObjects; public void makeArray(SimpleNode[] nodes) throws Exception { int n; if (nodes == null) n = 0; else n = nodes.length; if (n == 0) { if (mrefs.EmptyObjects == 0) { mrefs.EmptyObjects = code.pool.Fieldref( "org/python/core/Py", "EmptyObjects", $pyObjArr); } code.getstatic(mrefs.EmptyObjects); } else { int tmp = code.getLocal("[org/python/core/PyObject"); code.iconst(n); code.anewarray(code.pool.Class("org/python/core/PyObject")); code.astore(tmp); for(int i=0; i 0 && suite[0] instanceof Expr && ((Expr) suite[0]).value instanceof Str) { visit(((Expr) suite[0]).value); } else { code.aconst_null(); } } int getclosure; public boolean makeClosure(Vector freenames) throws Exception { if (freenames == null) return false; int n = freenames.size(); if (n == 0) return false; if (mrefs.getclosure == 0) { mrefs.getclosure = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "getclosure", "(I)" + $pyObj); } int tmp = code.getLocal("[org/python/core/PyObject"); code.iconst(n); code.anewarray(code.pool.Class("org/python/core/PyObject")); code.astore(tmp); for(int i=0; i", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObjArr + $pyCode + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokespecial(mrefs.PyFunction_init); } else { if (mrefs.PyFunction_closure_init == 0) { mrefs.PyFunction_closure_init = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFunction", "", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObjArr + $pyCode + $pyObj + $pyObjArr + ")V"); } code.invokespecial(mrefs.PyFunction_closure_init); } set(new Name(node.name, Name.Store, node)); return null; } public int printResult; public Object visitExpr(Expr node) throws Exception { setline(node); visit(node.value); if (print_results) { if (mrefs.printResult == 0) { mrefs.printResult = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "printResult", "(" + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.printResult); } else { code.pop(); } return null; } public Object visitAssign(Assign node) throws Exception { setline(node); visit(node.value); if (node.targets.length == 1) { set(node.targets[0]); return null; } int tmp = storeTop(); for (int i=node.targets.length-1; i>=0; i--) { set(node.targets[i], tmp); } code.freeLocal(tmp); return null; } public int print1, print2, print3, print4, print5, print6; public Object visitPrint(Print node) throws Exception { setline(node); int tmp = -1; int printcomma, printlnv, println; if (node.dest != null) { visit(node.dest); tmp = storeTop(); if (mrefs.print4 == 0) { mrefs.print4 = pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "printComma", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")V"); } printcomma = mrefs.print4; if (mrefs.print5 == 0) { mrefs.print5 = pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "println", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")V"); } println = mrefs.print5; if (mrefs.print6 == 0) { mrefs.print6 = pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "printlnv", "(" + $pyObj + ")V"); } printlnv = mrefs.print6; } else { if (mrefs.print1 == 0) { mrefs.print1 = pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "printComma", "(" + $pyObj + ")V"); } printcomma = mrefs.print1; if (mrefs.print2 == 0) { mrefs.print2 = pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "println", "(" + $pyObj + ")V"); } println = mrefs.print2; if (mrefs.print3 == 0) { mrefs.print3 = pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "println", "()V"); } printlnv = mrefs.print3; } if (node.values == null || node.values.length == 0) { if (node.dest != null) code.aload(tmp); code.invokestatic(printlnv); } else { for (int i = 0; i < node.values.length; i++) { if (node.dest != null) code.aload(tmp); visit(node.values[i]); if (node.nl && i == node.values.length - 1) { code.invokestatic(println); } else { code.invokestatic(printcomma); } } } if (node.dest != null) code.freeLocal(tmp); return null; } public Object visitDelete(Delete node) throws Exception { setline(node); traverse(node); return null; } public Object visitPass(Pass node) throws Exception { setline(node); return null; } public Object visitBreak(Break node) throws Exception { //setline(node); Not needed here... if (breakLabels.empty()) { throw new ParseException("'break' outside loop", node); } for (int i = finallyLabels.size() - 1; i >= bcfLevel; i--) { doFinallyPart((InFinally)finallyLabels.elementAt(i)); } code.goto_((Label)breakLabels.peek()); return null; } public Object visitContinue(Continue node) throws Exception { //setline(node); Not needed here... if (continueLabels.empty()) { throw new ParseException("'continue' not properly in loop", node); } for (int i = finallyLabels.size() - 1; i >= bcfLevel; i--) { doFinallyPart((InFinally)finallyLabels.elementAt(i)); } code.goto_((Label)continueLabels.peek()); return Exit; } int yield_count = 0; int f_savedlocals; public Object visitYield(Yield node) throws Exception { setline(node); if (!fast_locals) { throw new ParseException("'yield' outside function", node); } if (!finallyLabels.empty()) { throw new ParseException("'yield' not allowed in a 'try' "+ "block with a 'finally' clause", node); } InFinally inFinally = null; if (inFinallyLabels.size() > 0) inFinally = (InFinally) inFinallyLabels.peek(); if (inFinally == null) { saveLocals(); visit(node.value); setLastI(++yield_count); code.areturn(); Label restart = code.getLabel(); yields.addElement(restart); restart.setPosition(); restoreLocals(); } else { saveLocals(); visit(node.value); code.areturn(); code.ret(inFinally.retLocal); inFinally.labels[inFinally.cnt++].setPosition(); code.stack = 1; code.astore(inFinally.retLocal); restoreLocals(); } return null; } private void restoreLocals() throws Exception { Vector v = code.getActiveLocals(); loadFrame(); if (mrefs.f_savedlocals == 0) { mrefs.f_savedlocals = code.pool.Fieldref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "f_savedlocals", "[Ljava/lang/Object;"); } code.getfield(mrefs.f_savedlocals); int locals = code.getLocal("[java/lang/Object"); code.astore(locals); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String type = (String) v.elementAt(i); if (type == null) continue; code.aload(locals); code.iconst(i); code.aaload(); code.checkcast(code.pool.Class(type)); code.astore(i); } code.freeLocal(locals); } private void saveLocals() throws Exception { Vector v = code.getActiveLocals(); //System.out.println("bs:" + bs); code.iconst(v.size()); //code.anewarray(code.pool.Class("org/python/core/PyObject")); code.anewarray(code.pool.Class("java/lang/Object")); int locals = code.getLocal("[java/lang/Object"); code.astore(locals); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { String type = (String) v.elementAt(i); if (type == null) continue; code.aload(locals); code.iconst(i); //code.checkcast(code.pool.Class("java/lang/Object")); if (i == 2222) { code.aconst_null(); } else code.aload(i); code.aastore(); } if (mrefs.f_savedlocals == 0) { mrefs.f_savedlocals = code.pool.Fieldref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "f_savedlocals", "[Ljava/lang/Object;"); } loadFrame(); code.aload(locals); code.putfield(mrefs.f_savedlocals); code.freeLocal(locals); } public Object visitReturn(Return node) throws Exception { return visitReturn(node, false); } public Object visitReturn(Return node, boolean inEval) throws Exception { setline(node); if (!inEval && !fast_locals) { throw new ParseException("'return' outside function", node); } int tmp = 0; if (node.value != null) { if (my_scope.generator) throw new ParseException("'return' with argument " + "inside generator", node); visit(node.value); tmp = code.getReturnLocal(); code.astore(tmp); } for (int i = finallyLabels.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { doFinallyPart((InFinally) finallyLabels.elementAt(i)); } setLastI(-1); if (node.value != null) { code.aload(tmp); } else { getNone(); } code.areturn(); return Exit; } public int makeException0, makeException1, makeException2, makeException3; public Object visitRaise(Raise node) throws Exception { setline(node); traverse(node); if (node.type == null) { if (mrefs.makeException0 == 0) { mrefs.makeException0 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "makeException", "()" + $pyExc); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.makeException0); } else if (node.inst == null) { if (mrefs.makeException1 == 0) { mrefs.makeException1 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "makeException", "(" + $pyObj + ")" + $pyExc); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.makeException1); } else if (node.tback == null) { if (mrefs.makeException2 == 0) { mrefs.makeException2 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "makeException", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")" + $pyExc); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.makeException2); } else { if (mrefs.makeException3 == 0) { mrefs.makeException3 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "makeException", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")" + $pyExc); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.makeException3); } code.athrow(); return Exit; } public int importOne, importOneAs; public Object visitImport(Import node) throws Exception { setline(node); for (int i = 0; i < node.names.length; i++) { String asname = null; if (node.names[i].asname != null) { String name = node.names[i].name; asname = node.names[i].asname; code.ldc(name); loadFrame(); if (mrefs.importOneAs == 0) { mrefs.importOneAs = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/imp", "importOneAs", "(" + $str + $pyFrame + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.importOneAs); } else { String name = node.names[i].name; asname = name; if (asname.indexOf('.') > 0) asname = asname.substring(0, asname.indexOf('.')); code.ldc(name); loadFrame(); if (mrefs.importOne == 0) { mrefs.importOne = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/imp", "importOne", "(" + $str + $pyFrame + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.importOne); } set(new Name(asname, Name.Store, node)); } return null; } public int importAll, importFrom; public Object visitImportFrom(ImportFrom node) throws Exception { Future.checkFromFuture(node); // future stmt support setline(node); code.ldc(node.module); if (node.names.length > 0) { String[] names = new String[node.names.length]; String[] asnames = new String[node.names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < node.names.length; i++) { names[i] = node.names[i].name; asnames[i] = node.names[i].asname; if (asnames[i] == null) asnames[i] = names[i]; } makeStrings(code, names, names.length); loadFrame(); if (mrefs.importFrom == 0) { mrefs.importFrom = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/imp", "importFrom", "(" + $str + $strArr + $pyFrame + ")" + $pyObjArr); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.importFrom); int tmp = storeTop(); for (int i = 0; i < node.names.length; i++) { code.aload(tmp); code.iconst(i); code.aaload(); set(new Name(asnames[i], Name.Store, node)); } code.freeLocal(tmp); } else { loadFrame(); if (mrefs.importAll == 