Some of the code in this folder is Copyrighted by Palm Computing, Inc. or its subsidiaries. (All rights reserved.) The majority of the files were (at least) modified (if not created) by Michael Kirschman. The creator ID "J4AO" is registered to Michael Kirschman. Notes for use: GNoteT is required for operation of the conduit. The Conduit Development Kit (CDK) for Java must be installed to run this conduit. (For more information on the Java CDK, go to Also, the conduit must be registered with the Hotsync Manager. (A formal installation program is yet to be developed.) The classpath should include the path that contains the gnt folder and the path up to (and including) the MySQL JDBC driver jar file. MySQL should be installed with a user who can query the "gnotet" database whose userid is "dummy@localhost" and whose password is "gnotet". The database should contain a table called "replacement" which has at least 2 columns: "item" (the replacee) and "value" (the replacer.) Also, MySQL needs to be running before the Conduit is run.