Major changes in the shtoom suite. In reverse chronological order. 0.3: - doug statemachine change: a state can return a deferred. Events during this deferred are queued up to be triggered after the deferred is finished. - refactoring the call setup code to suck much less - Universal Plug n Play support. This works with Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing and many off-the-shelf firewalls. - Much better STUN support. - Handle Record-Route in a simplistic way. - address book support (CW) - textui's logging is saner - shtoomphone got a --logfile option - another playout algorithm, with a better buffering strategy (CW) - native ALSA support (Casper Wilstrup) - doug's connectLegs() primitive now works, and connects an inbound and an outbound leg together. - doug has had most of the voiceapp body moved out to the Leg object, where it belongs. - scripts/ now takes an optional codec argument, e.g. PT_GSM, PT_SPEEX. The audio will be roundtripped through that codec. Good for testing. - Support for the speex codec added. This requires an optional install - David McNab's pySpeex package. - Audio interfaces have been refactored to be a little more sane. - A simple playout buffer has been created. This should hopefully help with the creeping delay problem. - massive changes to RTP and SDP handling, to fix a lot of the ugliness under the hood. Amongst other things, we now handle dynamic payload types correctly. Plus, we can do more intelligent things with the RTP we receive. Finally, it sucks much, much less. - even under ALSA, some audio devices used by ossaudiodev can only do stereo. Handle these broken/idiotic/annoying drivers. - -p0 means 'listen on any random port', not 'default port'. Useful for clients where you don't care about the port (for instance, if you're running many many clients from the command line) - shtam, shecho and shmessage have been rewritten as doug applications. shtam now sends the voicemail as an email when it's collected. The old* modules have been removed from the codebase. - OSX audio hooked up, using audio code from Donovan Preston. - the main phone application is now called shtoomphone. Too many import horrors with 'import shtoom' getting the script, rather than the package in site-packages. - A simple tftp client is checked in - Scripts now live in the 'scripts' directory - The Gtk UI now has an debug log. You can hide and reveal it by clicking on the '+' button. - The Gtk UI now has a preferences dialog. - A conference server is in. There's a script 'shtoomcu' that will run it. More work to be done, including enter/leave sounds and the like. - There's a new test harness for testing the phone's inbound and outbound call. See DEBUGGING.txt for more. - There's now some rough code in doug for detecting inband DTMF (aka the little beepy noises). Thank you _very_ much cisco for not generating oob dtmf events. - doug can detect DTMF, play, record, and make outbound calls - wx UI is now in a separate thread to the twisted event loop - Large amounts of refactoring to call control to make it unit testable. - Doug: Call setup in doug is now a two-stage process - a CallStarted event is triggered first, the application then calls 'answerCall' or 'rejectCall' on the leg in the event. A CallAnswered event then follows when the call is setup. - After prodding from Jamey Hicks, I've reworked the handling of the from: and to: lines in SIP, so that we can keep a dialog up correctly. This has been extended so that BYE also works. We can now handle calls both to and from a cisco running IOS 12.3, from setup through to teardown. - Outbound proxy support is done (thanks to Jamey Hicks) - RTCP decoding is done. RTCP encoding is mostly done. As yet, nothing uses the decoded packets or generates RTCP packets, but it's nice to see what you're being sent. Firewall issues mean that it's unlikely that two-way RTCP comms will work. - doug is alive. - DTMF sending is hooked up, and works in the tk, qt and gnome UIs DTMF sending works when talking to Doug and also talking to ciscos. Right now, though, there's a hardcoded assumption that it's RTP PT 101. This will be fixed before 0.3 - A major refactoring of SIP internals and the handling of local and remote addresses mean it should be a bit saner and easier to understand. - A wxWidgets UI was checked in. Thanks to Andy Hird for writing this. - The fastaudio driver, used on windows, received some TLC and should work on a lot more systems. - The return of RTP's ConnectedDatagramProtocol, after it was removed from the 0.2 release. This means that if a remote machine abruptly "goes away", we don't keep spamming them with RTP packets for the rest of time. - A major refactoring of the use of deferreds mean that things actually work a lot more sanely. I'm chaining deferreds and using them to return data in a more orderly fashion. 0.2: - RTP now uses a ConnectedDatagramProtocol. This allows for the detection of the other end going away abruptly. Still needs more testing for random weirdness. This change was backed out for 0.2, but will be in 0.3. - GSM codec works. (Needs optional pygsm package installed). - gnome UI cleanup, tk UI cleanup - New 'Register' button to register (after you edit registration settings). - You can hang up a call that's in progress or failed - Additional (non-phone) applications available - shmessage, shtam - Tk interface more featureful - has most of the same stuff as the Qt interface. - DTMF detection in the non-phone apps. They don't do anything with it yet, but the hooks are there. - Works against XTen now. Slight mistake in RTP headers. Oh well. - Auth against old/broken servers that send challenges without a qop header (for instance, Asterisk) works. - Can now prompt for user and password when needed (Tk only, for now) - Options now supports short options - suppress the config file being used with --no-config-file - Config file (.shtoomrc) added. This will save off any command line arguments that are supplied, as well as any set via the preferences dialog. - Preferences dialog added (to Tk and Qt only, so far) - Many bugfixes to the SIP handling code. Placing and receiving calls via a proxy now works. - Digest Auth support is done. This authenticates both INVITE and REGISTRATIONs. At the moment the auth has to be supplied via a preference - this will be fixed, soon. - SIP REGISTRATION is done - this allows you to register with a SIP Proxy (for instance, - The 'guts' of Shtoom are now in - the new Application object controls most of the behaviour of the phone. It creates SIP, RTP and UI objects and handles the communication between them. - Major refactoring of the UI selection code - UPnP discovery is working, but not hooked up (not much point until the UPnP-using code is done). 0.1: RELEASED 2004-01-11. - Initial basic calling UI done, for Tk, Gnome, Qt/KDE and command line - Audio using either ossaudiodev or portaudio/fastaudio - Can make and receive calls - Supports firewall traversal via STUN - Uses either PCMU (8KHz ULAW, default) or GSM 06.10 (if optional pygsm module is installed).