0) { mrefs.importAll = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/imp", "importAll", "(" + $str + $pyFrame + ")V"); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.importAll); } return null; } public Object visitGlobal(Global node) throws Exception { return null; } public int exec; public Object visitExec(Exec node) throws Exception { setline(node); visit(node.body); if (node.globals != null) { visit(node.globals); } else { code.aconst_null(); } if (node.locals != null) { visit(node.locals); } else { code.aconst_null(); } //do the real work here if (mrefs.exec == 0) { mrefs.exec = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "exec", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.exec); return null; } public int assert1, assert2; public Object visitAssert(Assert node) throws Exception { setline(node); Label end_of_assert = code.getLabel(); /* First do an if __debug__: */ loadFrame(); emitGetGlobal("__debug__"); if (mrefs.nonzero == 0) { mrefs.nonzero = code.pool.Methodref("org/python/core/PyObject", "__nonzero__", "()Z"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.nonzero); code.ifeq(end_of_assert); /* Now do the body of the assert */ visit(node.test); if (node.msg != null) { visit(node.msg); if (mrefs.assert2 == 0) { mrefs.assert2 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "assert_", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.assert2); } else { if (mrefs.assert1 == 0) { mrefs.assert1 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "assert_", "(" + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.assert1); } /* And finally set the label for the end of it all */ end_of_assert.setPosition(); return null; } public int nonzero; public Object doTest(Label end_of_if, If node, int index) throws Exception { Label end_of_suite = code.getLabel(); setline(node.test); visit(node.test); if (mrefs.nonzero == 0) { mrefs.nonzero = code.pool.Methodref("org/python/core/PyObject", "__nonzero__", "()Z"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.nonzero); code.ifeq(end_of_suite); Object exit = suite(node.body); if (end_of_if != null && exit == null) code.goto_(end_of_if); end_of_suite.setPosition(); if (node.orelse != null) { return suite(node.orelse) != null ? exit : null; } else { return null; } } public Object visitIf(If node) throws Exception { Label end_of_if = null; if (node.orelse != null) end_of_if = code.getLabel(); Object exit = doTest(end_of_if, node, 0); if (end_of_if != null) end_of_if.setPosition(); return exit; } public int beginLoop() { continueLabels.push(code.getLabel()); breakLabels.push(code.getLabel()); int savebcf = bcfLevel; bcfLevel = finallyLabels.size(); return savebcf; } public void finishLoop(int savebcf) { continueLabels.pop(); breakLabels.pop(); bcfLevel = savebcf; } public Object visitWhile(While node) throws Exception { int savebcf = beginLoop(); Label continue_loop = (Label)continueLabels.peek(); Label break_loop = (Label)breakLabels.peek(); Label start_loop = code.getLabel(); code.goto_(continue_loop); start_loop.setPosition(); //Do suite suite(node.body); continue_loop.setPosition(); setline(node); //Do test visit(node.test); if (mrefs.nonzero == 0) { mrefs.nonzero = code.pool.Methodref("org/python/core/PyObject", "__nonzero__", "()Z"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.nonzero); code.ifne(start_loop); finishLoop(savebcf); if (node.orelse != null) { //Do else suite(node.orelse); } break_loop.setPosition(); // Probably need to detect "guaranteed exits" return null; } public int iter=0; public int iternext=0; public Object visitFor(For node) throws Exception { int savebcf = beginLoop(); Label continue_loop = (Label)continueLabels.peek(); Label break_loop = (Label)breakLabels.peek(); Label start_loop = code.getLabel(); Label next_loop = code.getLabel(); int iter_tmp = code.getLocal("org/python/core/PyObject"); int expr_tmp = code.getLocal("org/python/core/PyObject"); setline(node); //parse the list visit(node.iter); //set up the loop iterator if (mrefs.iter == 0) { mrefs.iter = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__iter__", "()" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.iter); code.astore(iter_tmp); //do check at end of loop. Saves one opcode ;-) code.goto_(next_loop); start_loop.setPosition(); //set iter variable to current entry in list set(node.target, expr_tmp); //evaluate for body suite(node.body); continue_loop.setPosition(); next_loop.setPosition(); setline(node); //get the next element from the list code.aload(iter_tmp); if (mrefs.iternext == 0) { mrefs.iternext = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__iternext__", "()" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.iternext); code.astore(expr_tmp); code.aload(expr_tmp); //if no more elements then fall through code.ifnonnull(start_loop); finishLoop(savebcf); if (node.orelse != null) { //Do else clause if provided suite(node.orelse); } break_loop.setPosition(); code.freeLocal(iter_tmp); code.freeLocal(expr_tmp); // Probably need to detect "guaranteed exits" return null; } public int match_exception; public void exceptionTest(int exc, Label end_of_exceptions, TryExcept node, int index) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < node.handlers.length; i++) { excepthandlerType handler = node.handlers[i]; //setline(name); Label end_of_self = code.getLabel(); if (handler.type != null) { code.aload(exc); //get specific exception visit(handler.type); if (mrefs.match_exception == 0) { mrefs.match_exception = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "matchException", "(" + $pyExc + $pyObj + ")Z"); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.match_exception); code.ifeq(end_of_self); } else { if (i != node.handlers.length-1) { throw new ParseException( "bare except must be last except clause", handler.type); } } if (handler.name != null) { code.aload(exc); code.getfield(code.pool.Fieldref("org/python/core/PyException", "value", "Lorg/python/core/PyObject;")); set(handler.name); } //do exception body suite(handler.body); code.goto_(end_of_exceptions); end_of_self.setPosition(); } code.aload(exc); code.athrow(); } public int add_traceback; public Object visitTryFinally(TryFinally node) throws Exception { Label start = code.getLabel(); Label end = code.getLabel(); Label handlerStart = code.getLabel(); Label finallyEnd = code.getLabel(); Label skipSuite = code.getLabel(); Object ret; // Do protected suite int yieldCount = 0; if (my_scope.generator) { YieldChecker checker = new YieldChecker(); checker.visit(node.finalbody); yieldCount = checker.yieldCount; } if (yieldCount > 0) { throw new ParseException("'yield' in finally not yet supported", node); } InFinally inFinally = new InFinally(yieldCount + 1); finallyLabels.push(inFinally); int excLocal = code.getLocal("java/lang/Throwable"); code.aconst_null(); code.astore(excLocal); start.setPosition(); ret = suite(node.body); end.setPosition(); if (ret == null) { doFinallyPart(inFinally); code.goto_(finallyEnd); } finallyLabels.pop(); // Handle any exceptions that get thrown in suite handlerStart.setPosition(); code.stack = 1; code.astore(excLocal); code.aload(excLocal); loadFrame(); if (mrefs.add_traceback == 0) { mrefs.add_traceback = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "addTraceback", "(" + $throwable + $pyFrame + ")V"); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.add_traceback); doFinallyPart(inFinally); code.aload(excLocal); code.checkcast(code.pool.Class("java/lang/Throwable")); code.athrow(); // Do finally suite inFinally.labels[0].setPosition(); code.stack = 1; inFinally.retLocal = code.getFinallyLocal("ret"); code.astore(inFinally.retLocal); // Trick the JVM verifier into thinking this code might not // be executed //code.iconst(1); //code.ifeq(skipSuite); inFinallyLabels.push(inFinally); // The actual finally suite is always executed (since 1 != 0) ret = suite(node.finalbody); inFinallyLabels.pop(); // Fake jump to here to pretend this could always happen //skipSuite.setPosition(); code.ret(inFinally.retLocal); code.freeFinallyLocal(inFinally.retLocal); finallyEnd.setPosition(); code.freeLocal(excLocal); code.addExceptionHandler(start, end, handlerStart, code.pool.Class("java/lang/Throwable")); // According to any JVM verifiers, this code block might not return return null; } private void doFinallyPart(InFinally inFinally) throws Exception { if (inFinally.labels.length == 1) { code.jsr(inFinally.labels[0]); } else { Label endOfFinal = code.getLabel(); for (int i = 0; i < inFinally.labels.length; i++) { setLastI(++yield_count); code.jsr(inFinally.labels[i]); //code.areturn(); if (i < inFinally.labels.length-1) { code.goto_(endOfFinal); Label restart = code.getLabel(); yields.addElement(restart); restart.setPosition(); } } endOfFinal.setPosition(); } } class YieldChecker extends Visitor { public int yieldCount = 0; public Object visitYield(Yield node) throws Exception { yieldCount++; return super.visitYield(node); } } public int set_exception; public Object visitTryExcept(TryExcept node) throws Exception { Label start = code.getLabel(); Label end = code.getLabel(); Label handler_start = code.getLabel(); Label handler_end = code.getLabel(); start.setPosition(); //Do suite Object exit = suite(node.body); //System.out.println("exit: "+exit+", "+(exit != null)); end.setPosition(); if (exit == null) code.goto_(handler_end); handler_start.setPosition(); //Stack has eactly one item at start of handler code.stack = 1; loadFrame(); if (mrefs.set_exception == 0) { mrefs.set_exception = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "setException", "(" + $throwable + $pyFrame + ")" + $pyExc); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.set_exception); int exc = code.getFinallyLocal("java/lang/Throwable"); code.astore(exc); if (node.orelse == null) { //No else clause to worry about exceptionTest(exc, handler_end, node, 1); handler_end.setPosition(); } else { //Have else clause Label else_end = code.getLabel(); exceptionTest(exc, else_end, node, 1); handler_end.setPosition(); //do else clause suite(node.orelse); else_end.setPosition(); } code.freeFinallyLocal(exc); code.addExceptionHandler(start, end, handler_start, code.pool.Class("java/lang/Throwable")); return null; } public Object visitSuite(Suite node) throws Exception { return suite(node.body); } public Object suite(stmtType[] stmts) throws Exception { int n = stmts.length; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Object exit = visit(stmts[i]); //System.out.println("exit: "+exit+", "+n+", "+(exit != null)); if (exit != null) return Exit; } return null; } public Object visitBoolOp(BoolOp node) throws Exception { Label end = code.getLabel(); visit(node.values[0]); for (int i = 1; i < node.values.length; i++) { code.dup(); if (mrefs.nonzero == 0) { mrefs.nonzero = code.pool.Methodref("org/python/core/PyObject", "__nonzero__", "()Z"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.nonzero); switch (node.op) { case BoolOp.Or : code.ifne(end); break; case BoolOp.And : code.ifeq(end); break; } code.pop(); visit(node.values[i]); } end.setPosition(); return null; } public Object