#ifndef __COMPILE_DEFINES__ #define __COMPILE_DEFINES__ //defines indicating which features are in use #undef kUSE_MAGNETOMETER //include magnetometer attribute? 1596 bytes code, 55 bytes ram #define kQUERY_SHARING //allow query sharing #undef kFANCY_AGGS //use fancy aggregates #undef kEEPROM_ATTR //enable the EEPROM attribute -- uses about 3 kb of code #undef kCONTENT_ATTR //enable the contention attribute #undef kRAW_MIC_ATTRS // enable raw microphone or tone detector attributes #undef kLIFE_CMD #undef kSUPPORTS_EVENTS //about 3k of code, 100 bytes of ram for event based queries #define kSTATUS //200 bytes of code -- allow lists of running queries to be fetched over the UART #undef kUSE_BOMBILLA // #if !defined(PLATFORM_PC) #undef kMATCHBOX //enabled logging to EEPROM, 20k code, 489 bytes RAM #undef kUART_DEBUGGER //allow output to a UART debugger, 556 bytes code, 20 bytes ram //#undef kUSE_BOMBILLA #endif #ifndef NETWORK_MODULE #define NETWORK_MODULE NetworkC #endif /* RAM CODE MAG 55 1596 SHARING AGGS EEPROM ~3k UART 20 556 EVENTS 100 ~3k STATUS ~200 BOMBILLA 1555 ~18k */ //other things we should support // o disabling of EEPROM file system // o disabling of some commands? // o disabling of logging ? #endif