The following people have contributed to shtoom. Thanks to all concerned! Anyone I've missed, I apologise. It's not a sign of disrespect, merely that I'm forgetful - please feel free to remind me. Amir Bakhtiar - much patient debugging, hosting for the project, advice Jp Calderone - LoopingCall, debugging, bug fixes Johan Dahlin - much Gtk/Gnome clue Adrien Di Mascio - bug fixes David Ferlier - doug statemachine work Phil Frost - bug fixes Dafydd Harries - patches Travis Hartwell - improvements to the Gtk/Gnome UI James Henstridge - Much Gtk/Gnome clue Andy Hird - wx UI, bug fixes Jamey Hicks - many contributions, see the CHANGES file Albert Huang - debugging of stereo devices Lars Immisch - bug fixes, DirectSound Bob Ippolito - CocoaAudio, CocoaShtoom Glyph Lefkowitz - debugging Zooko O'Whielacronx - bug fixes, code Donovan Preston - CocoaAudio, CocoaShtoom, code Allen Short - debugging, advice, maintenance of the hosting Itamar Shtull-Trauring - original Gtk UI, many bugfixes Casper Wilstrup - ALSA interface, new playout code, bugfixes Moshe Zadka - numarray advice (dtmf detection)