visitCompare(Compare node) throws Exception { int tmp1 = code.getLocal("org/python/core/PyObject"); int tmp2 = code.getLocal("org/python/core/PyObject"); int op; if (mrefs.nonzero == 0) { mrefs.nonzero = code.pool.Methodref("org/python/core/PyObject", "__nonzero__", "()Z"); } Label end = code.getLabel(); visit(node.left); int n = node.ops.length; for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { visit(node.comparators[i]); code.dup(); code.astore(tmp1); code.invokevirtual(make_cmpop(node.ops[i])); code.dup(); code.astore(tmp2); code.invokevirtual(mrefs.nonzero); code.ifeq(end); code.aload(tmp1); } visit(node.comparators[n-1]); code.invokevirtual(make_cmpop(node.ops[n-1])); if (n > 1) { code.astore(tmp2); end.setPosition(); code.aload(tmp2); } code.freeLocal(tmp1); code.freeLocal(tmp2); return null; } int[] compare_ops = new int[11]; public int make_cmpop(int op) throws Exception { if (compare_ops[op] == 0) { String name = null; switch (op) { case Compare.Eq: name = "_eq"; break; case Compare.NotEq: name = "_ne"; break; case Compare.Lt: name = "_lt"; break; case Compare.LtE: name = "_le"; break; case Compare.Gt: name = "_gt"; break; case Compare.GtE: name = "_ge"; break; case Compare.Is: name = "_is"; break; case Compare.IsNot: name = "_isnot"; break; case Compare.In: name = "_in"; break; case Compare.NotIn: name = "_notin"; break; } compare_ops[op] = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", name, "(" + $pyObj + ")" + $pyObj); } return compare_ops[op]; } static String[] bin_methods = new String[] { null, "_add", "_sub", "_mul", "_div", "_mod", "_pow", "_lshift", "_rshift", "_or", "_xor", "_and", "_floordiv", }; int[] bin_ops = new int[13]; public int make_binop(int op) throws Exception { if (bin_ops[op] == 0) { String name = bin_methods[op]; if (op == BinOp.Div && module.getFutures().areDivisionOn()) { name = "_truediv"; } bin_ops[op] = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", name, "(" + $pyObj + ")" + $pyObj); } return bin_ops[op]; } public Object visitBinOp(BinOp node) throws Exception { visit(node.left); visit(node.right); code.invokevirtual(make_binop(node.op)); return null; } static String[] unary_methods = new String[] { null, "__invert__", "__not__", "__pos__", "__neg__", }; int[] unary_ops = new int[unary_methods.length]; public int make_unaryop(int op) throws Exception { if (unary_ops[op] == 0) { String name = unary_methods[op]; unary_ops[op] = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", name, "()" + $pyObj); } return unary_ops[op]; } public Object visitUnaryOp(UnaryOp node) throws Exception { visit(node.operand); code.invokevirtual(make_unaryop(node.op)); return null; } static String[] aug_methods = new String[] { null, "__iadd__", "__isub__", "__imul__", "__idiv__", "__imod__", "__ipow__", "__ilshift__", "__irshift__", "__ior__", "__ixor__", "__iand__", "__ifloordiv__", }; int[] augbin_ops = new int[aug_methods.length]; public int make_augbinop(int op) throws Exception { if (augbin_ops[op] == 0) { String name = aug_methods[op]; if (op == BinOp.Div && module.getFutures().areDivisionOn()) { name = "__itruediv__"; } augbin_ops[op] = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", name, "(" + $pyObj + ")" + $pyObj); } return augbin_ops[op]; } public Object visitAugAssign(AugAssign node) throws Exception { visit(node.value); int tmp = storeTop(); augmode = expr_contextType.Load; visit(node.target); code.aload(tmp); code.invokevirtual(make_augbinop(node.op)); code.freeLocal(tmp); temporary = storeTop(); augmode = expr_contextType.Store; visit(node.target); code.freeLocal(temporary); return null; } public static void makeStrings(Code c, String[] names, int n) throws IOException { c.iconst(n); c.anewarray(c.pool.Class("java/lang/String")); int strings = c.getLocal("[java/lang/String"); c.astore(strings); for (int i=0; i 0) { makeArray(values); makeStrings(code, keys, keys.length); if (mrefs.call1 == 0) { mrefs.call1 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__call__", "(" + $pyObjArr + $strArr + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.call1); } else { switch (values.length) { case 0: if (mrefs.calla0 == 0) { mrefs.calla0 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__call__", "()" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.calla0); break; case 1: if (mrefs.calla1 == 0) { mrefs.calla1 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__call__", "(" + $pyObj + ")" + $pyObj); } visit(values[0]); code.invokevirtual(mrefs.calla1); break; case 2: if (mrefs.calla2 == 0) { mrefs.calla2 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__call__", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")" + $pyObj); } visit(values[0]); visit(values[1]); code.invokevirtual(mrefs.calla2); break; case 3: if (mrefs.calla3 == 0) { mrefs.calla3 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__call__", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")" + $pyObj); } visit(values[0]); visit(values[1]); visit(values[2]); code.invokevirtual(mrefs.calla3); break; case 4: if (mrefs.calla4 == 0) { mrefs.calla4 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__call__", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")" + $pyObj); } visit(values[0]); visit(values[1]); visit(values[2]); visit(values[3]); code.invokevirtual(mrefs.calla4); break; default: makeArray(values); if (mrefs.call2 == 0) { mrefs.call2 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__call__", "(" + $pyObjArr + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.call2); break; } } return null; } public int getslice, setslice, delslice; public Object Slice(Subscript node, Slice slice) throws Exception { int ctx = node.ctx; if (ctx == node.AugStore && augmode == node.Store) { restoreAugTmps(node, 4); ctx = node.Store; } else { visit(node.value); if (slice.lower != null) visit(slice.lower); else code.aconst_null(); if (slice.upper != null) visit(slice.upper); else code.aconst_null(); if (slice.step != null) visit(slice.step); else code.aconst_null(); if (node.ctx == node.AugStore && augmode == node.Load) { saveAugTmps(node, 4); ctx = node.Load; } } switch (ctx) { case Subscript.Del: if (mrefs.delslice == 0) { mrefs.delslice = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__delslice__", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.delslice); return null; case Subscript.Load: if (mrefs.getslice == 0) { mrefs.getslice = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__getslice__", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.getslice); return null; case Subscript.Store: code.aload(temporary); if (mrefs.setslice == 0) { mrefs.setslice = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__setslice__", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.setslice); return null; } return null; } public int getitem, delitem, setitem; public Object visitSubscript(Subscript node) throws Exception { if (node.slice instanceof Slice) { return Slice(node, (Slice) node.slice); } int ctx = node.ctx; if (node.ctx == node.AugStore && augmode == node.Store) { restoreAugTmps(node, 2); ctx = node.Store; } else { visit(node.value); visit(node.slice); if (node.ctx == node.AugStore && augmode == node.Load) { saveAugTmps(node, 2); ctx = node.Load; } } switch (ctx) { case Subscript.Del: if (mrefs.delitem == 0) { mrefs.delitem = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__delitem__", "(" + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.delitem); return null; case Subscript.Load: if (mrefs.getitem == 0) { mrefs.getitem = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__getitem__", "(" + $pyObj + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.getitem); return null; case Subscript.Store: code.aload(temporary); if (mrefs.setitem == 0) { mrefs.setitem = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__setitem__", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.setitem); return null; } return null; } public Object visitIndex(Index node) throws Exception { traverse(node); return null; } public Object visitExtSlice(ExtSlice node) throws Exception { code.new_(code.pool.Class("org/python/core/PyTuple")); code.dup(); makeArray(node.dims); if (mrefs.PyTuple_init == 0) { mrefs.PyTuple_init = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyTuple", "", "(" + $pyObjArr + ")V"); } code.invokespecial(mrefs.PyTuple_init); return null; } public int getattr, delattr, setattr; public Object visitAttribute(Attribute node) throws Exception { int ctx = node.ctx; if (node.ctx == node.AugStore && augmode == node.Store) { restoreAugTmps(node, 2); ctx = node.Store; } else { visit(node.value); code.ldc(getName(node.attr)); if (node.ctx == node.AugStore && augmode == node.Load) { saveAugTmps(node, 2); ctx = node.Load; } } switch (ctx) { case Attribute.Del: if (mrefs.delattr == 0) { mrefs.delattr = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__delattr__", "(" + $str + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.delattr); return null; case Attribute.Load: if (mrefs.getattr == 0) { mrefs.getattr = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__getattr__", "(" + $str + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.getattr); return null; case Attribute.Store: code.aload(temporary); if (mrefs.setattr == 0) { mrefs.setattr = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__setattr__", "(" + $str + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.setattr); return null; } return null; } public int getitem2, unpackSequence; public Object seqSet(exprType[] nodes) throws Exception { if (mrefs.unpackSequence == 0) { mrefs.unpackSequence = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "unpackSequence", "(" + $pyObj + "I)" + $pyObjArr); } code.aload(temporary); code.iconst(nodes.length); code.invokestatic(mrefs.unpackSequence); int tmp = code.getLocal("[org/python/core/PyObject"); code.astore(tmp); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { code.aload(tmp); code.iconst(i); code.aaload(); set(nodes[i]); } code.freeLocal(tmp); return null; } public Object seqDel(exprType[] nodes) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { visit(nodes[i]); } return null; } public int PyTuple_init, PyList_init, PyDictionary_init; public Object visitTuple(Tuple node) throws Exception { /* if (mode ==AUGSET) throw new ParseException( "augmented assign to tuple not possible", node); */ if (node.ctx == node.Store) return seqSet(node.elts); if (node.ctx == node.Del) return seqDel(node.elts); code.new_(code.pool.Class("org/python/core/PyTuple")); code.dup(); makeArray(node.elts); if (mrefs.PyTuple_init == 0) { mrefs.PyTuple_init = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyTuple", "", "(" + $pyObjArr + ")V"); } code.invokespecial(mrefs.PyTuple_init); return null; } /* public Object fplist(SimpleNode node) throws Exception { if (mode == SET) return seqSet(node); throw new ParseException("in fplist node", node); } */ public Object visitList(List node) throws Exception { /* if (mode ==AUGSET) throw new ParseException( "augmented assign to list not possible", node); */ if (node.ctx == node.Store) return seqSet(node.elts); if (node.ctx == node.Del) return seqDel(node.elts); code.new_(code.pool.Class("org/python/core/PyList")); code.dup(); makeArray(node.elts); if (mrefs.PyList_init == 0) { mrefs.PyList_init = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyList", "", "(" + $pyObjArr + ")V"); } code.invokespecial(mrefs.PyList_init); return null; } int list_comprehension_count = 0; public int PyList_init2; public Object visitListComp(ListComp node) throws Exception { code.new_(code.pool.Class("org/python/core/PyList")); code.dup(); if (mrefs.PyList_init2 == 0) { mrefs.PyList_init2 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyList", "", "()V"); } code.invokespecial(mrefs.PyList_init2); code.dup(); code.ldc("append"); if (mrefs.getattr == 0) { mrefs.getattr = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyObject", "__getattr__", "(" + $str + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.getattr); String tmp_append = "_[" + (++list_comprehension_count) + "]"; set(new Name(tmp_append, Name.Store, node)); stmtType n = new Expr(new Call(new Name(tmp_append, Name.Load, node), new exprType[] { node.elt }, new keywordType[0], null, null, node), node); for (int i = node.generators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { listcompType lc = node.generators[i]; for (int j = lc.ifs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { n = new If(lc.ifs[j], new stmtType[] { n }, null, lc.ifs[j]); } n = new For(lc.target, lc.iter, new stmtType[] { n }, null, lc); } visit(n); visit(new Delete(new exprType[] { new Name(tmp_append, Name.Del) })); return null; } public Object visitDict(Dict node) throws Exception { code.new_(code.pool.Class("org/python/core/PyDictionary")); code.dup(); SimpleNode[] elts = new SimpleNode[node.keys.length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < node.keys.length; i++) { elts[i * 2] = node.keys[i]; elts[i * 2 + 1] = node.values[i]; } makeArray(elts); if (mrefs.PyDictionary_init == 0) { mrefs.PyDictionary_init = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyDictionary", "", "(" + $pyObjArr + ")V"); } code.invokespecial(mrefs.PyDictionary_init); return null; } public Object visitRepr(Repr node) throws Exception { visit(node.value); code.invokevirtual("org/python/core/PyObject", "__repr__", "()" + $pyStr); return null; } public int PyFunction_init1,PyFunction_closure_init1; public Object visitLambda(Lambda node) throws Exception { String name = ""; //Add a return node onto the outside of suite; modType retSuite = new Suite(new stmtType[] { new Return(node.body, node) }, node); setline(node); code.new_(code.pool.Class("org/python/core/PyFunction")); code.dup(); loadFrame(); if (mrefs.f_globals == 0) { mrefs.f_globals = code.pool.Fieldref("org/python/core/PyFrame", "f_globals", $pyObj); } code.getfield(mrefs.f_globals); ScopeInfo scope = module.getScopeInfo(node); makeArray(scope.ac.getDefaults()); scope.setup_closure(my_scope); scope.dump(); module.PyCode(retSuite, name, true, className, false, false, node.beginLine, scope).get(code); Vector freenames = scope.freevars; if (!makeClosure(freenames)) { if (mrefs.PyFunction_init1 == 0) { mrefs.PyFunction_init1 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFunction", "", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObjArr + $pyCode + ")V"); } code.invokespecial(mrefs.PyFunction_init1); } else { if (mrefs.PyFunction_closure_init1 == 0) { mrefs.PyFunction_closure_init1 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFunction", "", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObjArr + $pyCode + $pyObjArr + ")V"); } code.invokespecial(mrefs.PyFunction_closure_init1); } return null; } public int Ellipsis; public Object visitEllipsis(Ellipsis node) throws Exception { if (mrefs.Ellipsis == 0) { mrefs.Ellipsis = code.pool.Fieldref( "org/python/core/Py", "Ellipsis", "Lorg/python/core/PyObject;"); } code.getstatic(mrefs.Ellipsis); return null; } public int PySlice_init; public Object visitSlice(Slice node) throws Exception { code.new_(code.pool.Class("org/python/core/PySlice")); code.dup(); if (node.lower == null) getNone(); else visit(node.lower); if (node.upper == null) getNone(); else visit(node.upper); if (node.step == null) getNone(); else visit(node.step); if (mrefs.PySlice_init == 0) { mrefs.PySlice_init = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PySlice", "", "(" + $pyObj + $pyObj + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokespecial(mrefs.PySlice_init); return null; } public int makeClass,makeClass_closure; public Object visitClassDef(ClassDef node) throws Exception { setline(node); //Get class name String name = getName(node.name); //System.out.println("name: "+name); code.ldc(name); makeArray(node.bases); ScopeInfo scope = module.getScopeInfo(node); scope.setup_closure(my_scope); scope.dump(); //Make code object out of suite module.PyCode(new Suite(node.body, node), name, false, name, true, false, node.beginLine, scope).get(code); Vector freenames = scope.freevars; //Get doc string (if there) getDocString(node.body); //Make class out of name, bases, and code if (!makeClosure(freenames)) { if (mrefs.makeClass == 0) { mrefs.makeClass = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "makeClass", "(" + $str + $pyObjArr + $pyCode + $pyObj + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.makeClass); } else { if (mrefs.makeClass_closure == 0) { mrefs.makeClass_closure = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/Py", "makeClass", "(" + $str + $pyObjArr + $pyCode + $pyObj + $pyObjArr + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokestatic(mrefs.makeClass_closure); } //Assign this new class to the given name set(new Name(node.name, Name.Store, node)); return null; } public Object visitNum(Num node) throws Exception { if (node.n instanceof PyInteger) { module.PyInteger(((PyInteger) node.n).getValue()).get(code); } else if (node.n instanceof PyLong) { module.PyLong(((PyObject)node.n).__str__().toString()).get(code); } else if (node.n instanceof PyFloat) { module.PyFloat(((PyFloat) node.n).getValue()).get(code); } else if (node.n instanceof PyComplex) { module.PyComplex(((PyComplex) node.n).imag).get(code); } return null; } private String getName(String name) { if (className != null && name.startsWith("__") && !name.endsWith("__")) { //remove leading '_' from classname int i = 0; while (className.charAt(i) == '_') i++; return "_"+className.substring(i)+name; } return name; } int getglobal, getlocal1, getlocal2; int setglobal, setlocal1, setlocal2; int delglobal, dellocal1, dellocal2; int getderef,setderef; void emitGetGlobal(String name) throws Exception { code.ldc(name); if (mrefs.getglobal == 0) { mrefs.getglobal = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "getglobal", "(" + $str + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.getglobal); } public Object visitName(Name node) throws Exception { String name; if (fast_locals) name = node.id; else name = getName(node.id); SymInfo syminf = (SymInfo)tbl.get(name); int ctx = node.ctx; if (ctx == node.AugStore) { ctx = augmode; } switch (ctx) { case Name.Load: loadFrame(); if (syminf != null) { int flags = syminf.flags; if ((flags&ScopeInfo.GLOBAL) !=0 || optimizeGlobals&& (flags&(ScopeInfo.BOUND|ScopeInfo.CELL| ScopeInfo.FREE))==0) { emitGetGlobal(name); return null; } if (fast_locals) { if ((flags&ScopeInfo.CELL) != 0) { code.iconst(syminf.env_index); if (mrefs.getderef == 0) { mrefs.getderef = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "getderef", "(I)" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.getderef); return null; } if ((flags&ScopeInfo.BOUND) != 0) { code.iconst(syminf.locals_index); if (mrefs.getlocal2 == 0) { mrefs.getlocal2 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "getlocal", "(I)" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.getlocal2); return null; } } if ((flags&ScopeInfo.FREE) != 0 && (flags&ScopeInfo.BOUND) == 0) { code.iconst(syminf.env_index); if (mrefs.getderef == 0) { mrefs.getderef = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "getderef", "(I)" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.getderef); return null; } } code.ldc(name); if (mrefs.getlocal1 == 0) { mrefs.getlocal1 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "getname", "(" + $str + ")" + $pyObj); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.getlocal1); return null; case Name.Store: loadFrame(); if (syminf != null && (syminf.flags&ScopeInfo.GLOBAL) != 0) { code.ldc(name); code.aload(temporary); if (mrefs.setglobal == 0) { mrefs.setglobal = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "setglobal", "(" + $str + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.setglobal); } else { if (!fast_locals) { code.ldc(name); code.aload(temporary); if (mrefs.setlocal1 == 0) { mrefs.setlocal1 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "setlocal", "(" + $str + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.setlocal1); } else { if (syminf == null) { System.err.println("internal compiler error: "+node); } if ((syminf.flags&ScopeInfo.CELL) != 0) { code.iconst(syminf.env_index); code.aload(temporary); if (mrefs.setderef == 0) { mrefs.setderef = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "setderef", "(I" + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.setderef); } else { code.iconst(syminf.locals_index); code.aload(temporary); if (mrefs.setlocal2 == 0) { mrefs.setlocal2 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "setlocal", "(I" + $pyObj + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.setlocal2); } } } return null; case Name.Del: { loadFrame(); if (syminf != null && (syminf.flags&ScopeInfo.GLOBAL) != 0) { code.ldc(name); if (mrefs.delglobal == 0) { mrefs.delglobal = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "delglobal", "(" + $str + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.delglobal); } else { if (!fast_locals) { code.ldc(name); if (mrefs.dellocal1 == 0) { mrefs.dellocal1 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "dellocal", "(" + $str + ")V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.dellocal1); } else { if (syminf == null) { System.err.println("internal compiler error: "+node); } if ((syminf.flags&ScopeInfo.CELL) != 0) { module.error("can not delete variable '"+name+ "' referenced in nested scope",true,node); } code.iconst(syminf.locals_index); if (mrefs.dellocal2 == 0) { mrefs.dellocal2 = code.pool.Methodref( "org/python/core/PyFrame", "dellocal", "(I)V"); } code.invokevirtual(mrefs.dellocal2); } } return null; } } return null; } public Object visitStr(Str node) throws Exception { String s = node.s; if (s.length() > 32767) { throw new ParseException( "string constant too large (more than 32767 characters)", node); } module.PyString(s).get(code); return null; } protected Object unhandled_node(SimpleNode node) throws Exception { throw new Exception("Unhandled node " + node); } class InFinally { public int retLocal; public Label[] labels; public int cnt = 1; public InFinally(int labelcnt) { labels = new Label[labelcnt]; for (int i = 0; i < labelcnt; i++) { labels[i] = code.getLabel(); } } } }